Greatest mapper ever reporting for duty :D



When's the editor get released, I'll be all over that sucker like oil on water. LEMME AT IT. Don't believe me that I'm the best? Check my site for what I do when I'm not even trying, and then keep checking on it regularly cause I got a friggin masterpiece coming out shortly.

Bow before me, for I am your king!

p.s. I really like this smiley
click the www button under my posts.... it's right there for you :D

Btw screenies for the new map release should be making the site within the next four days
hmmm... the screenshots looked good, but I've seen much better HL maps screenshots. Your new map must be a lot better to deserve the praise you gave it in your original post.
for one, gameplay is what really matters. Barney would be a no name hack if he didn't make most of the maps played on CAL at this point. The explanations offered on that site should be sufficient to show you that matches were held specifically in mind for industrial, and has been encouraged by most who have seen it to be presented to CAL for evaluation.

Two, yes. This next map combines a far more detailed approach as well as maintaining gameplay akin to dust2 or perhaps inferno. I am currently in the testing phase of the VIS for this next map, and will release screenshots of areas I feel have been completed very shortly. You'll see what I mean, though it seems you have some misconceptions about mapping to begin with. If that is the case, I feel confident that you'll still feel the map is good because it looks nice.

Three, if a map's look is what you solely base your evaluation of maps upon, then you should be praising texture artists rather than mappers. Piranesi is a gorgeous map with one of the best wad files I've ever seen on this engine; however, the map is terrible in the end due to its near impossibility to provide an engaging game experience.

Yet again, I think should you be the type who goes for look, or that whom goes for gameplay, you will be very happy with the next release I am working on.

In closing: :afro:
I go for maps that look great and play great. Not maps that soely play great. If you are the greatest mapper ever, as you claim to be, then you should be able to produce maps that look amazing, and play amazing. Which I why I'm anxious to see screenshots of your 'friggin masterpiece'.
just lemme get the lighting as I like it and you'll get precisely what you asked for :D
sorry, i dont trust someone who makes a dust themed map..sorry i just dont :)
Edit: and i hate CS...wasted too much of my time(with stupid 12 year old kids goin WtF OmGROlF!!!!111!!! mind you) :)
hey they asked for a dust themed map and paid money for it, customer is always right as far as I'm concerned. And plus, I broke with the wad and included some from cobble as well. Anyway, running some compilations right now of different lighting ideas for this much hyped map coming out soon. Back to work.
looks like some nice maps, but your additude sucks
I'm like that monster in the movies, I'm not so bad once you get to know me... but before then... I have claws for fingernails and whatnot
Ive seen better maps, a lil conceided arnt yah?

If u want someone to want u as a mapper for there mod at least clean up your site. :-p
I really hate to say this.... but this looks like a stagnation of the past five year's mapping styles. This is a backward step, a cheap and pale rip-off of some genuinely interesting designs.... but this is old. I'm sorry, despite your bragging demeanor, I expected a lot more than this.
Originally posted by Cipher

your naame doesnt look like barney (a.k.a. narby), hobbit, or any of the other greatest mappers (hobbit's my favourite)
Well someones got their head so far up their ass it's not comming out without a jackhammer. :) However, you really aren't impressive. My mods mappers (who can't even work yet), have made far more impressive maps. Sorry little man, keep trying. Until then, :afro:
Getting a right Royal Ripping.

Ooh and Dave Johnston. Dave, Dave hes our man !
Hobbit - Prodigy - Loathed by most
3D Mike - A slew of maps people like to look at and hate to play
DaveJ - I like him lots :cheese:
Narby - Moved to Germany and won't return my IMs ;(

Everyone else who claims to be so much better, that's one way to lie to yourself, good luck in finding all the rest :cheese:

And as for judging me based on a map I was paid to make look as it did as well as a map made to be bare bones basic with minimal detail in CAL matches... I'd say you're all jumpin the gun a bit.

I should have screenshots posted of my next map release soon, and I've already lined up my next one after this. If you all wanna keep getting on here saying that the maps on that site aren't impressive when I've been telling you all along that the maps on that site aren't impressive, then by all means go a head and wax poetic about how cool you must be for trashing somebody you haven't even given a chance yet.
Clipher, i just think you should cut down on the attitude..i thought to begin with you where joking, but it doesnt look like it?

i certainly doubt from wha ti have seen that you are near as askilled as the ones above... post something you have not been payed to make perhaps? :)
The attitude may be justfied depending on the latest map. The point I was originally trying to make isa that the new map must be something very special to deserve that sort of attitude. But the map hasn't been released yet so we really can't say. If it is really the best map ever then fair enough. Be arrogant.
all a misunderstanding then which I overreacted to. I percieved derby's original point as an attempted trouncing of my person in saying a bunch of things apparently never intended.

