Grey City - A HL2 Modification (duh)

A. It is the picture.
B. Cybr, let's not diss other peoples work, if I were to do that, you'd have quite a long post from me on your modeling thread.:)
C. Sidewinder I understand they're low detail, they're just for reference, as we don't have any REAL skinners yet.
thats true.
they are onyl for reference.
for one, he was making sure the gun was in perportion, and he was making sure that all his details would fit in when he was done.
he didnt think that having an ugly photo slapped on there would hamper the beauty of his models.

well, im off to finish the FN FAL for our mod (which happens to be, POI: GC :O omg what a shocker eh?)

c ja l8r
If they are only for reference then the comment was not at the quality of your skinner's work... so I don't see what you are getting antsy about.

It was a joke (after I've been here for a while you won't take my "insults" seriously)... but really... I detest photoskins, I'm not exactly sure why.
Use a photo for reference all you want when skinning or even sample a part of it... but don't just slap it on there.
If you do, even for reference, don't pimp the picture on the forums that way... all it does is make the model look bad (even if it is a great model).
hey guinny maxx0rs and all... could u post some flatshades? i mean the witht the photoskins u cant even tell in the models are not just flat boxes...

and the baseball bat, i think it needs to bevel in more on the curve, u know what i mean?

oh and here is a wip of my barret m82 that i guess i am making for this mod i repeat a WIP i will update soon ive only workd on it once
Looking great upbeat.

Metallica will post some non-photoskinned models soon.

The bat will be redone.:)
ive got a little update here cuz i worked on the model some more.
Originally posted by guinny
And the M4 Tact skin optimized:


Try an make it more clear when u post. this makes it seem like it is the skin. If u wanna pimp your models, don't degrade them with this crappy "skins"
Ok Ok we'll chill with the photoskinning. ;)
It would help if i had skills at real skinning : \ . I guess i gotta learn haha. Any tutorials?
I will be doing cars from now on, with maybe a gun or so here and there. Heres a pic of my first attempt at spline modeling


a Racing R34 Skyline. Errr....well supposed to be

And heres my 2nd one. (note skins are definatly not going to stay that way haha)


Focus. Modified by me : P

Let me know what you guys think.

Model details will come later in their developement
Photo textures are inherently poor because they are taken of an object under certain lighting characteristics. They do not recieve or reflect light correctly under unique lighting situations. For example, if you take a picture of a handgun under a spotlight, and the light specularly reflects into the camera's lens. You will have a big bright white spot where the reflection took place, then when you skin it and show it in low light situations in the game it will look completely out of place. That is an extreme example, but even subtle problems are obvious in the game. Your best bet is to find a picture of an object with neutral lighting and try to recreate the look of that picture through ground up work in photoshop. Use the picture as a semi-transparent backdrop to work off of in determining the geometry, and defining regions of different material.

By the way, i get no response from the dod server when i go to when im following your links. i just get that page cannot be found error.