Government conspiracy

The only Kat hak sung in all of california happens to live in San Jose.

the same place as our forum member, who tells us he is called kat hak sung and lives in San Jose. gotta be him.


And even if it was him, this is news how? His address that people claim is his(and he confirms himself) has already been posted in many other places for all to see. You paid 3 bucks for that? Should have just asked the guy.
Kat Hak Sung? Cat Hat Sung? The Cat in the Hat sung a song about the tweedle beetles and their battle with paddles?
'Oh I'm a cat, with a hat, and there's nothing more than that, I'll ****ing kill you with a ****ing paddle! I'm so pimp, I'm so fly, I'll shoot you in the eyes, yes I'll kill you with a tweedle weedle paddle!'

There was no gin in my juice. None at all.
It's okay, folks, Grampa Kay just needs to come back up to bed *eases him up stairs*

In all seriousness, will Kathaksksgkkung ever come back now Solaris has rumbled him?

In all seriousness, will Kathaksksgkkung ever come back now Solaris has rumbled him?

As I've said, he's come back to other forums when that address was mention, and sometimes he's mentioned it himself.
You know, if this guy is serious, he could just be the single creepiest person on the Internets.
554. Payment Taiwan and cross deal (6/24/08)

Another payment for China's cooperation in framed case is Taiwan. Taiwan was ruled by Democratic Progressive Party - a party advocates to separate from Mainland China - for eight years until this May. D.P.P. couldn't get the control of Taiwan without the support of the US. An independent Taiwan is obviously an US interest. But it is a headache for China. China threatens to start a war if Taiwan dares to claim a formal independence.

So in the secret deal between US and China, Taiwan always is a chip. The former president of Taiwan - Chen Shuibian, became a murder target several times. (see #358, 367, 382. The life of the President of Taiwan as a payment (2/2/06), 383. The cross murder deal (2/7/06)).

Early this year, the deal to change Taiwan regime was reached. D.P.P. was humiliated by continuous scandal. It lost March election to the National Party - a party has never formally renounced a desire for eventual unification with China. New Taiwan president inaugurated on May 20. It coincident with the May plot.

On Jan 26, a news in Chinese Newspaper caught my eye. It said Senator of Hongkong - Mr. Wang Yihong failed in election to be the Representative of Hongkong to attend the People's Delegate Congress of China. It also hinted that Wang Yihong would lose his senator seat too in the coming legislative election. Wang Yihong is a cousin of my wife. He has been a chip in the secret deal before. (see 392. 12/2 plot to murder Mr. Wang Yi Hong (3/15/06)) So I realize another secret deal was done between China and US. What was the exchange? I got it two weeks later.

House Representative Tom Lantos died on Feb.11. Tom Lantos was the Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Know for his strong advocacy for human rights. Mercury News said, "After being diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus in late December, Lantos announced he would not seek re-election in his district."

Lantos, as a senior politician, must know the principle of the game. He knew he became a chip in the game and announced the retirement. He wished to save his life by retreating from the game. But deal was the deal. From diagnosed with cancer (late December) to his death (Feb 11), it took only six weeks - a rapid death - or a very efficient murder by Feds.

Lantos was referred as "anti-China Congressman" or "China black" by Chinese media. He was a stronghold of pro-Taiwan independence power. His death was a warning to that power and a procedure to the coming regime change of Taiwan government in May.

555. Olympic deal (6/29/08)

The secret deal between the secret police of the China and the US to frame a case was signed in April 2001 in the name to release the crew of a US spy-plane. For the first time I sensed Feds was framing a drug case against me. The negotiation to release the spy plane crew should be the business of Pentagon. How could the signatory and guarantor be agents of DEA and FBI? They guaranteed that media wouldn't report about a drug (likely heroin) smuggling from southwest China. (the source likely was from Burma) The payment was huge. The information said it was 40 billion. Later I realized it was a value equivalence - China was granted to be host of 2008 Olympic and the membership of WTO. Now we can see how big that payment is. After China becomes a member of WTO, its economy develops rapidly and today China is the third economic power of the world. The benefit is much more than 40 billion. Since that was a bad deal to US - it helps its rival country, China growing strong, both the directors of DEA and FBI announced resignation that month. (April 2001)

The action date of that first plot was 6/11/2001. Feds arranged it the execution day of McVeigh who was accused of OKC bombing. That was the first time I learned the tactic of Feds - they used to create a big event to distract the framed case. Since then from my story you can find how Feds follows this model. The latest one was the magnitude 8 earthquake in Sichuan China.

Hosting Olympic game is no doubt a big deal. Japan rose to be a big economic power in the world after it hosted the Olympic Game in 1960s. China wishes to be benefit in same way. In April, China started its Olympic torch parade abroad, hoped to be honored by world power glory. But it is too innocent. Instead of reputation, China was humiliated severely. The Olympic torch parade was protested everywhere in the world by human right group and pro-Tibet independence people, especially in Britain and France. At last, China had to shrink the parade and end it in a low profile.

Olympic chip is big. US won't let it go without some kickback. Now it is clear US want to have some payback at that deal: the influence on Sudan (important for its oil production), the independence of Tibet, the independence of Taiwan. Chen Shuibian - former Taiwan president who advocates Taiwan independence, had said that 2008 was the only big chance for Taiwan independence because China would host Olympic Games at that year. US has prepared everything to extort the Olympic deal. Only because China put Taiwan as its first priority and made a demand in later deals, Taiwan's independence was sacrificed. But China didn't expect there were other tricks. Thus we saw a big humiliation in Olympic torch parade. Olympic is in crisis. Celebrities refuse to attend the ceremony because China violates the humane rights. Athletes may boycott because of air pollution. To save the Game, there came the May 12 Sichuan earthquake. The date was well timed. Feds got a distract for its May 11 plot.

Feds tried to finish the case in May because thus there will be two months left for them to extort more from Olympic game. I think one is to demand China's support of Iran war.

And even if it was him, this is news how? His address that people claim is his(and he confirms himself) has already been posted in many other places for all to see. You paid 3 bucks for that? Should have just asked the guy.

he even posted a picture of himself:

If you're exposing the governments evil schemes why would you post your name and address, the Illuminati will easily find you.
556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)

People think the nuclear ambition of Iran is the reason for Iran war. That is only right on Israel's part. For US part, it is petro-dollar.

US dollar is appointed currency in oil trading. Because the oil trade is a huge business, a large amount of dollar is locked up in that trade. That money is called petro-dollar. Why it is so important to US? Because it acts as a long term none interest loan The prosperous US economy partly was based on the petro-dollar - a long term loan without interest. Let me depict it in this way:

US bought a house from Japan (whom represents the oil customers of Iran) for one million dollars. US also bought another house from France (whom represents other oil customers of OPEC) for one million dollars. Japan and France use these two million dollars as fund to buy oil. The money was used in oil trading circle and never back to US. US enjoys the two houses almost free. He doesn't have to pay monthly mortgage payment. Not a penny for interest, nor for principle. All the cost was the printing of a green back paper. However, that green back paper - petro dollar, is still a debit note. How long is it? So far it's more than forty years - since dollar became the appointed oil trade currency.