As for joking, of course I'm exaggerating. I don't think anyone could claim to be THE greatest mapper in that everyone has favorite maps and/or mappers. I just wanted to get people's attention because I feel that the upcoming map is simply a very good one.

Yeah I shouldn't have blown up, sorry for it. I obviously took some things wrong. But still, :afro: <--- this is still a great smiley
To be honest, the sh!t I just took could make a better set of maps.. those are basic. I was makin maps like that when I was first startin mapping.. here it is 5 years later (havent mapped in about 2) and im not so sure this map of yours you claim to be so great, considering A) that you've only output 2 maps.. yes I know that there can be duds.. and B) theres not a whole lot that you have to show for.

No im not tryin to start a bash fest, but I honestly dont think this 'great map' is gonna be all that good just by seeing your work
honestly I don't think the maps I've uploaded on that site do me any justice in that industrial is made for purely strategic match play and the other was a paid for-the-clan thing. I really am feeling very good about this upcoming map.

Speaking of which, I am rebuilding the CT spawn section and re-cordoning the skyzones. Plus, I am getting an upgrade on my computer by monday. This means that screenshots may be a few days late, sorry if any of you were gettin impatient for them.

From the looks of the current layout, I'm predicting the map will play similar to dust2. There are some complexities to the map which are absent in just about every stock map (such as the bomb sites being inside buildings) which I honestly can't tell what will play like.

Anyway, I promise screenshots are coming, but they will take a few more days than originally planned.
If the screenshots on your webpage do not do you any justice, as you have stated several times allready. The perhaps it would have been a somewaht wise decision to have witheld your website address in the starting topic to begin with? :bounce:
well I think it would be a bit underhanded of me to only let you know about my work once I put something out I can be proud of. I tend to run in to a bunch of last minute issues with my maps as well, so if I was waiting on something that would one up people then I think I'd be following a pretty dishonest precident with my work.

speaking of last minute issues, saved the map and closed the editor for a moment, now opening the map crashes the editor. Little things like this seem to plague me constantly. So in the meantime I hope you can at least enjoy the gameplay on those two I've got uploaded already to some degree.
For some reason Im gettin the feeling that thes screenshots of this so called great map arent going anywhere and there isnt a map..
if you really want I have an old shot that I took when I first started the map. It is of an apartment which serves as a "b tunnels" in the map. Keep in mind that it is light differently than it is now.

Oh, I have some shots from the editor as well that I was showing to a friend the other day. So unless you want to be a negative nancy and have everyone call you negative nancy from now on would you please let me be? I'm working on a map and having problems with it; if you would, could you please let me finish it at my own pace?
It's um.....average?
well.. I see 1 problem... its a cs map... it sucks from that point... and also.. I dont think thats a great map as you put it.. it would be decent if you put more detail into it. Also, if you were to take and finish the tops of the buildings off, put a clip around them.. it would look a bit better..
well for one they're old shots, for two, the detailing isn't done anywhere, three I just posted the shots to show that there is infact a map.

So just lemme finish it up, even that place will look better
I like how you say you designed your maps for strategy. CS is not a strategy game, it's team deathmatch. Let's face it there are already enough CS maps and i'm sure we're all tired of these Dust themed maps. Go do something original.
this looks like more of a DoD map (which I love). you should consider converting it for DoD

Is that what you wanted to hear? I've seen better...many...many times.
Originally posted by ankalar

Is that what you wanted to hear? I've seen better...many...many times.

Yep. I can even do better and I'm not even self-proclaimed 'good' just 'average.'
Cipher we're not saying you suck, but your about as good as every other average mapper out there. Sorry, keep working harder. :)
lmfao, nar I really think he does suck. He has a shit attitude he thinks he is all that. Also on your dust themes map u have about 4 invalid textures and a road going into a solid wall (greeeeaaattt) u have such good skills.... sigh.... I mean I am not saying I am better. u can be the judge of that (not finished) (not finished) (not finished) (not finished) (not finished) (not finished) (not finished)