Grim Fandango: Who's played it?

Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
I remember playing a demo of it years ago. It's an old Lucasarts game. I'm wondering who here has played it and how good it is.
i remember seeing a preview for it on tv i lived in the netherlands and i wanted to play it cuz it looked good, but i didn't have nor couldn't afford the computer to play it :(
ME! ME! But Escape from Monkey Island is better.
played it years and years ago... i enjoyed it :-)

If i remember correctly it was rated as "the best adventure game ever"
I have it, and have beaten it. It's an awesome game. Though it has a few really bad bugs.
Never got to play it, just played the demo. Maybe one can find it in a bargain bin, hehe. The older adventure games are always the best. Though GF is in modern crappy 3D, pff...
I quit playing Lucasarts adventures when they went all 3dish like Grim and the fourth MI. They just looked a bit too half arsed to me IMO.
Grim Fandango is on a par with monkey island and sam & max. not as funny but the writing is just as good.

loved the game, can't remember much about it now, might be worth digging up a copy.
Yeah, loved it too..
Shame that adventure genre died with coming of 3d, too bad. Oh well, there are still great adventure games, but they are coming out too seldom. By the way, for all of you adventure fans, here is something interesting:

Read preview that it's pure adventure game, there is not much of the action going on, which is good. So I probably will be picking this up.

Read preview that it's pure adventure game, there is not much of the action going on, which is good. So I will probably will be picking this up.
i played the demo too....i heard its a excelent game..but not my type of game tho :)
Grim Fandango was a great game i thought, a little buggy though.
Actually quite a hassle to get it running, but it was worth it.

My fav adventure game is still Day of the Tentacle.
Or maybe Beneath a Steel Sky. Hmm..
How long did it take you to beat Grim Fandango? I've heard that when you finish wish there was more left..not because of length, but because the world and characters are cool.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
Grim Fandango was a great game i thought, a little buggy though.
Actually quite a hassle to get it running, but it was worth it.

My fav adventure game is still Day of the Tentacle.
Or maybe Beneath a Steel Sky. Hmm..

hehe, i just redownlaoded Beneath A Steal Sky again yesterday from the-underdogs web site :P YAY for abandon ware
any of you played Universe? That was a strange one, never played it on the PC, just the Amiga, was pretty good, good graphics for the time and the story, while strange wasn't that bad either... I think the PC version is abandonware now too, for those interested :)

Beneath A Steal Sky any good? i faintly remember it, don't think I ever got to play it though
Originally posted by AmishSlayer
How long did it take you to beat Grim Fandango? I've heard that when you finish wish there was more left..not because of length, but because the world and characters are cool.

It took me about 20-25 hours to beat. I took my time though. I spent about 2 hours trying to find one area though without realizing there was another passage to get out. Lol.
Great game, worth the money. Highly recommended. :thumbs:
I played Grim Fandango ages ago, top game and strangely moving at the end, I found.
grim fandongo is one of my fav games, had the demo, loved it, never got around to buying it and then it stoped production

i thought i lost it forever untill, earlier this year i was in a kmart and they had old copys for sale for 15 bucks (australian).

great game