Greatest HL1, HL2+EP1 moments! (Spoilers)


Jan 27, 2007
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The greatest Half-Life, Half-Life 2 and Episode 1 moments...

I have quite a few but im only going to list three.

First is probably at the end of HL2 such drama!!

is the start of HL2 when you are walking around taking in this whole new world.

Third is the end of EP1 when the Citadel explodes then it all ends! i was so shocked.

Apologies in advance if anyone has already posted this type of thread. (i searched the forums as best as i could and didn't find anything similar)
There is almost too many to narrow down but here's some of my favs.

-when Dog throws Gordon and Alyx in the van
-the battle at the lighthouse after the buggy ride
-blowing up my first helicopter in HL1
-having to set up turrets in the jail
-seeing Gordon run through the teleporter in Opfor (I guess that not really HL1 but still)
-fighting off zombies with a my flashlight nearing it's end just before getting on the elevator
-most of Ravenholm- especially the zombie crushing car traps. I thought the priest rocked.
-Seeing the Citadel for the first time in the main courtyard after the train station
-All of Water Hazard, the relief of getting the damn was memorable, and jumping off it xD
-Seeing the silouette of Ravenholm in the sunset beyong Black Mesa East.
-All of Ravenholm, especially the mines at the end of the relief of seeing daylight
-The brilliant balance of driving and combat in Highway 17
-The journey through the Citadel, amazingly chilling, and the ending of course.
-The opening scene to EP1
-The journey to the core and the core room itself
-The Stalker Train
-Alyx's teases
-The Zombie fight in pitch black at the elevator
-Witnessing the Citadel's destruction at the end of EP1 (most amazing explosion I have ever seen on a game)

I would not HL1 experiances but tbh I cant actually remember much of it *deploys flame shield*
fine i'll do it ur way.

-All the Alyx bits
-getting past Ravenholm
-Watching D0g take down an APC then throw it at a building
-Getting into Breen's Office
-Playing Catch with D0g
-Stalker Train
-Alyx shocking me with her Zombie impression
-The relief of seeing Barney (instead of being tortured)
-Blowing up the Heli in water hazard
-Combines ragdoll physics
-HL1 defeating the Nihilanth
-Father Grigori handing me a shotgun

including the ones i said in the first post
Hearing Breen's first Breencast. Yeah, Breencast, not welcoming message.
-Blowing up that very first garg in HL1 in "Power Up," and also the tentacles in "Blast Pit," such feelings of satisfaction!
-Attacking Nova Prospekt with the antlions, the whole prison breakt out-esque scenario was pretty cool.
- First time fighting the Water monster in hl1 ( i cant remember the name :( )
yes, thats it, i remenebed it but couldn't remember the spelling thank you remus
The trainride through BM at the beginning of HL 1

When you first enter the testchamber

When you enter Xen for the first time

The first glimpse of Nihilanth

Nihilanth speech
The openings of every single game. Xen, I loved Xen, it was so wierd and cool at the time. Water Hazard, Ravenholm and the beach assault on Nova Prospekt. The last two chapters of HL2. The first three chapters of Episode 1.
The whole game is made of moments. Constant, flowing, beautiful moments.
-Seeing the Citadel for the first time in the main courtyard after the train station
-All of Water Hazard, the relief of getting the damn was memorable, and jumping off it xD
-Seeing the silouette of Ravenholm in the sunset beyong Black Mesa East.
-All of Ravenholm, especially the mines at the end of the relief of seeing daylight
-The brilliant balance of driving and combat in Highway 17
-The journey through the Citadel, amazingly chilling, and the ending of course.
-The opening scene to EP1
-The journey to the core and the core room itself
-The Stalker Train
-Alyx's teases
-The Zombie fight in pitch black at the elevator
-Witnessing the Citadel's destruction at the end of EP1 (most amazing explosion I have ever seen on a game)

I would not HL1 experiances but tbh I cant actually remember much of it *deploys flame shield*

