Graw Pc Demo Tonight?

Icarusintel said:
Obviously you weren;t playing it like a straight-up FPS then :sniper:
Obviously not, because you cant; 1.You die in a few hits, and with the amount of enemies in the big battles, going in the open for long is suicide. 2.The character moves too slow to do anything besides sit far back and shoot, its like you have glue on your feet.
torso boy said:
Obviously not, because you cant; 1.You die in a few hits, and with the amount of enemies in the big battles, going in the open for long is suicide. 2.The character moves too slow to do anything besides sit far back and shoot, its like you have glue on your feet.
Well, that's supposed to give a sense of weight, which it does pretty well. If you've ever tried running around with a gun and a bunch of gear it's really not that easy. Also, while you do die in a few hits you can play the game more action-oriented and still survive. I was running out in the open all the time and just sliding into cover to get a better shot at people. Besides, your teamates provide pretty good cover once they see and enemy.
Pretty good. Alright AI, Graphics were sketchy as were my framerates (just my pc probably). Good firefights etc. My only really problem with it is the lack of civilians. There are 17,308,562 people in Mexico city (as of 2000, i believe, Source: Wikipedia). Now, there were 0 civilians in the game. Its not that I expect it to have hundreds of people running around in a panic, yelling "OMG! its teh army, we're all gonna die!", in spanish, but I'd think that there'd be at least a few civilians running around. But w/e, its still pretty good. If I can solve my heating issues, maybe, just maybe, i'll consider buying it. (after a great number of other things)
Man, I loooooved it. The feel of the weapons is absolutely spot-on. Graphics are perfect (it runs very well on full settings) and gameplay is great :D
I acquired the full version from "Mexican" sources.

New Mexico seems barren. I was hoping for a Mogadishu kind of setting, lots of civilians and enemies.

Had to edit that xml file to get High settings and with them on High...things run just fine, like 30fps.
Some people have said they don;t notice the difference between High and Medium, but it's actually very clear. The High textures are far better than the Medium ones. Very sharp and crisp. Also, by turning them on I didn't notice a frame drop at all.
Never liked Ghost Recon games enough to purchase and play them, this sequel doesn't change that opinion at all.
Once again a title that could have been much better if it was a PC exlusive. Thanks a lot consoles.
chu said:
Once again a title that could have been much better if it was a PC exlusive. Thanks a lot consoles.
Ummm...this was developed specifically for the PC by a team not working on the console games.
An overall ok game.
Brings nothing really new to the genre.
Same elements and gameplay as in the previous games and a new engine.
Good but not worth my money.
Same? Have you even played GR1?:)
It still feels more arcadey than realistic imo, but atleast they tried this time..:)
Definitely not buying this however, I have GR1+All expansions on the PC to tie me up until they do a REAL REALISTIC FPS GR game again.:p
Yeah, i've seen this before, with a different title. A few nifty new movement options but nothing warranting the price tag. I have it for 360 for the expansive Xbox Live featureset, nothing great about this version.

Long live GR1 PC
Icarusintel said:
Ummm...this was developed specifically for the PC by a team not working on the console games.

I wonder why it feels like a console game then... zoomed in view, simplified controls, sketchy game performance...
The game runs fine on my config in 800x600, medium textures, other settings high. 25-40 fps, I think.

Things I don't like in this game:
* field of view is too small, just like in... Turok! Run Quake and set FOV to 70 and you'll get the same effect. Why?
* mouse movement - it ain't smooth, the view is acting just like on 360 + gamepad, very uncomfortable, but getting used to it
* AI sucks sometimes
* physics - it's alright, you can destroy cars in a cool way, BUT there are no ragdolls and dead enemies cannot be shot ;)
* no blood, even though there's a notification during the startup vids with ESRB (or something) warning about blood
* what's with the yellow uniforms?

Besides the above, I like it. The sounds are good, special effects are nice and it's playable. Not sure if it's cool enough to buy it...
There are no ragdolls? Hmm..
That's weird, the 360 vers has ragdolls mixed with death animations.. Silly Redstorm/Ubisoft/whateverz!
Anyway, I'm gonna stick with the 360 vers, atleast that feels like a GOOD GAME, although not true to the GR formula, on it's own, it's a good game..
This PC vers feels only average imo..
Update: the game runs slower later in the demo, nearly unplayable :(
Gonna have to upgrade before getting this game.