But suddenly, Iran refuses to accept dollar. Japan has to ask US to exchange that one million dollar into Euro or yen. What US can do is: 1. to get the dollar back by export more merchandise. But he is not able to. He has a trade deficit already. 2. To get the dollar back with gold or foreign currency reserve. But he hasn't that much reserve. 3. To lock up that extra one million dollar in US Bond by raising the interest rate to attract the buyer. But he unwilling to do it. There is a sub-prime crisis in real estate market. Any interest increase will further devalue the house. Feds holds a large amount of real estates in my case, they don't allow such thing to happen. So to solve the problem, they go to the fourth option. 4. By pushing up the oil price.

France (other oil consumption countries) keeps one million dollar as oil trading fund. How much does he need if the oil price doubled? Two million. Thus the one million dollar Japan abandoned is absorbed by France. That's why the oil price jumped like crazy in recent days - a tricky way to keep US dollar from collapsing.

US has to pay for high oil price too. Ordinary people bear the cost. But the high oil price will hurt the economy. The condition won't last long. So war on Iran is unavoidable.

Of course, US is a "democratic" country. It can't start a war because others refusing to use its currency. Then beware of another 911 style false flag attack.

We know there was an incident of live nuclear head weapons being carried over the continental US by a B-52 last August. There is attempt of dirty bomb attack in Houston this year.
Quote, "State of Emergency: The US in the Final Six Months of the George W. Bush Administration
by Lewis Seiler and Dan Hamburg
June 13, 2008 by
Former National Security Agency analyst and naval intelligence officer Wayne Madsen has been in Houston investigating the Carnaby case at great personal risk. Madsen believes Carnaby was involved both in heading off a potential war with Iran (by leaking Mossad plans to assassinate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah just days before Carnaby himself was killed) and in trying to forestall a potential terrorist attack on the port.
According to Madsen, “federal agents in Houston fear that ‘another 9/11-type part false flag’ attack is imminent, perhaps as early as July 4.”.......

Another time factor for Iran war is the Olympic Game in August. China has interest in Iran. He is an oil customer of Iran. Olympic Game could be an extortion chip for China's support in Iran war.

557. The development of Iran affair (7/9/08)

On 6/30 and 7/1, State Secretary Condoleezza Rice had a lightening visit to China. So I knew there was a new secret deal signed by China and US secret police. There was a quick result of that deal: On 7/3, White House announced that Bush would attend the opening ceremony of Olympic in Beijing. Other world leaders, such like Merkel of Germany and Gordon Brown of Britain, are skipping the opening ceremony to protest China's violation on human rights in Tibet and Sudan.

The main purpose of the secret deal is to continue to frame a drug case. Does it include that China will support Iran war?

Quietly, US is preparing for another Mid-east war.

Quote, "Iran War Resolution May Be Passed Next Week
June 23, 2008 by Eric Garris
Introduced less than a month ago, Resolution 362 <>, also known as the Iran War Resolution, could be passed by the House as early as next week.
The bill is the chief legislative priority of AIPAC. On its Web site, AIPAC endorses the resolutions as a way to ”Stop Iran’s Nuclear Program” <> and tells readers to lobby Congress to pass the bill. In the Senate, a sister resolution, Resolution 580 <>, has gained co-sponsors with similar speed. The Senate measure was introduced by Indiana Democrat Evan Bayh on June 2. It has since gained 19 co-sponsors.
The bill’s key section “demands that the president initiate an international effort to immediately and dramatically increase the economic, political, and diplomatic pressure on Iran to verifiably suspend its nuclear enrichment activities by, inter alia, prohibiting the export to Iran of all refined petroleum products; imposing stringent inspection requirements on all persons, vehicles, ships, planes, trains, and cargo entering or departing Iran; and prohibiting the international movement of all Iranian officials not involved in negotiating the suspension of Iran’s nuclear program.”

Iran surely has felt the approaching danger and made a response on July 4th.

Quote, "Iran responds to nuclear package
Friday, July 04, 2008
Iran has responded to a packages of incentives offered by six world powers aimed at resolving a standoff over its disputed nuclear ambitions, according to the official IRNA news agency.

Iran's constructive preliminary response is positive. But it's a dismay to warmonger. They lose an important excuse to start a war. It disturbs their war schedule. So US media treat the news with a low key and drop the news in the corner. However, the market reaction is inspiring. From 7/5 to 7/8, the oil price dropped for four days from $145 to $136 a barrel. .
He's from Chinese Intelligence. Obviously they are strapped for cash, and have to resort to rumour-mongering.
558. D.A.'s discipline case and hiding evidence (7/9/08)

On 5/11, I returned the hundred notes to my relatives when they visited me. They later changed them into small notes for me. I posted "547. Plant "drug money" (5/17)" on 5/17. Two days later, there was a news in "San Jose Mercury" that caught my eye. Topic "Field/ Prosecutor faces rare hearing". It was a rare story to discipline a D.A..

Field is a D.A. of Santa Clara County. He is accused of disobeying court orders, hiding the location of an exculpatory witness and abusing his authority in three other cases. Field was alleged that "he intentionally withheld Smith's whereabouts from the rape defendant's lawyer because he feared it would hurt his own case. When Smith was eventually located, he provided information that helped lead to dismissal of the rape charge." (San Jose Mercury, 5/24/08)

In another word, he hid evidence to frame a case. Then I think of the "drug money". I allege Feds has planted the "drug money" on me through the hands of my relatives. They knew it is a framed case, the "drug money" was not from the "drug trading". But they hide the truth at the purpose to eliminate a witness whom will endanger their criminal kingdom. They don't care to disciple a D.A. as a scapegoat in the wrong doing so long as to eliminate a target of their most wanted.

Was Field the one who gave Feds the legal advice to the framed case on me? If the case broke off, they can add another offence under the Field's name, that is convenient. What Field may get is disciplined from practicing of attorney. Or his case is just used as a cover up story to influence the public's mind that such kind of wrong doing is popular practice? What I realized is that Feds now let local D.A. office and D.E.A. do the "drug money" planting case.

On 6/12, there was another news about Field. "Prosecutor's legal woes worsen in new finding". It says "Field acted in a "deceptive and reprehensible manner" by revealing information to the jury in violation of the trial judge's order in that case." (San Jose Mercury, by Leslie Griffy, 6/12/08) New finding will drag on the disciplinary case. What I realized is that Feds will still use "drug money" to frame the case. That means they don't limit "drug money" on hundred note. They extend it to small notes.

