Grey City - A HL2 Modification (duh)


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Hey everyone, since my help request thread didn't go so smoothly, I took some time to make a list of the features in detail about the mod. Before I do that, allow me to give you some insight.

Grey City takes place in a modern day, fictional city, shocking...Grey City! You have had the easy life even since you were born. Your life was handed to you on a silver platter, up until 2 days ago, everything that could possibly have gone wrong has. Now, your out in the streets of Grey City, trying to become what your father worked so hard to become. You are now struggling in the world of Grey City, to be like your father...The Don.

Sound GTA-ish? Probably right! Far from it though. We have rpg elements, as well as a completely optional storyline, and yes, Grey City is single player, to which you enjoy the city on your own.:) Now, onto the features!

Grey City


A. Uses Sources maximum map size capabilities. We¡¦re going to construct an enormous city, which will load different portions depending where you are. The city will have 5 areas.

1. The Slums - Torn, pot-holed roads. Bent lamp posts, homeless and poor people. Boarded up houses, broken windows, shabby conditioned houses and buildings. Gangsters as well, very hostile, dark area. Strip clubs, bars, prostitutes.
2. Residential Area - Modern homes, middle class people, nice and sunny, average area. Not many buildings, lots of homes, parks, and trees. (Still considering whether or not to add children and a school to this area, may be too gruesome.)
3. Rich Area - High class area, lush green rolling hills, large mansion houses, expensive cars, and snobby assholes you won't really feel to bad about shooting.
4. Beach - Basically runs along one of the ends of the city, a nice long beach with bikini women, surfer dudes, lifeguards, sand jeeps, and sea critters. Hotels and resorts here. Sunny and beautiful.
5. Grey City Central - Skyscrapers, large office complexes, malls, shops, markets and 4-laned traffic. Lots of working people here, and crowded sidewalks. Largest part of city.

B. NPC A.I coded to make a full breathing, living city. NPC's will walk the streets, talk with one another, dine in restaurants and outdoor cafes, go shopping, work in offices, random stuff in their houses, go swimming, and other advanced interactions with one another and the player. There will be hundreds of NPC's, obviously not all on screen at the same time, but quite a lot. :)

C. Weapons will be sorted as we go along. Expect automatics, pistols, melee, flamethrowers, and possibly secret weapons you have to work for such as the manipulator.

D. There are 7 wanted levels in total.
Wanted Level 1 - A single police car will chase you but only for a certain amount of time.
Wanted Level 2 - 2-4 police cars will chase you for an unlimited amount of time but will give up if they lose track of you.
Wanted Level 3 - A great number police cars will chase you including a police helicopter and continue looking for you for a set amount of time if they lose track of you.
Wanted Level 4 - Special forces teams will be called in, including snipers and heavy armoured units.
Wanted Level 5- Some normal NPC's start to recognize you and run, alerting the police.
Wanted Level 6- The army is called in, including tanks and marines.
Wanted Level 7- You have become so famous for your crimes that a national search is being conducted to find you. All normal NPC's will alert the police if they see you.

E. Set up your own business and employ NPC's to work for you.

F. RPG elements including level (derived from other attributes), age, health, stamina,, strength, agility, speed and personality.

G. A gang system : the ability to set up your own gang or join other gangs. The more people that are in a gang the larger the area of influence is.

H. Profanity is quite expressive, as well as gore, and possible racial slurs, but nothing to bad, depending on the law.

I. Mod will make full use of the physics system, graphics, and all other Source abilities.

J. Missions are completely optional, but will be hard, involve thinking, and be long and involving.

Note: All of our features are 100% possible. We have confirmation from Yahn that we can incorporate all of our features.

Now, if you'd like to join, and have good experience in any modding field, please read my signature below for details. :)
Yeah, it sound REALLY GTA:isch!

So let's see if i got this right: Your out of work, and trying to move up the foodchain?

What's the final goal then?
Ok, I can't really elaborate on the story too much, as our story writer is still tinkering with it. But no, your father was The Don, the big guy, the Mafioso, whatever you want to call him, the Big Cheese:) Now, your father has been brutally murdered, and officials have come and taken your house, your car(s):), and your money, and now your out on the streets, trying to, as you said, become the top of the food chain in Grey City. :)

Edit - Wow, that's a lot of smileys. :)
Grey City > Vice City... get it?

