Graphics card.

Got your graphics settings turned too high? AntiAliasing and stuff like that turned on or not?

Either way, although I don't play WoW that doesn't sound like an unusual level of performance. The 8500 isn't exactly an amazing card, and especially with MMOs, where there's no contrived limit on the amount of player models onscreen, you can get some sick slowdown in busy areas.

Try updating your graphics drivers or going with an older set from Nvidia's archive page. There might be a set of drivers which exploit the capabilities of the 8500 better. Don't get your hopes up too high though.
I don't understand. Now instead of the constant 11 fps, I am getting 20-40 in alot of areas. But the second I come anywhere near a city like Stormwind, Ironforge, etc, I go back down to 11 fps. In one area, I even got down to 3 fps. It was pretty bad. What could be the cause of this? My brother says its the motherboard.

Any solutions? My brother might let me play on his computer, but he is trying his hardest to make sure he trys every possible thing that we can do to make it work, JUST so I don't go on his computer. Selfish bastard.

MMOs seem to be more CPU-intensive than they are graphics card intensive.