Mmmhmm, them parts were all awesome, but I haven't played most of EP1, Only seen some sections, so that train and elevator fight, I missed... Got any screenshots?
Valve watered down the elevator fight at the end of Lowlife in EP1 ... the first time I went through there, it was freaky as hell, a real fight for your life against a seemingly endless stream of zombies. The relief of getting in the elevator was huge. When I played through a second time after the change, the elevator seemed to arrive early and the zombies were not nearly as thick. It was still fun, but the panic from the first time was gone ... "Hurry the f*** up elevator! I'm going to die!"
Getting to the surface in HL1 is still vivid in my memory.
First part of the City 17 battles with Dog
Every part of the being in the citidel
Every freaking thing in Episode 1 :D!!!!
First time seeing the gman (not the beginning speech)
Teleporting into the water in Red letter day and watching the Itchyasouras (cant spell) Coming at you
Hl2 ending :D
The Test chamber, every single part of it :cheese:
Blast pit
Every single boss battle in hl1 :D
and last but not least
heh. Now if only I could play it :(
Well, if you uninstall EP1 then re-install it from the CD and not update it, you could probably use GCFscape to extract the map. Then you could update the game and put the map into
half-life 2 episode one/hl2/maps
to override the updated map. Just a thought.
Well, if you uninstall EP1 then re-install it from the CD and not update it, you could probably use GCFscape to extract the map. Then you could update the game and put the map into
half-life 2 episode one/hl2/maps
to override the updated map. Just a thought.

You know, it'd be nice if Valve made it so you could choose between whichever maps you like using Steam. :)
Well, if you uninstall EP1 then re-install it from the CD and not update it, you could probably use GCFscape to extract the map. Then you could update the game and put the map into
half-life 2 episode one/hl2/maps
to override the updated map. Just a thought.

Ohh, I didn't explain, we only have 2 computers, one that's for working, and mine, which is a 64mb RAM, 6gb hard drive, and the crappiest graphics card on Earth, Playing HL1 is slow as hell even... :( every time I went under water in HL1 OP4, the sound got all choppy too/
In HL1 Blue Shift, when the keypad isnt working. It's awesome that you get to see it from two perspectives: You seeing Barney try to work the keypad, and you seeving Gordon watch you. That was awesome.
Aww, how romantic :p

My most favourite of all was most of the SandTraps section. Seeing that Antlion Guard erupt from the sand was the scariest part of the entire game! The sudden music sound, what was it? A shrill violin or something, but it was awesome, then I got crushed!
HL2, when your running from the Metrocops up the staircase was kick-ass.
-Xen Tentacle busting through the glass and dragging the scientist out in Blast Pit.
-Bullsquid dragging the dead marine into the hole and seeing the marine's leg bend back until it broke. Such a satisfying *crack*.
-Ichthyosaur throwing the scientist out of the water and devouring him.
-Gargantua pushing the dumpster/car/whatever into the two clueless marines and then kicking a car into a wall, then getting to bomb the mother ****er was awesome.

Can't be arsed to list anything else right now.
-Bullsquid dragging the dead marine into the hole and seeing the marine's leg bend back until it broke. Such a satisfying *crack*.

If you shot the bullsquid before the marine got totally gibbed he somehow sprung straight back to life :eek:
-Xen Tentacle busting through the glass and dragging the scientist out in Blast Pit.

OMFG! I loved that part, and burning it to hell afterwards was awesome. I also remember one time that one time that the security guard actually ran up to the edge and started shooting... Yeah, he got obliterated!
I don't remember that. Where is it?
It's in Power Up, at the beginning. There's an area where you climb up these ladders and below is radioactive waste. On one of the platforms is a hole in the wall with a dead marine and a Bullsquid.

FFS hold tight, I'll post a screen later.

Gotta reinstall.....
OMFG! I loved that part, and burning it to hell afterwards was awesome. I also remember one time that one time that the security guard actually ran up to the edge and started shooting... Yeah, he got obliterated!
"Heeeeey! Down here you outer space octopus! AHHHHH!" *BLAM* *BLAM *BLAM* *SPLAT*

Edit: Here are some screens of the whole thing going down, plus the area it's in. Image quality is shit for some reason. God damn Photbucket.........



I remember seeing that hole, but never the scene. It is possible Valve removed it in a later edition? I think they did that with a few because they were very buggy (eg, zombie dragging dead scientist and guard in Blast Pit).

BTW, shame on you for using the HD pack :p
I actually forgot I had the HD pack installed. :p

Hell, I actually forgot Half - Life was even installed, despite having the icon for it, Op4, and Blue Shift on my desktop.

Rim, maybe your HL is jacked up or something. It shows up for me on both the original CD and the Steam versions.
K, I found THE best part.
In either Entanglement or AntiCitizen One, but you and Alyx "Flank" a room full of combine right? Well, I saved there, opened the door, and didn't go in, BUT she did, so ALL this blood splattered against the wall and she actually DIED! It's sad, but too damn funny!
Well, there are so many...

Stalker train in EP1
Our Benefactors and Dark Energy
Controlling antlions
Citadel explosion in the end of EP1, really amazing
Elevator at the end of Lowlife, I was desperate and I tought I was going to die in there!!!
Alyx hug of course
Crazy strider battle and the Dropship battle in EP1, they are fun!!!