What's the difference between the 360 version and PC version? This game feels pretty much like playing on a console to me...
Just to make it clear again. Devolpment of this title had nothing to do with any console versions.


It should instead be "LOL THIS GAME IS TEH SUCK"
meh....I'm dissapointed....this isn't what I thought it would be.
It is definately not ghost recon, I don't think there will ever be another ghost recon. It is a pretty decent urban combat game with a tactical map. Feels kind of like brothers in arms. I still wish I was back in the forests stalking a squad of enemies wating for the right moment to shoot them with my FAL though.
this is just a great example of how games are being made these days.....A simple formula + too much marketing + bloated genre + lots of money to back it up = crap.
GRAW was supposed to be "next-gen".
I feel like I've taken two steps back when I play it.
This isn't GRAW, GRAW = 360 vers imo.. GRAW 360 = Next-gen imo, atleast when it comes to graphics.
This is just a half-arsed attempt at making a game.:)
like the xbox version of graw

..I didnt install the demo last night, despite going through the trouble of downloading/burning at work. There's just too many "meh" impressions that keeps me from getting excited about this title the xbox version was so poor I knew in advance most of the focus/resources were aimed squarely on the xbox360 and that the pc version would probably be a pale imitation
I quite like it, I would like it more if I could get these stupid little dots all over my screen to stop, then maybe I could enjoy the graphics
CptStern said:
like the xbox version of graw

..I didnt install the demo last night, despite going through the trouble of downloading/burning at work. There's just too many "meh" impressions that keeps me from getting excited about this title the xbox version was so poor I knew in advance most of the focus/resources were aimed squarely on the xbox360 and that the pc version would probably be a pale imitation

Much better than the xbox version. But that isn't saying much.
I guess it would have to be ...however I played a much much much worse game for the xbox that also recently came out: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Critical Hour

by far the worst fps I've played in years ..makes Lockdown look like HL2

buggy, very ugly, really amateurish level design, crappy weapons etc ...just really really bad.
does this game play like absolute shite for anyone else?
im running an amd 3000 64 w/ an evga 6800gs and a gig of ram and it runs terribly
not to mention all the black walls that appear
Well, I spent 5 or 6 hours downloading it while I went out to the store and stuff. The file downloaded 100% and when I went to the folder it wasn't there. It must have been a corrupt download.

It doesn't really matter - if people with twin graphics cards couldn't get good performance, it probably wouldn't even get passed the title screen for me.
Hmm... I have an AMD64 3400, an X800 XT PE, and 2 gigs of ram... with everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) maxed out, it runs like a friggin' dream... maybe that extra ram just makes all the difference.
Qonfused said:

The game blows. Seriously. Although, blowing the shit out of cars is fun.

Yeah! totally, it's so damn realistic and just feels great ;D
Garfield_ said:
Yeah! totally, it's so damn realistic and just feels great ;D

The blowing part? Hmm...


Oh, computer! Why won't you look at me during?
Ok here i go...

Settings i used were ALL high (edit the cfg) 1024 @ 85 fps.

Game ran very well. + , Fps was good
Game looks like SHIT - , WTF? I have the 360 version and holy shit the 360 version is like INSANE good looking this shit looks like Half-Life 1.
Game controls - , im sad to say this buy 360 controls felt better
Game feel - , same as above
CrossCom -+ , Very cool that you can make it full screen and see what your team is seeing but why is it wireframe when its small?
Tactics Map + , Very good control and look
Gun feel + , I think they got that pinpoint
Team commands -+ , WTF? Why isnt it like the 360..Where it should where you told you partners to go? Like the Circles on the floor? Why would they take that out from the pc version....ugh...Other then that the control felt good.
Physics -+ , Good physics even without a PPU and im sure it will be crazy with one but the lack of good textures and models takes away from the good physics.

AI , Havnt played that much yet to judge

I think im missing some ill edit post when i play again but i did a fast run before work.

So thats:
+ = 3
- = 3
+- = 3

Pretty tied id say its overall a "decent" game nothing special just fun.
fun.. but the annoying part is that it wont run on my comp on MEDIUM settings, i did the test thing any everything passed on the reccomendations
but it still runs choppy. even on low settings its not that smooth either.
Yeah... I started it up again... I think I was letting the hype get to me :/