Really, two days later, on 6/15, (it was father's day), my relatives came again and took me for another big shopping spree. Anyhow, I don't want to add another offence on Field's discipline case.
I don't touch the money my relatives gave me, even they are small notes. I believe they were from Feds. And in super markets, I found I was heavily surrounded by agents, they disguised as clients and store employees. They made that shopping day a big action day.

Not only the Field's discipline case and heavy surveillance alarmed me, also there is another news reminding me Feds is continuing to frame a case on "drug money".

559. Plan to murder in the name of "Bank robbery" (7/19/08)

On 5/11, Feds arranged a big shopping spree day for me at the purpose that I would spend the "drug money". I didn't. On the contrary, I returned the 100 dollar bill to my relatives, they later change the big bill into small notes for me.

On 5/17, I wrote, "547. Plant "drug money" (5/17) ".

On 5/20, the Mercury News reported a D.A.'s discipline case. It was about a D.A. who deliberately hid the evidence to frame a case. I think it was used to justify the framed case on me. I am under 24/7 surveillance. Feds must have reported that I have no job and no income. It is truth. But they must have hid the fact I was aided by my relatives. As a matter of fact, the money must be from the Feds and given to me through the hands of my relatives. Eager to eliminate a witness of their crime, Feds will do anything in their desperation.

Then on 5/23, a man was shot in the head after banking. He died 10 days later. The shooting robbery, I think, was organized by Feds at the purpose to justify a coming murder in the name of bank robbery. When I refuse to use the money from the Feds but go to withdraw the cash from my bank account, they will shoot me in a planned "bank robbery".

The news repeated 10 days later. "The man shot in the head in May robbery dies". And on next day: "A bank is offering a $10,000 reward for information on the death of a customer who was shot and killed outside a San Jose branch office." (Mercury News, 6/6/08) I allege the murder was done by Feds. Killing is unnecessary in bank robbery, let alone to shoot in the head. It was a deliberate "shoot to kill". Feds need a death to cover up another coming "shoot to kill" death.

To create similar incidents to cover up the main plot is a tactic Feds often used. So the main plot would not be so prominent. It is a kind of pre-distraction. Here are two cases I've talked about.
1. In the first secret deal of 2001, the action date was 6/11/01, (marked by the execution of McVeigh.) Feds also planned to murder my nephew - a student of Stanford University.(In the name of racial shooting death.) The pre-distraction operation was to create a random shooting death of another Asian student. She was shot in the head outside Stanford University on 6/10/01. See detail at "63. A well planed frame case".
2. In the January plot of 2007, in which my daughter was a target too. Feds created "May Zhou's suicide". A pre-distraction to a planned murder on my daughter.(In the name of "suicide", I allege.) See detail in "467. Attempt to murder my daughter (2/15/07)".

On 6/15, Feds arranged another big shopping spree day for me. Two days before 6/15, they repeated their tactic by pre-distract mind influence:
1. Re-fresh D.A. Field's discipline case. Quote, "Prosecutor's legal woes worsen in new finding". (Mercury News, 6/12/08)
2. Quote, "(Milpitas) Serial bank robber strikes for 12th time". "FBI officials say a serial bank robber who has hit banks in Fremont, Union City, Milpitas and Livermore held up the Commercial Bank on South Park Victoria Drive in Milpitas on Tuesday. (One of my two bank accounts happened to be on that Drive too)......Anyone with information about these incidents is asked to call the FBI at (415)553-7400". (Mercury News, 6/13/08)

The tactic of Feds is very clear. Force me to use the "drug money" they planted and make an arrest. If I don't do in their way and withdraw money from the bank, then they planned a "shoot to death" for me. Of course people are asked to call FBI if they have information. What people don't know is the crime may have been planned by the hand works in same office they are requested to call in. That's why the serial robber could strike on and on. Just like Osama Bin Laden could issue terror warning from time to time and never been captured. Because they work for the interest of the Feds.
560. Distraction - wildfire (7/24/08)

Feds used to arrange a big event - a war, a disaster such like hurricane Katrina; big earthquake like Sichuan 8 magnitude quake; a pandemic such like SARS or bird flu; or a killing such like Virginia Tech shooting - to divert public notice. In recent "drug money" frame case, the distraction is wildfire.

On 5/23, Mercury News warned, "Preparation paying off for Cal Fire". "Fire / Unreasonably early wildfire" which said ""This is way early," said Saratoga Fire Capt. Bil Morrison. "Usually we expect this in September or October."". The unreasonably fire start off first in area nearby San Jose. It used to be contained within days. Then new wildfire was found somewhere else. It continued for two months.

At first, suspicion came with these fires. On 5/31, in Mercury News, there was an article, "Permits to burn: Are they too risky". The largest fire in Santa Cruz county in a century was alleged caused by deliberately debris burning. On 6/15, "Officials seek man in Bonny Doon Blaze" which said, "California Department of Forestry and Fire protection officials released a sketch of a clean-cut man with a nearly shaved head. Investigators believe the man may know something about how the fire started.". On 6/21, "Blaze destroys 15 buildings, may have been set intentionally" said, "callers notified emergency dispatchers about 2 p.m. of a motorist setting spot fires at four or five areas along the highway."

This news may well explained the cause of the wildfire. What callers might not see was there were probably more spot fires set by the motorist(s). One month later, the news became, "Since a huge lightening storm on June 21, about 2,010 separate fires have ignited across California."("Bush visits California to survey wildfires", Mercury News, 7/18/08)

Briefing news on 7/18 and 7/19 said that 98% of state's fires extinguished. Only at this time, I knew how big this distraction was. News said 25,000 firefighters from other 41 states, and from Canada, Greece, Australia, New Zeland and Mexico have been working to combat the fires. Schwarzenegger said 80% of the US fire resources for fire fighting are deployed in California. I dare to say this was the biggest operation of fire fighting ever have happened in the world. Yet, have you noticed it a bit? The government, the media covered it up so tightly that only at the last moment, we got it by a few words in briefing news. They finished it in a very low profile. Because a framed "drug money" case didn't happen to their plan.

I think if I spent the "drug money", there would be a series of arrest and deaths in detain. At same time, a biggest than ever fire would developed. Thousands of families would lose their home. Hundred of thousands of people would be mandatary evacuated. People in the world would watch the blame and smoke and heroic firefighters in TV news. Nobody would notice a few drug arrest and mystical death. Or it simply is left alone by media. Several weeks later, nobody notice some murder had happened. On 6/29, in first page of the Mercury News, there was a big color map of San Jose. The city is surrounded by orange and red color suburban area. (the color represents fire hazards is high and very high) The big topic is: "Is your home in danger?". That is typical pre-mind occupation intimidation. A preparation for the coming big fire on San Jose.