This is the first GTA lookalike mod and I already saw tons of Bf1942 clones...
Thanks sharp...I think. We are nothing like Vice City. If anything more of GTA3. However, it will not be GTA style. Just because it's a huge city and you can do whatever you please, doesn't make it Grand Theft Auto, seeing as Grand Theft Auto's main enjoyment was stealing cars, as opposed to our mod, where we aren't entirely sure we're even going to allow the option of stealing cars. Also, we have RPG elements, not to mention its a first person shooter, not 3rd. Another thing, our missions, which are completely optional and do not effect your exploration of the entire city, are much more involving then GTA's "go kill this guy" style. Hope you change your view of the mod, as our intentions are not based upon making a GTA clone. :)
the star/warning system is just like GTA: Vice City
where in the world would the Army come and chase you down, it's not there job
You might want to change some things, likehow you said that the father was a mob boss and was brutally murdered and cops took ur shit... whatever

Maybe you should change it to something like - Once on the street your fathers friends have given you a new house etc
but then heres the twist, another family whacks all of your friends and you're next, and from there it is a tale of survival.

Tell me waht you think.
Submerge - I don't knock your mod, don't knock ours, thanks. I've seen you post on other mods threads, your not very supportive.

Monte - I actually really like that idea, and will run it over with our story writer! Thanks!

Blackfable - Thanks for the support :)
Grey City really needs talented and experienced people so if you feel like you would like to help, please email me @ [email protected] Here's a basic run down of what each job would involve -

Coders - 2nd most important job. Responsible for the A.I code that makes all NPC's react and live in a living city and with one another. Also for rpg elements, wanted level system, gang system, etc.

Modelers - Most fun and easy job, but must be good. Responsible for modeling cars and weapons. That's all. If you like to model cars, and guns, then this is the job for you.

Skinners - Making those beautiful models look good! :)

Animators - Mainly just for whatever animation purposes we might need, such as NPC's working on a building, or gun reloading and shooting animations.

Mappers - Most important, and longest job. Responsible for constructing the enormous Grey City, and would need to work together maturely, and professionally to create a believeable real and living city.
Medic I sent you a pm.

Submerge - Ok. :) Since so many people think we have such similar mods, maybe we could unite or something.
guinny what happened to your "Isn't it just like...Old times" mod and the whole 12-18 hour shabambol you had goin.

also in your other post about this mod you stated,
"Hey guys, no, it's not my mod, it's a friend of mine who is too busy to make a post here"
yet you are using extensive use of the words "we" and "our" instead of "their".

all your posting confuses me..
Sorry to confuse you. :)

Just like old times is still a fully functioning mod. I just have decided to not post any news or anything about it until we have completed it.

Now for Grey City, it isn't my mod, I use we and our and their...well, I don't know, I just do, it's easier than saying "his mod." It just sounds better. Hope this clears things up for you.:) By the way your Sven Co-op render looks awesome, keep up the great work!
Sigleplayer or multiplayer? I might wanna join to be a (part) mappers... maybe some mappers can split levels up?
Mappers will be working together to completely construct Grey City. We may make it so big, that we'll make each section of the city 1 entire maxed map size map, and when your about to enter, it will load the map/area your about to enter. And to answer your question - Single player, then after it's completed, multiplayer.
Your mod sounds interesting enough. Cant wait to see it. Good luck and god speed. :P

Some of your "ideas" are similar. Maybe we can confer and make arrangements to co-develope such features so we arent both recreating the wheel and the time taken would most likely be less. If you want to discuss this more please email me at [email protected]

Some of the code used in both Grey City and Downtown Dispute will be pretty cool.. I'd love to see traffic lights working and NPC's driving cars following the road rules :)
One idea for you guys. I'd like to see all of these GTAlike mods. I love GTA and I'm sure you guys might catch another good feeling. BUT!!! If there are 5 teams working on something like GTA:HL2 it'll might become too much competition. I'd suddgest you guys form up and work together. Something like GC will take a lot of work. And I'm sure only one mod of these will survive (It's often that way)

Anyway. Sounds cool! Can't wait to go out to the beach ^^
Thanks for all the support guys. We're still in dire need of some more teammates. See my sig for what we need, we'd love to have you talented and experienced people along side us as we strive to bring the community a wonderful (and bloody, gorey, massacre, gta-type) experience.:cheers:
We need your opinions guys, it has come time for us to make a decision on this issue. Should we put NPC children, girls and boys, of all ages, like teen, child, toddler, and baby. Should we include them? Or is that a little too grotesque for a game?
of course they shoulod be included :)
and perhaps some dogs..yeah... and mmm.. teddy bears.... and a zoo...yeah ;)
We've decided teenagers and children will be included, no babies. And yes, animals.
Good news people! We've merged with a fellow mod, Point of Impact. The mod is now called, Point of Impact: Grey City.

