Graw Pc Demo Tonight?

Looks like shit runs like shit is shit.

I thought this game ran suprisingly good. Very very smooth on my end. Sucks we dont get a high textures option though.

The gameplay though...I didn't like it all too much.
Don't CALL THIS A CONSOLE GAME! For the thousand time someone has written in this thread, GR3 PC was developed totally individualy from a completely different development group and had NOTHING to do with the development of the console versions.:)
But then again, all versions aside from the 360 vers have sucked ass so far imo.:)
My end point is, don't blame this on the consoles, blame it on the shitty dev.

THOSE are the shitty devs of the PC VERS!! They're not RedStorm, not Ubi..
the only thing I didn't like was enemy spawn happens way to close to you.

You check your sat data, all clear take two steps and get gunned down by a sniper. Reload and restart with a gun trained on his area and he'll just 'pop' into existance.

Other than that I really liked the street fighting, Rather refreshing and you can play great angles with your teamates. Using the realtime map is also cool though not really unique I think IGI Had a similar system.

bodys slump wierd, and eventually dissapear, I wonder if the phys card improves that aspect. But even when a lot of stuff is blowing up around you the game remains playably smooth. At least on my system.
It was pretty good. I wouldn't say the graphics were crap, they actually seemed quite life-like - the explosions were sweet!

The AI was quite dumb. I understand that if I order the team to move somewhere and they get under fire, they may still proceed to the location I marked even though they're getting gutted. But if I ask them to follow me, then spot an MG which starts shooting at me and I go back behind the wall - why do some of them go into the line of fire and turn around the other way (checking the perimeter?). Then it's just "aaah commander, I'm getting hit! *dead*".

Oh, and the game auto detected everything high except for textures on low, 8xAF. On my PIV2,8Ghz, 768MB RAM, R9600. :?. I mean, where's the logic? 8xAF?
Gargantou - developers of the PC version have failed, then. They have failed in making the PC version feel like a PC game. Everything in this game is console-like (to name just two: field of view and gamepad-like mouse movement with noticable latency).
Przemek said:
Gargantou - developers of the PC version have failed, then. They have failed in making the PC version feel like a PC game. Everything in this game is console-like (to name just two: field of view and gamepad-like mouse movement with noticable latency).
Did you ever think that maybe they were trying to simulate a bit more realistic movement? Because last I checked I can;t wheel around lighting fast. Also, the walking movement feels a bit more realistic than most games. You don;t get the gliding feeling. I like it because it actually feels like you are a person moving forward.
Ubi said they arnt using starforce anymore right? If they arnt then i will probably pick this game up. I wasnt expecting a lot from it after the first sequal, but I find it to be a decent game.
Yes, I'm not bugged out by the movement and aiming, it's just that otherwise, this game doesn't feel like anything new or worth purchasing at all..
Demo runs like crap, even on lowest settings. Strange that you can't turn off AA - although AA doesn't seem to be working. Graphics are unimpresive. Load-times are hellish (even when installed on a defragged nearly-empty HD). Numerous graphical bugs (even on the MAIN MENU). Controls are sluggish, movement is really slow, friendly and enemy AI sucks, feels like it was made for console. I'm sure it has it's good points, but I wasn't going to wait around for the good points to appear after seeing this much crap.

Get GR1, you'll have 10x more fun.
i could'nt stand gr1 just cause you couldn't see the gun :p

the best fix for the pc demo if you have a lag problem, is to simpy turn down the resolution; i tried it and it runs better, even though it doesnt look as good. i find the game pretty fun, the AI on your team isnt too bad if you set them to folllow, but it would be nice if they could catch up with you a bit easier.
the physics in the game are pretty cool and fun, like cans and stuf on the street moves when you slide or setep on it.
B_MAN said:
to sum it up:
another overrated console game

Silly quote of the day.

Anyhoo, believe whatever makes you feel better ;)
Dumb Dude said:
I thought this game ran suprisingly good. Very very smooth on my end. Sucks we dont get a high textures option though.

The gameplay though...I didn't like it all too much.

You can edit the cfg and make the settings high.

Raziel-Jcd said:
Ok here i go...

Settings i used were ALL high (edit the cfg) 1024 @ 85 fps.

Game ran very well. + , Fps was good
Game looks like SHIT - , WTF? I have the 360 version and holy shit the 360 version is like INSANE good looking this shit looks like Half-Life 1.
Game controls - , im sad to say this buy 360 controls felt better
Game feel - , same as above
CrossCom -+ , Very cool that you can make it full screen and see what your team is seeing but why is it wireframe when its small?
Tactics Map + , Very good control and look
Gun feel + , I think they got that pinpoint
Team commands -+ , WTF? Why isnt it like the 360..Where it should where you told you partners to go? Like the Circles on the floor? Why would they take that out from the pc version....ugh...Other then that the control felt good.
Physics -+ , Good physics even without a PPU and im sure it will be crazy with one but the lack of good textures and models takes away from the good physics.