In Mother's day, (5/11) Feds arranged a big shopping spree for me and prepared a big earthquake (Sichuan quake) next day (5/12) to distract. It failed. Feds expected I would spent the small notes they planted through my relatives anytime later. What distract they prepared this time? An unreasonable early wild fire caused by deliberately debris burning, to arson which finally was replaced by "natural cause"(lightening), it continued for two months. On 7/9, I posted "558. D.A.'s discipline case and hiding evidence (7/9/08)" revealed the small drug notes plot. The case went soured. Until then I learned Feds had prepared a biggest then ever wild fire and an unprecedented troops of 25,000 firefighters. The great plan ends like a mouse' tail. What a sorrow. Or how fortunate are those people who would otherwise lose their homes or even their lives.

561. San Francisco bank robbery (3) (7/29/08) (continue to #404)

The bank robbery I talked about in #559 is the third attempt on me. Twice Feds had planned a shooting death plot on me in the name of bank robbery. One was on 4/13/2006. see "400. Bank robbery created for "mis-shooting" (4/20/06)". The other one was earlier on 1/15/1999. See "402. Bank robbery in San Francisco (1) (4/25/06) " and "404. Bank robbery in San Francisco (2) (5/5/06)" The description hasn't finished. Here I refer the last part of #404: "It was about 5 o'clock when I arrived at San Francisco. As usual, I went to the subway station in Montgomery St. where I would take an underground tram to my parents' house.

It was not far away from the train terminal to the subway station. I still took a bus. The bus stopped at its first station. It couldn't move any further. The street was crowded with people. It was dark already. The buildings along the street coated with red color because there were so many police cars with their emergency lamps on.

All passengers left the bus. I went into the crowd and learned that minutes ago there was a bank robbery in Montgomery St.. Some people died in gun battle. I felt chill in my back. Was that gun battle prepared for me after they failed a plot to kill by car accident? Later the news report strengthened my opinion."

Continuation: Later, from media I learned the following story.

Buford White, the bank robber, "walks into the Bank of America branch at New Montgomery and Market streets shortly after 5 p.m. waves a big gun around and orders everybody to hit the ground. A good Samaritan jumps him and tries to wrestle the gun away. The hero gets shot twice in the face. The robber then had a gun fighting with the responding police... and spilled out into the street, where dozens of shots were exchanged." It ends with White's death and two policemen's wounding. the Good Samaritan, had been shot in the head and remains in serious condition.

1. Buford White had committed a series of bank robbery, but never been arrested even FBI had tips.

Quote, " Ex-con killed in robbery tied to other bank heists
Jim Herron Zamora, Examiner, 01/18/99

Investigators suspect that an ex-convict killed in a gunfight with police after a botched bank robbery in San Francisco on Friday may have led a ring responsible for a series of up to 10 similar heists in various Bay Area cities. "Buford White is a suspect..."

Quote, "FBI Had Tip Before Fatal Shootout
Agency was probing suspect in series of bank robberies
Jaxon Van Derbeken, Chronicle Staff Writer
Thursday, February 4, 1999
FBI spokesman George Grotz said the tip alone was not enough to arrest White before the holdup at a Bank of America at Market and New Montgomery streets."

2. The hero was discredited as a bad guy in later media description.

Quote, "Bank hero faced with rebuilding life - again
Seth Rosenfeld and Elizabeth Fernandez, OF THE EXAMINER STAFF
Thursday, January 28, 1999

Castillo, shot in robbery, has tried to overcome problems with violence, alcohol, reckless driving
When he tackled an armed robber in a crowded downtown San Francisco bank and was shot in the head, they say, he'd come a long way in fighting his own problems with violence and alcohol, as well as reckless driving that had caused another motorist's death. ......

Exactly what prompted Castillo to jump the armed bandit is unclear, law-enforcement officials noted.
Castillo could not have known that the suspect, Buford White, also was a suspect in 10 other bank robberies and, aside from domestic abuse, was not known to be violent. The vast majority of bank robberies do not involve shooting, according to the FBI. .......

On July 11, 1991, he pleaded guilty to vehicular manslaughter, drunken driving and accidentally causing a death. .......

On Aug. 10, he pleaded guilty to a traffic infraction in that case and was released on one year's probation on the condition that he obey all laws, the records show. ......

He pleaded no contest to misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon. On April 4, 1996, he was ordered to spend 32 days in Santa Rita County Jail and ......

On Aug. 11, 1997, Fremont police spotted Castillo tailgating another car in heavy traffic and pulled him over. They saw symptoms indicating that he was high on methamphetamine. ....."

3. Police captain died hours after his squad killed the robber.

Quote, "Cop died after shootout - is recalled as hero
Mackenzie Warren and Erin McCormick, OF THE EXAMINER STAFF Julian Guthrie of The Examiner staff contributed to this report.
Sunday, January 17, 1999
Capt. Stasko may have fallen asleep at wheel before crash
SAN FRANCISCO -- San Francisco Capt. George "Jake" Stasko, one of The City's top cops, was killed early Saturday in a one-car crash hours after he led his squad in a dramatic shootout with a suspect in a downtown bank robbery.

Police spokesman Sherman Ackerson said Capt. Stasko had remained at the police command post until about 9:30 p.m. after the 5:15 p.m. shootout. Ackerson said the captain then organized a meeting of his unit and apparently stayed in San Francisco after the investigation for several more hours."

After I learned all these information, I concluded this bank robbery was prepared for me. I'll put my analysis in next message.
It's a long trek through his underground tunnels to reach each of the forums he visits and then back home.

For security reasons.
562. San Francisco bank robbery (4) (8/3/08)

When I learned from the repair shop that the car my family depended on was in dangerous situation, I decided immediately to buy a new car. On 1/15/1999, I went to the auto dealers to buy a new car. The Feds saw the murder attempt through a car accident went soured, they activated another murder project which had been planned already - a shooting death in the name of bank robbery.

Of course, Buford White must be an asset of the FBI, so he started a bank robbery at a time and location that any bank robber would try to avoid. The bank branch he chose was at the busiest area of San Francisco. Five o'clock on Friday was a rush hour of the city. But it was a location nearest to the entrance of subway station I would go and it was the time the train (I took) arrived at.

According to FBI, Buford White, aside from domestic abuse, was not known to be violent. The vast majority of bank robberies do not involve shooting. But on that day, he "waves a big gun". What caused his unusually behavior? Because Feds needed a gun fighting that day to make a coming shooting death reasonable. White was not necessarily to be the shooter. In such case, like President Kennedy's and M.L.King's death, the shooter was not Oswald or Ray. There was a professional sniper team, along with the support teams to cover up, to witness. At last, there would be a scapegoat to bear the responsibility. If the plot had gone through, the likely result would be that I was shot by a "stray bullet".

