Great graphic novels?

My friend likes Sandman quite a lot, though I don't know which one to check out.

He has both, the older which is more detective type stories, and the newer, Neil Gaiman issues in which he enters dream worlds and such.
Just picked up the first volume of Fell and Transmetropolitan.
My friend likes Sandman quite a lot, though I don't know which one to check out.

He has both, the older which is more detective type stories, and the newer, Neil Gaiman issues in which he enters dream worlds and such.

Start at the beginning of the Gaiman run with Preludes and Nocturnes. It retcons the old stories into the new continuity. And then there is a relaunch of the old character thanks to the success of the new Sandman called Sandman Midnight Theatre.

I recently picked up Transmetropolitan 1 and Madame Xanadu 1. The former is excellent. The latter, despite much praise, is pretty lacklustre.
Yeah, Preludes and Nocturnes was a fantastic introduction that made me want more. People also say that Dream Country is good to start with because it's standalone stories, but I found it a little underwhelming in its own right.
Batman: Arkham Asylum, if not for the amazing art direction alone. It has a great creepy backstory for Arkham Asylum as well. It's not terribly long, so it's good for an afternoon read.
Yeah, Preludes and Nocturnes was a fantastic introduction that made me want more. People also say that Dream Country is good to start with because it's standalone stories, but I found it a little underwhelming in its own right.

Barring 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', Dream Country is the worst book in the series. Both Fables and Reflection and At World's End have better short stories and frankly 'A Dream of a Thousand Cats' drags the entire experience down. A better start would be A Doll's House if you are struggling to find Preludes and Nocturnes.

Batman: Arkham Asylum, if not for the amazing art direction alone. It has a great creepy backstory for Arkham Asylum as well. It's not terribly long, so it's good for an afternoon read.

One of my favourite graphic novels ever. Grant Morrison and Dave McKean are both geniuses.
Anyone read Black Orchid or Batman Year 100?

I just picked them up from the library, haven't heard anything about the former.
Black Orchid confused me and was no fun. Maybe I didn't read it properly.
Well, I might end up feeling the same way. The back of the book, along with the intro inside, really boasts the hell out of the novel.

So it's already kind of annoying me.
I've been reading a lot of Transmetropolitan and Sandman. Both are spectacular
I still remember when I used to post Transmet image macros and nobody would know what I was on about. Fools!!
Trans is good so far, how far does the series go?
#1 is about half the length of the other volumes. There are 10 in total, beginning with 'Back on the Street' and ending with 'One More Time'. There's also a collection of amusingly captioned illustrations called 'Tales of Human Waste', but I wouldn't bother actually spending money on it unless you just want to own the complete set like I did.
That's really surprising to hear. Reading the first volume I can't imagine the story going to that length without becoming watered down.
Nope. It's huge and great. Volume 7 is a bit fillery, but it all comes together in 9 and 10 for an incredible conclusion. The reason it carries on for so long is that from about volume 3, with a few exceptions and interludes, it's actually one big storyline concerning Spider's part in the election and administration of President Garry Callahan, who's an unholy union of Tony Blair, JFK, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Satan.
So it isn't worth the money? Or were you just referring to 'Tales of Human Waste'?

Speaking of Ellis has anyone read his novel Crooked Little Vein?
Oh no, it's just 'Human Waste' that isn't really that great. It's fun but not revelatory. The whole series is definitely worth buying, if comics ever are (I'm of the opinion that, collected, they're all way too expensive).

I haven't read the novel but if you like Warren Ellis you should play Hostile Waters which has a story written by him and is, as a pleasant extra, a fantastic ****ing game.
#1 is about half the length of the other volumes. There are 10 in total,

Annoyingly, they've just re-released the series and I've got the old version of book 1 (Issues #1 to 3) but can only find the new version of book 2 (Issues #7 to 12). It's on Forbidden Planet though so should order it soon.

Currently reading the new House of Mystery series. Fantastic so far.
I really enjoyed Chronicles of Wormwood. Be warned, though. You will go straight to Hell if you read this :flame:
I just picked up The Filth.

if comics ever are (I'm of the opinion that, collected, they're all way too expensive).
I agree for the most part, but I also kind of disagree because GN's are never consistently priced in my experience.

Like for example, a paperback that is very short and thin like Black Summer costs around 25-30 dollars.
However, a paper back of The Filth, with the length seemingly close to watchmen, only cost 20 dollars.

I don't know all the factors go into GN pricing, probably many things, from how many are printed, to the type of ink and paper used.
I just picked up The Filth.

I read the first couple of chapters in my local bookshop (for some reason they had 10 copies) and it weirded me out completely. Now that I have a bit of disposable income, I may buy it.
I was drawn to it's unorthodox ways.

Wow, Transmetropolitain got me to laugh out loud a few times.... I don't think a GN or comic has ever done that.
I just finished Trans 1.

The allegory to Jesus flipping the money changer's tables in Herod's Temple at the end was absolutely brilliant and amusing.

I suppose it might not be as appreciated or even noticed if you don't know Christianity well enough.
Read the first volume of Y:The Last Man, friend lent it to me. I enjoyed it.

Is the rest of the series worth reading?
Currently reading Zombies vs Robots by the fantastic Ashley Wood and Chris Ryall. Only read issue 1 (or book 1?) but it's pretty cool so far. Looking forward to more later tonight.


Lovely art work. Mix of digital and traditional oils/acrylics. Vereh nice.
Read the first volume of Y:The Last Man, friend lent it to me. I enjoyed it.

Is the rest of the series worth reading?

I've heard very good things about it from everyone who has thought I got the name Yorick from there.
Yes. It's a great series.

It's got substantive socio-gender political discussion, Israeli military, running gunfights, ethical discussions on cloning, post apocolyptia, Russians amusingly unable to speak english, and lesbians. Lots and lots and lots of lesbians.
I could be wrong and misled, but I felt they blatantly pointed at the source of the "plague" and his possible immunity right in the beginning.
I could be wrong and misled, but I felt they blatantly pointed at the source of the "plague" and his possible immunity right in the beginning.

It's because his name is Yorick, obviously.

Enjoy the end of the world, suckers.
Hey nerds, I saw Tom Strong in a book store today. I also saw Alan Moore written next to it. Should I purchase this?
Tom Strong is lots of fun. I'm not sure I'd buy it, but that's because I don't have any money.
Just finished The Filth, that was crazy.
I sometimes hear of Gaiman being a pretentious writer. It often puts me off from reading his stuff.
I've never found hm pretentious at all, though maybe I've just not been payng enough attention.


Finished V for Vendetta a little while ago, absolutely fantastic.
I met Gaiman at a signing once. He seemed faintly bemused that a hundred people had camped outside a bookstore to see him.