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Parakeet you just completly side stepped the point(like all religious people do when you make a point they cant counter)

And please read the post PvtRyan said" There haven't been "many holes punched" in the evolution theory" completly different from the quote "no holes have been punched" as you must of completly looked at a different message then mine.

Theres no real point arguing with "die hard belivers" they will just side step issues pick at insignificant points, and completly misinterpret your original point. All the while coming back with absoulete garbage about god.

Ok i just researched this Dr Dino. wooow talk about ergh god damn. Busted by the IRS guess religion dosent pay it's taxes.

Heres a tip type in dr dino in google and the first 10 things that will come up are skeptics the next one is a heavily based religious fanatic site and the next 4-5 are more skeptics.

Please i don't do biased. Staged events with someone with a crusty old book(bible) that belived dragons existed. That 250k prize thing don't make me laugh its worded so you can't actually do anything you actually have to make a "mini" big bang to actually win.
CB | Para said:
I can't believe the moderators would allow such drivel here. Parakeet you have serious issues, and just what the hell are you trying to do now? you were told to use PMs and now you're trying to enlighten us? seriously don't try to push your beliefs on others, oh and one more thing you make me sick to my stomach.

Someone asked him to make a thread about it.

Also, i dont think he's pushing his belief on others, he is just trying to defend his beliefs.

"i will try and answer more fully when I get back from church. Good chatting with you guys"

CHURCH!! Wow that guy's hardcore.

How old are you parakeet? and what religion?
Parakeet said:
I appologize for grabing you by your eyeballs and forcing you to read this "drivel"....... I am in no way pushing my beliefs on you. The other people in this thread seem to have no problem maintaining their own beliefs and ideas even with me here. If you have trouble keeping your own identity while reading my posts I would strongly recommend not reading them.

You don't get it do you? witty comebacks won't help you, this is exactly the sort of stuff you keep private. And for your own good I "strongly recommend" that you go read some real books instead of the "holy bible".
Parakeet said:
That would be true, except I have never said I could prove God. God must be taken on faith. Much like evolution.

Not really, I look at evidence and facts. Faith has nothing to do with it, faith has no place in science, or viewing stuff from an objective viewpoint in the first place.

Evolution is not even close to being the same as gravity.

Which is completely besides the point. My point was, that the word "theory" says absolutely nothing about the rightness of it.

Aside from saying that I will not bother to get into a evolution debate with you. I will freely admit that I am no expert on the subject and I doubt you are either.

I'm no expert, but enough to go into discussion about the false claims you make.

If you want to have a debate on evolution I suggest you go to the website (when the site is up, it seems to be down now) find the phone number for Dr. Kent Hovind and call him up and chat with him about evolution.

He's laughable. Seriously. On talkorigins there's a topic about him, found here: . It contains a link to a seminar of him here:

Even I can discredit most of his points, and most of his points are rather irrelevant. He's very selective too when it comes to science. He says that the oldest tree being 4300 years old is a sign that the earth can't be billions of years old, but suddenly the tonnes of evidence that there's stuff much older than that stupid tree are completely ignored. Most his points are based on assumption "this couldn't have happened because it doesn't fit my story". Yeah he makes a really believable opponent.

I'm sure he will find it amusing that "no holes have been punched" in evolution since his job is to travel around the country doing just that in both speeches as well as debates with scientists. I doubt you will do this though since it is much simpler to just accept what you already know as fact instead of trying to find something that disproves what you know.

Again: isn't that the same for religion? At least I base my view of the world on facts, I can't say the same for religion.

Such as? You are aware that many of the "ape man" (or whatever) proofs of evolution have been revealed to be frauds don't you? Everything from setting up normal human skeletons incorrectly in order to make them apear more ape like to recreating an entire human from one tooth (and later revealed to be a pigs tooth at that) has been done to try and create fossils that prove evolution.

Sigh.. yeah sure, anything that doesn't fit your view of the world is a fraud and a hoax. Whatever. So you're saying every fossile of a specie that doesn't exist anymore is a fraud? Every homonid fossile is planted there?

If anything fossil records prove that evolution did not take place. They have found fish (among other creatures) that were supposed to have died out millions of years ago still alive today. Scientists say "WOW THEY SURVIVED FOR MILLIONS OF YEARS ITS AMAZING!!!" Well... theres sort of 2 ways of looking at this you know.

Since when does evolution imply that creatures have to die out? Coelacanths were thought to be extinct, but turned out to be still alive. Your point? What does that prove? What's your next argument? Oh wait, let me guess it's gonna be "there have been trees that cut through multiple layers of sediment".
Sorry I haven't replied to this, I went to sleep before you posted it. I'm glad to see this discussion is working out. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that, really, I disagree that a loving God would make such unfair generalizations. Everyone sins, true, but there are many people who do enough good to outweigh. Billions of people would be doomed from the start because they could have no way of discovering God. They would go to Hell regardless of how good they are just because they didn't have faith in something never shown to them. I just don't think that's fair.
I dont believe God has intended humans to write a book (The Bible) and that they live 100% by it. After all the bible is an interpretation made by humans. Im still not sure if I believe in God or not, but I thought the only thing he said to anyone on this earth is : "love". This makes sense, believe or not, just love everyone around you and you'll be ok.

After all everyone who lived before Jesus and everyone from other religions aren't going to go to hell because of this. It would be unjust to these people. Parakeet, if I understand what you say then "God is just". so why did he create some people who will automatically go to hell because they dont know about god? now this is unjust.

Im sorry Parakeet, but the god your defending does not seem just to me if the only way he judges is : you sinned, you go to hell ; your a descendent of Eve who ate the apple, you go to hell ; you tried to do everything good in your live and saved allot of people but did not believe in me ; you go to hell ; ... Im sure god is not Black and White like you say.

Edit: sorry ElFuhrer, i said pretty much the same you said because I didnt read your post in time.