But the plot was interrupted by Castillo. He jumped on the bank robber. White had to shoot Castillo and touched off a real gun fighting with policemen earlier then planned. Castillo destroyed Feds' plot. That's why he was later tarnished by the media. It was a revenge from the Feds. I was astonished when I first read the detailed negative past about Castillo. Was the paper talk about a bank hero or a criminal? Then as most media(include Chinese newspaper) joined the choir of that negative propaganda which turned a good Samaritan into a bad guy, I realized it was a punishment from Feds. Another man punished was the police captain Stasko.

I don't know if Stasko also works for the FBI. But I'm sure his death is a punishment from the Feds. Because his squad killed an asset of the Feds and soured a plot. Though news two weeks later said he died in crash by legally drunk, I think it was a cover up story. I believe the first report was the right cause : he died because he fell asleep - an irresistible one. I had experience of that kind of murder attempt. See "12. Mind control EM sleep wave (1) .

A witness said, " Capt. Stasko's car began slowly swerving off the left hand side of the road and plowed into a tree, according to Ackerson." A slowly swerving used to be caused by a sudden asleep on the wheel not by drunk driving. The time was at 1:20 a.m. midnight. when there was few vehicle on highway. The witness was a Sonoma County sheriff's deputy. Was he the man who controls the switch of that EM sleep wave instrument and watch the whole process?

Back to new "bank robbery" murder attempt:

1. So in this "drug money" frame case, in case I going to a bank to withdraw money, Feds created a shooting death case on 5/23/08 to justify another coming "shoot death". See #599.

2. On 6/23. "(Milpitas) Serial bank robber strikes for 12th time", FBI said. Do you get familiar with it when you learned Buford White "also was a suspect in 10 other bank robberies."?

3. That serial robber held up the Commercial Bank on South Park Victoria Drive in Milpitas on Tuesday (One of my two bank accounts happened to be on that Drive too. Is that a coincidence?

Here are two bank branches I have account. One is Washington Mutual branch on South Park Victoria Drive in Milpitas. One is Wachovia branch on Berryessa Road in San Jose.

On 7/19, I wrote ". 559. Plan to murder in the name of "Bank robbery" (7/19/08)
Two days later, there was a news which I thought was the swift response of the Feds:
Quote, "Bank Gave Counterfeit Bills, Couple Says
Different Customer Given Refund After Fake Money Claim, Report Says
July 22, 2008
Ulises Garcia said he was withdrawing cash from a Wachovia Bank and depositing it into a Bank of America so he could pay his bills online.

The fake money happened to be from a Wachovia Bank, was that another coincidence? Or if I try to avoid "drug money" trap by withdrawing from bank, they prepared a "fake money" trap?

I also allege Feds may create a "terror bombing" in the name of Indian terrorist if I go to Wachovia branch. There is India store in same shopping center. I'll talk about it next.

563. Fake money trap and bombing link to India (8/9/08)

Come with the news that Wachovia Bank gave customer fake money, on 8/1 and 8/2, World Journal reported another fake money case. It said that Mei Ling Chen, a lady came from Taiwan last month, was indicted of smuggling, illegally holding and using fake money by Federal Court in San Francisco on 7/30. The $380,000 fake money are high quality super notes.

I think this is part work to frame a fake money trap.

As for bombing in the name of Indian terrorist, I have talked about it in "422. Poison food and Indian market (7/20/06)" and "423. Mumbai bombing (7/25/06)".

About same time in reporting fake money news, on 7/30/08 there was a news "India police defuse 18 bombs near markets in the city of Surat..... The announcement came as authorities probed ties to blasts over the weekend that killed 42 people and wounded 183 in Ahmadabad." Mercury News is poor in report foreign news. How could it interested at a local police case in India let alone it was an unsuccessful bomb attempt. Then came the news: "India, US closer to nuclear agreement". (8/2/08 Mercury News) I have alleged that nuclear agreement was a result of secret deal between US and India secret police. Now once again Feds put it on the table. What is the payment from India? I think India will help the Feds to create a terror bombing case in San Jose. We are familiar with that kind of deal.

China was granted to host 2008 Olympic Game in exchange of framing a drug case in 2001. Britain was granted to host 2012 Olympic Game in exchange of creating a terror attack in London - that was 7/7/2005 London tunnel bombing. So was this US, India nuclear agreement.
564. Another attempt to war on Iran (8/14/08)

In "557. The development of Iran affair (7/9/08)" I said Iran surely felt the approaching danger that US would start a war and positively responded to nuclear package offered by six world powers on July 4. Bush regime lost an important excuse to start a war. But as I have said, the point is not the nuclear program, it is only an excuse. The core is Petro- dollar. So we see new attempt for war.

Quote, " U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:00 AM

By: Kenneth R. Timmerman
Iran has carried out missile tests for what could be a plan for a nuclear strike on the United States, the head of a national security panel has warned.

In testimony before the House Armed Services Committee and in remarks to a private conference on missile defense over the weekend hosted by the Claremont Institute, Dr. William Graham warned that the U.S. intelligence community “doesn’t have a story” to explain the recent Iranian tests.

It's funny because Iran is still far from having a real atomic bomb. There is a similar tone in the news that resembles this regime has had on Saddam before Iraq war.

Quote, " Strike on Iran still possible, U.S. tells Israel

By Paul Richter and Julian E. Barnes, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
July 30, 2008
WASHINGTON -- Bush administration officials reassured Israel's defense minister this week that the United States has not abandoned all possibility of a military attack on Iran, despite widespread Israeli concern that Washington has begun softening its position toward Tehran.,0,625643.story

July/31. To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them

Speaking at the Campus Progress journalism conference earlier this month, Seymour Hersh - a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist
<> for The New Yorker - revealed that Bush administration officials held a meeting recently in the Vice President’s office to discuss ways to provoke a war with Iran.

Iran war ahead?

Quote, "Massive US Naval Armada Heads For Iran

Thursday, August 7, 2008
......The lead American ship in these war games, the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN71) and its Carrier Strike Group Two (CCSG-2) are now headed towards Iran along with the USS Ronald Reagon (CVN76) and its Carrier Strike Group Seven (CCSG-7) coming from Japan.

They are joining two existing USN battle groups in the Gulf area: the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN72) with its Carrier Strike Group Nine (CCSG-9); and the USS Peleliu (LHA-5) with its expeditionary strike group.

Likely also under way towards the Persian Gulf is the USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) and its .....

Will there be a big operation against Iran when China is concentrated on its Olympic Games and Russia is engaged in a sudden war?

565. Georgia war and Russia, their role in Iran war (8/19/08)

The massive naval armada heads for Iran includes UK carrier battle group and French naval assets. Which may indict there will be false flag terror attack taking place in Europe to justify the coming Iran war joined by two powers (UK and France).

