Got some strange letter from an american who dont like Europe and soccer..

h00dlum said:
Like most Americans I have no use for Europe, especially since we built such
a swell version of it at Epcot,

Epcot missed out half of Europe, not to mention the Czech Republic ;(
not everyone in america is from britain. the spanish colonized the west coast mainly (california etc), and the british/french colonized the east coast. so although the main bulk of the population is british in heritage, a lot of them are just europeans. NB: i typed that from memory so please forgive me if there are any glaring ommisions, and please ammend.

as for this guy...i didn't laugh really. if he's just writing satire, then fine. if this guy is for real....well :|

that did upset me a bit because there really are people like that in the world. it's just the wrong attitude to have. i really dislike the idea of someone not giving a crap about anything outside their own borders...that's a really self-destructive thing to do, and not a lot of people realise that.

but then again i could be taking this too seriously, but that's just because i've been brought up in cynical old europe..
threads like these are flamebait to begin with. look how much stereotyping and prejudice exists in this thread already. bad idea.

an american could get some letter from some wacked out european and do the same thing. but he doesn't because its utterly pointless and only promotes stereotyping..
That was hilarious, people are taking it too seriously.
Dedalus said:
not everyone in america is from britain. the spanish colonized the west coast mainly (california etc), and the british/french colonized the east coast. so although the main bulk of the population is british in heritage, a lot of them are just europeans. NB: i typed that from memory so please forgive me if there are any glaring ommisions, and please ammend.

as for this guy...i didn't laugh really. if he's just writing satire, then fine. if this guy is for real....well :|

that did upset me a bit because there really are people like that in the world. it's just the wrong attitude to have. i really dislike the idea of someone not giving a crap about anything outside their own borders...that's a really self-destructive thing to do, and not a lot of people realise that.

but then again i could be taking this too seriously, but that's just because i've been brought up in cynical old europe..

Man thanks for using honesty with some intellect, this is about the best post that is going to come out of this thread, me thinks. A couple billion more people like you and the world would be a better place.
lol we're changing the subject from that psycho letter to americans vs british. well, ive wanted to get it out my system for so long now, i cant hold back.

and not giving a crap about whats happening outside their own borders is, i have to say, typical american really. i guarantee, and have experienced, that many americans didnt even know where iraq was before bush put his finger on his spinning globe, and said 'lets bomb that one today'. god i wish HE was shot...

that letter is just ****** up anyway. like Dedalus said, if he's for reall...omg.
Pureball said:
lol we're changing the subject from that psycho letter to americans vs british. well, ive wanted to get it out my system for so long now, i cant hold back.

and not giving a crap about whats happening outside their own borders is, i have to say, typical american really. i guarantee, and have experienced, that many americans didnt even know where iraq was before bush put his finger on his spinning globe, and said 'lets bomb that one today'. god i wish HE was shot...

that letter is just ****** up anyway. like Dedalus said, if he's for reall...omg.
I'm not surprised. And I'm also not surprised by your stereotypes.
Dedalus said:
not everyone in america is from britain. the spanish colonized the west coast mainly (california etc), and the british/french colonized the east coast. so although the main bulk of the population is british in heritage, a lot of them are just europeans. NB: i typed that from memory so please forgive me if there are any glaring ommisions, and please ammend.

But compared to the population, Ireland send the most immigrants, followed by Norway, UK and Sweden.
I'm not going to attempt to prove to you that Americans are not like you believe.

If that is how you think, then it is your prerogative.
Pureball said:
htf is that stereotype??? truth is truth.

Hmmm. Well that is quite blatantly stereotyping - Don't assume all Americans are the same, or as quite as ignorant as whoever that bloke was who wrote that letter (joke or no joke). I don't mean to side the "bloody yanks" as we often say - but it really isn't clever judging the entire population of the USA on the actions of some twat.
but a high segment of irish immigrants go to england. norway, uk and sweden are correct though.
Pureball said:
htf is that stereotype??? truth is truth.

and many europeans don't know where iraq is on the map. so what? how does it benefit them knowing where iraq is on the map? oh i know, someones robbing a bank, puts a gun to your head and says:

