
Hmm, This guy hasn't been around in a while, but

OvA said:
Hmm, This guy hasn't been around in a while, but


Yep I got owned. I should have known better than to try to think at 3 in the morning. I will now buy a hat and eat it for HL2.nets pleasure.
Glirk Dient said:
The gravitational pull from the moon will make the wate rise/sink. I don't know a lot about orbital physics if you havent figured that out by now...but its from the gravitational pull from the moon when it orbits the earth.
Yeah I knew it was from the moon, but isn't high-tide when the water goes higher up the land? So the graivational pull from the moon on one side of the ocean would surely make it low-tide on the other side?

I really don't understand physics :(

EDIT: like this:
dekstar said:
Yeah I knew it was from the moon, but isn't high-tide when the water goes higher up the land? So the graivational pull from the moon on one side of the ocean would surely make it low-tide on the other side?

I really don't understand physics :(

nope, more water is magically created and then destroyed :D
no it looks like this:

i believe it has to do with the fact that when the moon and earth rotate with each other, the center of rotation would be between the center of the earth and the edge of the earth, so basically 1/4 the way into the earth. So it's kinda like:
[moon]..............[edge of earth]...[center of rotation]...[center of earth]...[3/4 way through earth]...[far edge of earth]

so, the water here ^^ is at high tide, and the rotationg in sync with the moon, so the water here ^^ is essentially thrown outward by the spinning forces. That's how i think of it at least.

*waits for someone to shoot me down*
The title dark 'matter' is so misleading seriously people read it up.

Over 96 percent of the universe is empty space, if you squashed the earth down so there was no space between the atoms its estimated it would be the size of a tennis ball, or even a pea.

That is what we refer to as dark matter / dark energy, its not really matter atall.. its all that empty space, and even though its invisible, without it the universe wouldnt look or work like it does now.. thats for sure.
xcellerate said:
no it looks like this:

i believe it has to do with the fact that when the moon and earth rotate with each other, the center of rotation would be between the center of the earth and the edge of the earth, so basically 1/4 the way into the earth. So it's kinda like:
[moon]..............[edge of earth]...[center of rotation]...[center of earth]...[3/4 way through earth]...[far edge of earth]

so, the water here ^^ is at high tide, and the rotationg in sync with the moon, so the water here ^^ is essentially thrown outward by the spinning forces. That's how i think of it at least.

*waits for someone to shoot me down*

Here's a really detailed explanation of tides if anyone is interested:

And here's a nifty picture:

clarky003 said:
The title dark 'matter' is so misleading seriously people read it up.

Over 96 percent of the universe is empty space, if you squashed the earth down so there was no space between the atoms its estimated it would be the size of a tennis ball, or even a pea.

That is what we refer to as dark matter / dark energy, its not really matter atall.. its all that empty space, and even though its invisible, without it the universe wouldnt look or work like it does now.. thats for sure.

What causes it to exist?
Raziaar said:
What causes it to exist?

clarky003 said:
The title dark 'matter' is so misleading seriously people read it up.

Over 96 percent of the universe is empty space, if you squashed the earth down so there was no space between the atoms its estimated it would be the size of a tennis ball, or even a pea.

That is what we refer to as dark matter / dark energy, its not really matter atall.. its all that empty space, and even though its invisible, without it the universe wouldnt look or work like it does now.. thats for sure.

Um, not really. If it does exist it is a form of "matter" and has mass. It's not empty space
Neutrino said:

Um, not really. If it does exist it is a form of "matter" and has mass. It's not empty space

Except it exists only because the theories say it should. Nobody's ever found any dark matter. It occupies the "empty space" between the planets and stars so in that sense it is like a property of empty space.
Dan said:
Except it exists only because the theories say it should. Nobody's ever found any dark matter.

Yep, that's why I said "if it does exist."

It occupies the "empty space" between the planets and stars so in that sense it is like a property of empty space.

Well, if it "occupies" the empty space then that space isn't actually empty...
Astronomers and cosmologists question the existance of dark matter but they also realize that there's something there keeping galaxies together. Another case for dark matter is the gravitational lense effect seen through high power telescopes. There seems to be additional mass surrounding galaxies and clusters.
this thread is based on a basic ignorance of simple physics. i assume the initial poster was american...
rambler said:
this thread is based on a basic ignorance of simple physics. i assume the initial poster was american...

lol. Watch it, not all us Americans are dumb. At least he admitted being wrong.
I hear there is a rumour going around on the internets that a cat can survive a fall from the empire state building. Discuss.
yes i have also heared this rumour. the theory is that because a cat has less of a terminal velocity than us, it can never fall fast enough to die from falling. this is of course bollocks.

terminal velocity is detirmined by the mass of the generating celestial body, ie the earth. terminal velocity is the same for everything and a cat would most certainly die if it fell from the empire state building. something like an ant however can never fall fast enough to die from falling, but this is to do with surface area in relation to volume. the smaller something is, the farther it can fall without being hurt.
rambler said:
this thread is based on a basic ignorance of simple physics. i assume the initial poster was american...
And what nationality do you think the people who corrected him are?
rambler said:
this thread is based on a basic ignorance of simple physics. i assume the initial poster was american...