But terror attack is not enough to justify a war. There must be something else. What is it? I allege it could be the permission from Russia for some forbidden nuclear equipment to be constructed in Iran. (possibly relate to production of highly enriched uranium). Russia then will be a witness to prove Iran intends to produce nuclear weapon. To strengthen that role, US and Russia played a soap opera - what we saw are the two events: The war between Russia and Georgia and the agreement between US and Poland on defense missile system. The two events gave people an expression that Russia is hostile to US. So once the Iran war breaks off, Russia's evidence will be believable even if it favors US and its ally.

It's not the first time Russia plays this role. The first attempt was to justify Iraq war. The event was the famous Padilla dirty bomb case. Attorney General Ashcroft announced Padilla's arrest in Moscow on 6/10/02. Five days later I alleged there was a secret deal. The frame attempt then went soured. Padilla's case eludes finally in this year. I even don't know what is the formal charge on him. It seems dirty bomb and Iraq was never linked to his case. Anyhow, Russia, had payment in pocket, carried out their witness duty. That was what Putin said on 6/19/2004 that Russian intelligence had received information in early 2002 that Iraq was planning an attack against the United States. "This information was more than once passed on to our U.S. partners in oral and written form in the fall of 2002,"". (Washington Post, 6/19/04) Since this was a revealed plot, the news never was treated seriously. (see #68, Re 7. Padilla and OKC bombing (6/15)", "Re. 9. Ashcroft in Moscow". #77. The payment of deal(July/02)" #247. Russia and terror attack (8/14/04))

Again Russia and US play the "hostility" soap opera more actively this time. In last year's drama, Russia had its long range strategy bombers patrolled to Guam and UK coast, Bush at that time threatened World war III, and Putin said Russia wouldn't accept military action against Iran. (see #516) This time, the hostility opera upgraded. That was Georgia war and missile defense system in Poland.

Why Georgia is selected in this war? Because there is a gas pipe line in its land. The gas goes to Europe. If it had been cut, then European economy will be hurt. It will cause a free fall of Euro. You now know, Iran has turned on to Euro in its oil trading. Its foreign currency reserve are mostly Euro and yen. Who will be hurt if Euro falls?

The same tactic was used in early 2007. Read the following I wrote in #462:

"In Europe, on Jan. 1, Russia doubled the price of the natural gas it sells to Belarus. As a retaliation, Belarus imposed a transit fee on Russion oil which supplies Europe through the pipe in Belarus land. The oil for Europe was cut in early January.

Quote, "EU scolds Russia for cutting oil supply
By Peter Finn
Washington Post

When it comes to energy, the European Union, which is heavily dependent on Russian natural gas and oil, has almost no short-term alternatives. Russia supplies about 25 percent of the union's oil and 40 percent of its natural gas."

(Mercury News 1/10/07) (see "462. The collapse of Euro and worldwide economic crisis (1/20/07))
In that attempt war on Iran plot, I wrote, The collapse of WANT fund and oil shortage will cause the collapse of Euro. Iran not only will be bombed, but also suffer a huge financial loss.

The tactic repeats. Notice that in these two attempts of gas cut to Europe, (or attempt war on Iran) Russia play the major role.
566. False arrest leads to DNA case (8/24/08)

Why I am so care at war on Iran? Because it plays the role of a distraction to the framed drug case. There were several times US prepared war on Iran. These attempts always linked to the framed drug case. When the framed drug case went soured, so did the Iran war attempt. The most evident one was the 8/31/07 plot. As I have said, in framed case, one important tactic was to close the Bay Bridge.(see #433) From June 2006 to March 2008, there were at least six cases in which Feds closed (or tried to close) the Bay Bridge. 8/31/07 plot was the biggest one of these attempts. Feds closed the Bay Bridge from 8/31 to 9/3 (labor Day holiday) in the name of repair. To justify the repair, Feds even created Minneapolis Bridge collapse early that month (8/1). For that case, Feds prepared a nuclear attack on 8/30. That was the famous incident that a B-52 carried six missiles loaded with nuclear head flying over the US continental. The nuclear attack would justify the bombing on Iran's nuclear sites.

The August 31 plot was soured under my constant revelation. So was Iran war attempt. (see 502. Warrantless surveillance and August plot (8/13/07) to 516. Iran war next stage (10/23/07)).

People may doubt: "How could your personal case is more important than a war?". That is the point of view from different angle. You should judge it from the angle of the Feds. For them, which is more important? A war or Kat Hak Sung's case?
The answer is pretty simple. Feds view my case the highest priority than anything else. If there is a war, what will they gain? Power and money. If there is no war, what will they lose? Nothing. Just no gain. But in my case, if I have been eliminated, what will they gain? Feds wiped out a witness of their crime so they can continue with their super power to rule over the people. Otherwise, they have to maintain a large army of surveillance to watch on me and have to pay interest in secret deal to foreign intelligence to frame the case. And risk the danger to be prosecuted by their committed crime. Compare no gain with being a prosecuted criminal, which is more important? Consider what I have revealed in my messages.

This is why Feds even frame a "drug money" case on me. The "drug money" is clearly a framed case, finally will be proved not from drug trading but from my relatives or bank. What Feds needs is an excuse to search and arrest. I allege the real plot of the Feds is to frame me in some other crime case with "DNA" after the false arrest. Here is a pre-mind occupation propaganda from Feds:

DNA clears JonBenet's family, points to mystery killer

CNN) -- Recently developed "touch DNA" technology has cleared all members of JonBenet Ramsey's family of her slaying, authorities said Wednesday.

Boulder County District Attorney Mary Lacy said no one in the Ramsey family is considered a suspect and formally apologized in a letter to John Ramsey for the cloud of suspicion his family has lived under for nearly 12 years.

Instead, DNA tests conducted earlier this year point to an "unknown male," in the 6-year-old child beauty pageant contestant's December 1996 slaying.

DNA is a skilled technique and Jone Benet case is an old case. It is mentioned again because Benet case is a popular one that can appeal public eyes. The point is to emphasize the importance of DNA evidence. But as I have said, DNA evidence, hair, or sperm or spit trace, is no other than other evidence such like gun or poison. It could be planted easily, especially when the investigator is the criminal. Benet case had been used in attempted framed case on me about two years ago. (see "436. Ramsey Benet case and DNA (9/15/06)) This news is just a tactic repeat.

567. Oil price, tax refund and Iran war (8/29/08)

Now it becomes clear the original Iran war plot was planed to start around August 8, when the open ceremony of Olympic Games was performed in China; the war broke out between Georgia and Russia; and a joint naval armada consisting of US, UK and France headed for Iran. The plot should have been designed in February, when Iran inaugurated its oil Bourse. To save the dollar, US pushed up the oil price. That price, I think, had been projected to maintain in high level until Iran was attacked and going out of oil trading business. In another word, the oil price will go normal after Iran going back to petro-dollar in oil trading. The price manipulation will justify the Iran war: See, It was Iran caused high oil price, we had a war on Iran and defeated it. Now price come down. The opinion certainly will be approved by a lot of people.