The POI team will be helping us complete the single player mod. After that's done, our team will be assisting theirs for a multiplayer portion! However, the multiplayer will not be anything like the single player, except maybe the maps. More details of the new merged mod to come. Single player is still what is said in the features list, and POI team will be a part of it, to bring it to you faster, and better. Multiplayer, will be a totally different experience from singleplayer, and loads of fun. Details to come!:cheers:
:afro: AWESOME GUINNY! I cant wait! Umm ideas.........OH! Do you have motorcycles or any flying types of vehicles? And a school for which you could go into and do whatever MUWHAHAAH:cheese:
Motorcycles = Yes
Flying vehicles = Undecided, maybe a heli.
School = Yes, with children inside. Careful what you do in there.:cool:
Melee Weapons

01. Chainsaw
02. Knife (Done)
03. Brick (Done)
04. Wrench
05. Crowbar (Done, use HL2's)
06. Baseball bat (Done)
07. Molitov Cocktail
08. Block of wood (Done)
09. Bottle
10. Machete
11. Shovel
12. Dildo
13. Lamp
14. Tire Iron
15. Cell Phone
16. Bug Spray
17. Hammer (Done)
18. Martial Arts
19. Book (Done)


01. Desert Eagle .50AE
02. Colt Defender
03. Beretta M93R-AG (Done)
04. Beretta M92FS (Done)
05. S&W model 500

Assault Rifles

01. M16A4 (Done)
02. M29 OICW
03. FN FAL (Done)
04. AK-101 (Done)

Heavy Weapons

01. M249
02. RPK
03. Vulcan Mini-Gun
04. Flamethrower

Sniper Rifles

01. Barrett M82A9
02. DPMS Model 500
03. Ruger 1006
04. Ruger 1006S
05. Arasaka PS400
06. Mauser TK50


01. Remington 870 (Done)
02. Winchester X2 Cantilever (Done)
03. No Name Brand Akimbo double barrels (Done)
04. Striker


01. Fragmentation Grenade
02. Tear Gas Grenade
03. White Phosphorus Grenade
04. AN-M14 TH3 Incendiary Hand Grenade

Secret/Hidden Weapons

01. BFG (Big ****ing Gun)
02. Manipulator
03. Semtex
04. Napalm Launcher

Cars coming either later or tomorrow. :) Some weapons already completed.
1. Dracdroid
2. Maxxorz

1. Pongles1
2. Dracdroid
3. Conrad1986

1. beermnk
2. tak1889
3. nab1001
4. COOLcps
5. P00pfkcL5d
6. m374llic4
7. YeahBuddyX (Player modeler)
8. Conrad1986

1. Sephiroth Anubis
2. [email protected]
3. [email protected]
4. Conrad1986



Slots still open. Need 4 skinners, a couple animators (good ones), and some more modelers.
How much expirience do your mappers have ?
3 mappers, with 2-4 years mapping experience with hammer. Could always use another one.

01. Cop Car
02. Swat Van
03. Helicopter
04. Ice Cream Truck
05. School Bus
06. Bus
07. Taxi
08. Limo
09. Humvee (Marine Carrier)
10. FBI Car
11. Ambulence
12. Fire Truck


01. 1971 Chevy Cheyenne Short-Bed
02. 86 Camaro Z-28
03. Beatle
04. 79 Monte Carlo
05. Ford Focus
06. Crown Victoria Cab
07. Celica


01. 78 Monte Carlo SS454
02. 1998 Ford Mustang
03. Chevy S-10
04. Protoge 5
05. Rx-7
06. 96 Corvette
07. Ford Explorer
08. Galant
09. Dodge Ram


01. R33 Skyline
02. Saleen S7
03. Mercedes S600
04. BMW 325i
05. Porsche Turbo
06. Mercedes SL500
jesus christ! you people plan on making all that sh*t! your mods never gonna get released!

but if it does, neato.
Like I said, half the models are already in progress and/or done. :cheers: They'll be there, all of them.:cheers:
guinny, couple of comments on the cars:

Is the celcia those new 2003 toyota celicas, the GTS ones :D?

Why not add the Honda Civic... one of the most popular cars

What about SUV's? Jeep Cherokee, Land Rover..

Will you be able to mod your car, like putting new rims, or paint job or hyrdraulics.