The orriginal thread starter may have been ignorant of simple physics but I suspect that you are ignorant of much much more.

I'm from the UK btw and I don't like people like you making us all look bad.
rambler said:
yes i have also heared this rumour. the theory is that because a cat has less of a terminal velocity than us, it can never fall fast enough to die from falling. this is of course bollocks.

terminal velocity is detirmined by the mass of the generating celestial body, ie the earth. terminal velocity is the same for everything...
actually, that only works on an atmosphereless planet, the thing that causes you to reach a terminal velocity is when the resistance force from the air you're falling through equals the gravitational force pulling you down, no net force means no acceleration, F=ma etc etc...

on the moon a cat, a whale and a spider would all fall at the same rate of acceleration and would never hit a terminal velocity, but if you dropped them from high enough the resulting impacts would definately vary in terms of visual spectacularness...;)
rambler said:
yes i have also heared this rumour. the theory is that because a cat has less of a terminal velocity than us, it can never fall fast enough to die from falling. this is of course bollocks.

terminal velocity is detirmined by the mass of the generating celestial body, ie the earth. terminal velocity is the same for everything and a cat would most certainly die if it fell from the empire state building. something like an ant however can never fall fast enough to die from falling, but this is to do with surface area in relation to volume. the smaller something is, the farther it can fall without being hurt.
Like a rock and a piece of paper?
And a skydiver with his parachute closed then opened?
Yeah, thats the idea behind terminal velocity....its the maximum falling speed in an atmosphere, and NOT the same for everything.
Ikerous said:
Like a rock and a piece of paper?
And a skydiver with his parachute closed then opened?

Good examples.

Another would be a bowling ball, and a hollowed out one. As posted earlier, if there was no atmosphere, all things would fall at an equal rate, and reach their terminal velocities "simultaneously" (Damn Einstein....). Unfourtunately for us, our planet is filled with all kinds of gases and what not. Shame.
Well, if it "occupies" the empty space then that space isn't actually empty...

Exactley, its just not immediately apparent or visible to us or our present instruments, but something is definately there. Imagine when our ancestor's observed a tree swaying it the wind, they wouldnt know why the tree was behaving like that, only that there was a mysterious invisible force acting upon it, only until we began to understand gases and how convection occurs did we then realise it was not as mysterious as we first thought.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
The orriginal thread starter may have been ignorant of simple physics but I suspect that you are ignorant of much much more.

I'm from the UK btw and I don't like people like you making us all look bad.

Haha shutup. I proved I know a good amount of physics in the falling cat threads. As for my reason to this thread...I may or may not have been under the influence of...multiple substances and it may or may not have been 3 in the morning. I also may or may not have been debating a christian nut job and got caught in the silly rhetoric of these anti-gravity threads leaving me unable to answer it myself and say "WTF m8" then post it here.

I will go jump off a bridge now kthxbai.

rambler said:
yes i have also heared this rumour. the theory is that because a cat has less of a terminal velocity than us, it can never fall fast enough to die from falling. this is of course bollocks.

terminal velocity is detirmined by the mass of the generating celestial body, ie the earth. terminal velocity is the same for everything and a cat would most certainly die if it fell from the empire state building. something like an ant however can never fall fast enough to die from falling, but this is to do with surface area in relation to volume. the smaller something is, the farther it can fall without being hurt.

You are retarded on many levels. It isn't at all surface area related to volume...its surface area related to weight. The larger the surface area the more air resistance. The more an object weighs the less drag it has. Hence a piece of paper that is very light with lots of surface area will fall very fast, yet a stack of 100 pieces of paper still wrapped will fall very fast. It has more surface area yet 100x the weight.
Glirk Dient said:
Haha shutup. I proved I know a good amount of physics in the falling cat threads. As for my reason to this thread...I may or may not have been under the influence of...multiple substances and it may or may not have been 3 in the morning. I also may or may not have been debating a christian nut job and got caught in the silly rhetoric of these anti-gravity threads leaving me unable to answer it myself and say "WTF m8" then post it here.

I will go jump off a bridge now kthxbai.


I wont hold it against you ;)
Glirk Dient said:
You are retarded on many levels. It isn't at all surface area related to volume...its surface area related to weight. The larger the surface area the more air resistance. The more an object weighs the less drag it has. Hence a piece of paper that is very light with lots of surface area will fall very fast, yet a stack of 100 pieces of paper still wrapped will fall very fast. It has more surface area yet 100x the weight.
I'd assume you meant to write "won't" there. :D