But the oil price went down after July 4th, a month earlier than the planed war date. Why?

1. I posted "556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)" on 7/4. Pointed out US manipulated oil price to save the dollar. And Iran war is inevitable. On same day, obviously felt the approaching war threat, Iran had a positive response to the nuclear package. I at first thought Iran's response may postpone the US war plan. In #557, written on 7/9, I wrote, "Iran's constructive preliminary response is positive. But it's a dismay to warmonger. They lose an important excuse to start a war. It disturbs their war schedule. So US media treat the news with a low key and drop the news in the corner. However, the market reaction is inspiring. From 7/5 to 7/8, the oil price dropped for four days from $145 to $136 a barrel."

2. But the later development changed my view. US still send a massive naval armada to Persian Gulf. It means US doesn't care Iran's active response.

Before Iraq war, Saddam Hussain let weapon inspection team of U.N. inspect and search the WMD in Iraq. He even let them search his palace. The U.N. weapon inspection team found no evidence of WMD. Still, US invaded Iraq. Because WMD is only an excuse. So what for Iran's positive response. When a wolf wants to eat a lamb, it will do even there is no excuse.

3. Now I think the oil price start to drop is the result of my analysis posted on 7/4. Feds used to have swift response to my revelation.(see #47, 96, 113,168,337, 531.) Oil price is very sensitive to ordinary people. It affects their daily life. If people knew that the high price is caused by the manipulation of the government insiders, the response will be disastrous. So they quickly drive down the price.

4. One thing leads me to conclude that the government insiders had planed the August Iran war in February was their decision of tax refund in that month. When Iran inaugurated its oil Bourse on 2/17, the inside group chose to push up the oil price to save the dollar. At the purpose that people will become angry at the high price. The inside group will take the chance to activate a war. When Iran has been forced to return to the petro dollar in oil trading, the oil price will drop. No one will blame this war then. The higher the oil price goes, the better the Iran war will be justified. So the group blows the trumpet:

Quote, "Goldman Sachs: $5.75 Per Gallon Gas Soon
Monday, June 30, 2008 12:00 PM

Look for the price of crude oil to continue to climb - reaching upwards of $200 per barrel - and for prices at the pump to reach $5.75 per gallon in the next two years, warns Goldman Sachs’ gas guru Arjun Murti .

Four days later, the bubble broke off at $147/barrel. Due to, I think, my revelation. Otherwise, the oil price would have been possible at $170/barrel in early August - the planed war time.

Someone said the government is incompetent. I don't think so. Did you see how they could start an unjust war in the name of something not existed? And how they had that notorious President to stay on the seat once again in 2004? This tax refund case, from the plan date in February to June when most people received their cheques, took only four months. It was very efficient. Why? Because the planed high oil price will hurt consumers confidence and hit the economy badly. So they gave each family $300 - $600 dollars to compensate the pain of the temporary high gas price. For June, July and August when the planed war would break out.

The oil price dropped to $110, then fluctuate between $110 and $120. It seems to be the equilibrium boundary for the dollar. Why they pushed it to $147 and intended more? Because the higher the oil price goes, the higher profit the speculator makes, and the better the war justified.

5. $110/barrel oil price is still too high, but a necessary to support the dollar. To pull it down, Iran war is inevitable.

Everything is prepared: false flag attack; secret deal with Russia and China; cooperation of allies; massive naval armada.... why they delayed again? Remember what I have said, the first priority for the Feds is to eliminate a witness of their crime who have revealed their plot so many times. So be watchful these days on hurricane, "natural disaster" and "terror attacks".
Your command of incredible theories has left me breathless and shaking, like an asthma sufferer and a bowl of jelly.
Seriously, could someone go to San Jose and tell whoever works at the local insane asylum that they need to hire a new security guard? Cause someone is letting this guy out time and again.
568. To punish and award through media propaganda (9/3/08)

I have said Georgia war is part of the Iran war plan in August. Now it becomes more and more evident. What did Russia lose in that war? Though there was a strong criticism from West, it was only an oral service. Russia got what it wanted: having two area split from Georgia.

Quote, "Kremlin announces that South Ossetia will join 'one united Russian state

The Kremlin moved swiftly to tighten its grip on Georgia’s breakaway regions yesterday as South Ossetia announced that it would soon become part of Russia, which will open military bases in the province under an agreement to be signed on Tuesday

The situation is well described in a brief news that Russia is a winner (greeted as a victory) in that war:
Quote, "Medvedev slams Georgian leader

........ The Russian president made his comments a day after the European Union issued statement strongly criticizing Russia for its military offensive in Georgia, but stopped short of imposing sanction.

Overall, Moscow greeted the European warning as a victory. The Baltic nations, Poland and Britain had pushed for concrete sanctions, but the European leaders agreed on only one measure, a threat to postpone talks on a strategic partnership with Russia, combined with the written reproach."
(San Jose Mercury News, 9/3/08)

Former Russia President Putin also was awarded with a positive news. Two days ago, you may have watched a field report from TV news about a heroic story how Putin saved a photographer from the attack of a Siberian tiger. The screen showed us that Putin helped scientist to put a locating collar on a tiger which was said to be tranquillized by him.

Quote, "Putin saves TV crew from tiger

When Russia is condemned for the aggression on a sovereign country and the violation of cease fire agreement, its strong man appears in mainstream media in a heroic profile. Is it a contradiction? There is no strange if you could view the Georgia war as part of Iran war plot and that tiger news is a reward to an asset of US intelligence.

Just 30 days ago, I talked about how media turned a bank hero into a criminal by its negative propaganda. (see #561, 562. San Francisco bank robbery) Now you see another vivid positive propaganda how the Feds rewards a favorite. To expose the reward and punishment system by media manipulation, is another factor why I am the most wanted of the Feds.

p.s. I just find that Putin also was titled as No.1 in "Vanity Fair 100" last week. It's another reward for their favorite. (9/8/08)

569. Payment to China for Iran war (9/9/08)

To have a war on Iran, another important country needed to compromise is China. Besides Bush's attending to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Game. There were other payment.

1. On 8/14, a law maker in Taiwan announced a document from the Justice Department of Switzerland which said the relatives of former Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian having account in their bank. Swiss government alleges money laundry was involved and requests an investigation. Several hours later, Chen Shui-bian admitted the existence of that account and said that money was from political donation from his president election campaign.

Chen Shui-bian is the prominent leader of Taiwan independence movement. I alleged Chen had been the murder target in several secret deal of soured frame case when he was still a president. (see #254,382,383) Now the scandal heavily hit his party and the independence movement.