'listen, im going to show you a map, and you are going to tell me where iraq is on it. if you don't i will kill you and all the hostages here'

at least pick something relevant to stereotype americans about.
ahahahahaha. no i meant that americans know either a little amount or nothing about other countries for some reason. ive been to florida and new york, and found that both places' residents are just...a bit thick in terms of geographical knowledge (ie dont know about anything outside they're own borders)
Pureball said:
ahahahahaha. no i meant that americans know either a little amount or nothing about other countries for some reason. ive been to florida and new york, and found that both places' residents are just...a bit thick in terms of geographical knowledge (ie dont know about anything outside they're own borders)
Well I live in the US and I happen to know about a lot of stuff outside of the US borders.
Pureball said:
ahahahahaha. no i meant that americans know either a little amount or nothing about other countries for some reason. ive been to florida and new york, and found that both places' residents are just...a bit thick in terms of geographical knowledge (ie dont know about anything outside they're own borders)

Nor the geography their own country; a swedish 12 year-old knows USA's geography better than an american 12 year old.

Just statics, it doesn't cover every single person.
@ poseyjmac: You do realise that I was referring to farrows comment about the oxen, right?
And that it was a joke?
Pureball said:
ahahahahaha. no i meant that americans know either a little amount or nothing about other countries for some reason. ive been to florida and new york, and found that both places' residents are just...a bit thick in terms of geographical knowledge (ie dont know about anything outside they're own borders)

so you come to america so you can walk the streets asking americans world geography trivia?
how come no one hates canadians! we feel left out ;)
neptuneuk said:
just remember, you 'mericans used to be tea-sipping do-gooders a few hundred years ago :p
We're a mix of outcasts from all around the world... sort of like how Australia initially* served as a British penal colony, except we have more of a variety.

* That is... if, as with the "discovery" of America, you ignore the people that were already there.

CptStern said:
how come no one hates canadians! we feel left out ;)
Don't worry, I hate Canadians (and by "Canadians" I mean that one annoying kid at my old high school).
Varg|Hund said:
@ poseyjmac: You do realise that I was referring to farrows comment about the oxen, right?
And that it was a joke?

all i saw was 'bloody generalizing americans'. if it was a joke, ok then. i can never tell who is sarcastic and who is sincere, beacuse of the variety we have on this forum.
yeah, the internet makes it kinda hard to detect stuff like that. I should probarly have added a smiley :p
Pureball said:
that letter is just ****** up anyway. like Dedalus said, if he's for reall...omg.

It's only ****ed up because it make fun of Brits right? Ha, and you want OTHER people to be shot.
CptStern said:
how come no one hates canadians! we feel left out ;)
[SARCASM]Damn you Canadians and your lumberjacks and maple leaves and other stuff I forgot![/SARCASM]
outpost233 said:
[SARCASM]Damn you Canadians and your lumberjacks and maple leaves and other stuff I forgot![/SARCASM]
... oh, and Canadian bacon.

Can we keep some of the comedians and still hate all that other crap?
outpost233 said:
[SARCASM]Damn you Canadians and your lumberjacks and maple leaves and other stuff I forgot![/SARCASM]

yay!!! we're hated! we really are!!!

dont forget maple syrup, poutine, touques and celine dion

especially celine dion, she's satan's gofer girl
SLH said:
He is far from an idiot, i found that email very funny. I don't think it was written to be taken seriously.

I agree. I laughed the whole way through. The funniest part was when he said there aren't any patrol boats of france picking up americans in rafts trying to sneak into France to start a better life.
Have you ever heard of sarcasm/humor. That letter was F'in hilarious. The Epcot line was classic, as was the estate part. Lighten up!
I hate the Quebecois, their seperatist attitude, and Bill 101.

Hope that makes you happier. :)
I thought it was kind of obvious it was a gag. It was hillarious, too- I couldn't stop laughing from "Soccer- socks.. I rest my case"
I thought it was kind of obvious it was a gag. It was hillarious, too- I couldn't stop laughing from "Soccer- socks.. I rest my case"

Hahahaha oh man I forgot about that one.
this guy is why people hate americans. i just hope, and i do believe, that the europeans who visit this site are logical enough to realise that were not all like that. just the ones you hear about that we hate just as much.
i don't think that was meant to be funny. he's an arrogant twat who probably cheats on his IRS form (taxes). i hope most europeans don't believe this tripe about americans. i love europe and its people, but i've been there. this dick i doubt has.
if you read anything else writen by the tshirt hell staff you will realize it all in good fun for the most part
neptuneuk said:
its true

not like its a thing to be ashamed of or anything,
just remember, you 'mericans used to be tea-sipping do-gooders a few hundred years ago :p
Untill we kicked some ass... ;) jkjk.