Green Hamsters

Mechagodzilla said:
The mice or the polish remover?

I heard the mouse thing on the news somewheres.

The nail polish thing, on the other hand, is just plain 'ol common sense. :P

3rd funniest post this evening. :D
I think you should keep eating the nail polish and tell us what happens.
Don't eat nail polisher or anything like that, it's NOT healthy. Even though it doesn't say it on the bottle. You don't EAT paint do you? :rolleyes:


NO 2 guys can't have a baby which DNA is 99% theirs. Does NOT work that way, and I don't want to explain it to you since if you eat nailpolish I doubt you'd understand it.

Go drink a bucket of nailpolish remover and all y(our) problems will be solved!* ;)
*MaxKana is not responsible for any mental or physical damage following said sollution
Crayola water paints arent toxic. I think i ate that when i was little.

And i'm fairly positive 2 guys can have a baby thats a genetic mix of just the two of them.. just look at that rat experiment. And common sense says though. (Assuming you know anything about how infertile couples have babies with a mixture of cloaning)

And i wouldnt eat nail polish remover.. (Well, a lot, on purpose) that would just be dumb.

You can take the nucleus out of a donated egg and replace it with the nucelous from a male sperm. This is done with women who have infertile eggs, but still want a child thats geneticaly theirs. And dna from different cells can be put into eggs, ie skin cells used in cloaning that one sheep. Then just fertilize the egg with a sperm from the other guy and put that into a chick. Itd work.
Ikerous said:
Crayola water paints arent toxic. I think i ate that when i was little.

And i'm fairly positive 2 guys can have a baby thats a genetic mix of just the two of them.. just look at that rat experiment. And common sense says though. (Assuming you know anything about how infertile couples have babies with a mixture of cloaning)

And i wouldnt eat nail polish remover.. (Well, a lot, on purpose) that would just be dumb.

You can take the nucleus out of a donated egg and replace it with the nucelous from a male sperm. This is done with women who have infertile eggs, but still want a child thats geneticaly theirs. And dna from different cells can be put into eggs, ie skin cells used in cloaning that one sheep. Then just fertilize the egg with a sperm from the other guy and put that into a chick. Itd work.

Yes but that child will most likely be retarded and have alot of other problems. And this costs VERY VERY VERY much, and could be illegal in several countries, not to even think about the psychological damage the child will receive when he/she grows up.
The child wouldnt be retarded.. Itd be perfectly healthy. Although you are right about the very very very expensive thing. When infertile couples do this they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. But if straight couple find it worth it... why wouldnt gay couples? Lesbians espcially since they could carry it themselves. As for it being illegal.. i doubt its illegal here.. but im sure youd have a hard time finding a doctor willing to try. I personally dont see anything unethical about it :-/ And it wouldnt screw the kid up mentally any more than being adopted by a gay couple
lol....this thread is so random it scares me :rolling:
I'm shocked that this hasn't had the usual "Spam. Locked." post (with appropriate action!) yet.
It's not possible for two people of the same sex to have children. Yet.

It's true that a mouse was born with two mothers but a lot of genetic manipulation to the eggs had to be done before implantation took place. Even after that it was the only successful birth out of about 450 attempts I believe.

It's called parthenogenesis and you can find out more about the mice here
no of the nail polish thingy, becuase you can die if you eat nail polish.... if your 16 months old quoted from this FDA site - Though rare, some nail products can cause illness and even death, particularly if ingested by children. In 1987, a 16-month-old toddler died of cyanide poisoning after swallowing a mouthful of solvent used to remove sculptured artificial fingernails. At least one other youngster was rushed to the emergency room for intensive care after swallowing a similar product. These products contained acetonitrile, a chemical that breaks down into cyanide when swallowed. Since 1990, the Consumer Product Safety Commission has required household glue removers containing more than 500 milligrams of acetonitrile in a single container to carry child-resistant packaging. This includes glue removers for artificial are 16 months old right? oh and it also says this Nail products also can be dangerous if they get in the eyes. And they can easily catch on fire if exposed to the free flame of the pilot light of a stove, a lit cigarette, or even the heating element of a curling iron. So, if you put nail polish in your eye and you light a match..will your eye blow up, and is anyone here willing to do that?