2. News brief of 8/28: "The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, was suffering from exhaustion and has canceled two planned international trips to undergo medical tests." (San Jose Mercury News, 8/28/08)

I think if the Iran war breaks out, Dalai Lama could die on "natural disease". Which will heavily hit Tibet independence movement.

3. On 8/11, news said Iraq working on reviving oil contract with Chinese. It would be the first Saddam Hussein-era oil deal to be honored by the new Iraqi regime. Two weeks later:
"China hails three-billion-dollar oil deal with Iraq
BEIJING (AFP) - Becoming the first foreign firm to enter such an agreement since the end of Saddam Hussein's regime, state-owned China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) this week won the right to develop the Al-Ahdab oil field south of Baghdad.

China is an oil customer of Iran. If Iran's oil trading is blocked by war, Iraq's oil will fill that hole. The timing is not a coincidence. Consider China has no special relationship with Maliki government and Maliki government is a puppet of the US. There is no doubt this deal is a US payment. Notice that this is the first oil deal of post Saddam era for Iraq. US not only paid a secret deal by Iraq's oil business, but also avoids to bear an accusation that the Iraq war is an oil looting war.

Now you know why suddenly Al Qaida mystically weakened in Iraq and disappeared. Their task is fulfilled. US needs a peaceful Iraq to replace Iran. US starts to take advantage of Iraq's oil business.
570. Distract in election (9/14/08)

What has the Republican government done in past seven years? If it was a restaurant, the menu they served you were: a false flag attack of 911, the price you paid, 3,000 lives. an unnecessary war in Iraq. Price: 4,100 loss of US soldiers; a Patriot Act, price: loss of your civil rights; low federal bench interest rate below 2% for more than two years from 2002 to 2004, price: sub-prime crisis in housing market; banned US banks from facilitating transactions with Iran’s banks in later 2006, which forced Iran to turn to Euro in oil trading, price: high oil price; war on terror, price: 858 billion so far; and a mess of financial crisis, price: to take over the bankrupt firms with tax payers dollar...... when you leave the store, without awareness, they also charged your credit card with a huge amount of money : this government creates an unprecedented national debt. Big trouble is waiting for you ahead.

Now it's time to change the management of the restaurant. To attract people the Republican makes it a circus show. The star of a circus - the clown - is too old, so they pick up a bikini woman to sale tickets. But a beauty queen doesn't mean a qualification for a VP. The experience to wear bikini doesn't mean experience to wear a uniform. She is a blank in foreign affairs, diplomacy, military, legislature..... Can you imagine Harvard University to fill the vacancy of its vice principal by a primary school teacher with the reason of "small town school value"? No respectable institution, or big firm or large cooperation will do like that. Then why Palin is selected for the VP of US?

1. She was a champion of a beauty pageant so she could attract sights by her appearance. 2. She is used to do lip service - to attack the Demo opponents. Media beat the drum on "Palin power". Says that she is a pit bull in attacking Obama. All they can find are odds and bits: something about a bridge, some scandal about her family, the style of her eye glass, or her dress.... It is said thus she turns away some white women's votes. It's cheerful like a circus. But what is in it? Nothing, media turns it into a gossip land.

Here we saw another tactic of the Feds which we are familiar with: distraction. They diverse the public attention to somewhere of nowhere. The purpose is to let you forget the 911 truth, a cheating president, the growing budget deficit, the rising unemployment rate and high gas price. They want you to forget the real purpose you go to a restaurant, and to believe it was because some white women's votes the evil management could grasp that restaurant again.

But are you fools to go the way they want you to go? Do you go to a restaurant for tasty food or only as they suggested, to see the color of a waitress' lip? If there is an honest election system, Republican will win only if moose votes.

571. October surprise for election? (9/28/08)

The hand to manipulate the election is the Feds. The tactic they used so far were:
1. Try to split Democratic Party by a tied competition between Obama and Hillary. This tactic seemed failed. But you could see how Feds manipulated the votes to make it a tied long competition (Feds control voting office through their informants) and blow up it a fierce campaign through media.

2. To get Obama win the candidate of Demo. Because Obama is easier to be defeated than Hillary. In another word, it is easier to justify a rigged election by saying that Americans are not ready to accept a black president. (Which I have talked about seven months ago in "536. Feds and Obama (2/3/08)")

3. To manipulate VP candidate by selecting Biden not Hillary. The combination of Obama and Hillary would have certainly threatened Republican more than Obama and Biden team does. Besides, they dropped Hillary because Feds also intends to play female card for Republican.

4. To justify a rigged election by another saying that women's votes caused GOP's victory, they selected a female VP - even she is not qualified. We all saw how media pushed up a "Palin power" soap opera.

Some possible October surprise for November election:
5. High ranking Al Qaida could be eliminated, in Pakistan. (include Bin Laden, or his vice Zhawahiri) For this, they prepared the step down of Musharraf and a new Pakistan president.

6. An agreement of US troop's withdrawal between Iraq and US. The agreement is done already. Only waiting for the right time to debut.

7. An economic recovery. That is why Bush and Paulson rushed to push the 700 billion bailout plan to pass in the House. With this plan, government will have at least 350 billion cash in hand next month. There is no problem that this amount of money, can buy up the market - at least for a month.

What does the 700 billion bailout plan means?
The key point is: Now Treasury Department requires no approval from Congress - pumping billions of dollars of fresh capital into the home loan market through purchases of mortgage-backed securities.

It also means a wholesale action on bad loans possible - according to FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair. The way she suggested was to work out better terms for as many borrowers as possible, turning unaffordable, delinquent loans at current income levels. The best way to do that in a large portfolio is not on a retail, loan-by-loan basis, but rather by using a "systematic" approach where all delinquent borrowers who fit pre-set criteria could automatically qualify for a modification of payment terms.

It means if a man bought a house of 500k value, but his income level only can afford to pay a 300k value house, he would exempt from to pay that extra 200k. His speculation will get a 200k reward. It is big.

The 700 billion bailout plan helps the greedy Wall Street bankers and investors. They made good profit in sub-prime loans. Once it turns out to be bad debt, they sold it to government. It also helps those irresponsible house buyers, some of them speculators. The plan will reward them big value of the house. Who pay the money? The hard working, dutiful tax-payers will pay off these debts in coming years. Is that absurd?

( I was harassed to post in internet. For most of past ten days, I was blocked to post the whole day. It only proves what I said are truth. Feds is afraid of my article. It may also indict that Feds is preparing a big frame case in coming days. )
Attention Citizens: We Are The Federal Government Of The World. We Have Tracked You All Down And Are Going To Arrest You In Your Homes In Five Minutes. Surrender Now And We Will Not Kill Your Families. Lie Flat On The Floor As The 'loyal' Ones Arrest You...