AI , Havnt played that much yet to judge

I think im missing some ill edit post when i play again but i did a fast run before work.

So thats:
+ = 3
- = 3
+- = 3

Pretty tied id say its overall a "decent" game nothing special just fun.
I like the way the player walks in the game, it does feel pretty good (no gliding like in HL2), but I hate the mouse movement. Not the aiming (iron sights - that rocks and I wish HL2 had it) - when you look around in the game, move your mouse slowly. The view will not move like in other fpp games - notice a delay, when you stop moving your mouse. Move it a milimeter and watch the view 'move' more than that :p

It's hard to explain, I'm not a native English speaker ;)
I hope you'll understand, though.
I get what you mean but I don't encounter anything like that.

My biggest gripes are bodys dissapearing, naff rag dolls (assume that the phys card would improve them) and enemy spawns happening way too close to you.

However I'm having enough fun to warrent buying this game, so meh
i can see that there is a little bit of ragdoll, its almost like a blend of animation then ragdoll. but after they hit the ground they just freeze there.
Yeah, the engine is probably perfectly capable of animating ragdolls but you need one of those uber physx cards the game is trying to advertise to "unlock" this feature. :>
At least it resembles real life somewhat. Walk around corner - boom shot by camping enemies - Die
Meh, Game runs slow... everything is black. D:
Regarding poor ragdolls - I knew they'd make something of poor quality to make PhysX a-must-have. Something our CPUs could handle is now impossible without the Ageia card :[
Also, the demonstration on Ageia's website, showing off the post explosion debris is... humiliating :D
Przemek said:
Regarding poor ragdolls - I knew they'd make something of poor quality to make PhysX a-must-have. Something our CPUs could handle is now impossible without the Ageia card :[
Also, the demonstration on Ageia's website, showing off the post explosion debris is... humiliating :D

ageia kinda lied on the website there XD cause all that they showed you was simply, the first shot of the truck, then when they say "THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE WITH A PHYSICS CARD" then it shows what happens when you shoot the truck the 2nd time, and it blows up and goes flying.
The game feels horrible, loved the original Rainbow Six and definately loved the tactical first person shooter but this game just isn't realistic. Enemies should spawn when you spawn, the ai is crap, the movement is sluggish and far too slow - in a real combat situation, if you move that slow, you're dead. You'd be carrying 35lbs total including body armour, rifle and webbing and you'd be fit enough to move a lot quicker then in game. The mouse look is sluggish, the ai is crap...i know i've already said that, it just pisses me off how bad this game is and how good it could of been.

The game reminds me so much of Deus Ex 2.
No, they spawn when you're near them. It wouldn't be much of a problem if enemies would spawn further away from the player and when player can't see them spawning.
Seems it's a problem in GRAW.
yeah it is

see you can hit a street, scan for snipers using the sat view.

It comes up blank, take two steps forward BANG you're dead. Did me a fair few times of WTF? before I realised that the sniper just 'poofed' out of thin air.
Ill stick to my 360 version. Not going to get this...So pissed they ****ed this up.
i dont understand.. why does everyone think this game is THAT really EXTREMELY bad?
i dont understand.. why does everyone think this game is THAT really EXTREMELY bad?

I'm on the last level and the entire game is boring up until the final 2 missions, then you get to take town heli's and command tanks, but other than that it's 2 missions at the begining getting raped by a lot of enemies, then 3 stealth missions in a row, one of them where you're alone and has to be the hardest mission ever
try the multiplayer, i played co-op on the demo and its a heck of alot of fun!

*EDIT* if you have the demo you can play co-op with others using hamachi

the server name is: graw2
pass: graw
Raziel-Jcd said:
Ill stick to my 360 version. Not going to get this...So pissed they ****ed this up.

I dl'ed the 360 and PC versions over the weekend and i have to agree that i have found the 360 version to be a superior experience. I am seriously thinking about getting this for the 360 having played the demo.
D/led the 360 vers? You mean the demo?
Or have you magically found a way to play pirated/warez games on the 360?:p
Chuck Norris showed him how to roundhouse kick he's x360, to make it accept downloaded games for it.

Anyway I like it, I love the strategy of it, exactly like the old RC, just nicer, I miss being able to actually control the other guys but I guess its more realistic this way, and the the visuals are great.

But I am getting really annoyed at the sluggish mouse feeling, also theres too many button settings for my taste but Ill get by.

Shouldnt have read so much as I did of this thread.. Now Ill notice the AI/spawn/whatever things. :-/
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
Shouldnt have read so much as I did of this thread.. Now Ill notice the AI/spawn/whatever things. :-/
Pla it enough and you won't be able to avoid noticing it. Especailly when it's snipers.
I've played it through now and the spawn thing wasnt so bad for me, how ever at the big square my sniper got himself boxed in at a machine gun nest in the middle, I had to try to make him go different ways to get him out.