Growing Meat

could be good for the enviroment and for animals in general
Yes, I saw it on the guardian, its not edible really just yet.
could be good idea, as long as it doesn't kill us lol
just use some viagra for maximum meat growth.
I'd eat it after it's properly tested and as long as it tastes like meat.
Cant see it working in the Developing world tho...what will all those farmers do then?
Instant Meat! Just add powdered water!

Seriously though, I am all for anything like this that might solve some of the worlds problems. March of progress and so forth.
Yay livestock farmers throughout the country go out of business.
vegeta897 said:
Yay livestock farmers throughout the country go out of business.
They were worthless anyway, always stealing my corn sales....

I could see this being used alot in McDonald's and KFC... I bet It'll taste extra shitty.
Teta_Bonita said:
I could see this being used alot in McDonald's and KFC... I bet It'll taste extra shitty.

Oh you havent heard? This has been the main ingredient for quite so time.
I don't see what's so great about this. It just takes all the fun out of eating meat.
"this aint no good, nothing killed it"

also... QCKLES!
It'll slow the massive deforestation in the rainforest, which is fantastic news, as we need less of that, and it'll also cost less to transport, as I assume they'll put these labs in handier places.
This reminds me of the beef vats in Civilization: Ctp.....

+5 food.
Even if this is successful, PETA will still find something about it to bitch about...:hmph:
Lethal8472 said:
Even if this is successful, PETA will still find something about it to bitch about...:hmph:

Just shoot them with rubber bullets. Or real ones.
Lethal8472 said:
Even if this is successful, PETA will still find something about it to bitch about...:hmph:

peta: people for the ethical treatment of animals

...try to focus on that
Yea, but knowing them they'll say something like "Growing animal flesh in a labratory is an act against God and His creatures. While no animals are brutally tortured and slain to get the meat, we still have to complain about it because were a bunch of hippies with nothing better to do." Ok, I made the last part up, but rest assured they will bitch about it in someway.
TheAmazingRando said:
It would be awesome if they grew human meat. I would definetely buy it.

Women would buy human meat, for that authentic touch :naughty:
"With a single cell, you could theoretically produce the world's annual meat supply. And you could do it in a way that..." would put the worlds farmers out of business. The economy won't be able to operate the way it is eventually. I think that the only way forward from an economic point of view is semi-comunism or something. The world will come to a time when Capitalism simply won't work.
Lethal8472 said:
Yea, but knowing them they'll say something like "Growing animal flesh in a labratory is an act against God and His creatures. While no animals are brutally tortured and slain to get the meat, we still have to complain about it because were a bunch of hippies with nothing better to do." Ok, I made the last part up, but rest assured they will bitch about it in someway.

you missed my point least peta is doing something about animal cruelty ...what have you done lately?
I've thrown red paint on people and have called them murderers.
CptStern said:
you missed my point least peta is doing something about animal cruelty ...what have you done lately?
I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'm saying that if advancements like this keep happening Capitalism won't work. And I try not to kill or be cruel to any animals(no I'm not a vegetarian)
Tell this to the PETA supporters


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I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals, but that doesn't mean I plan to stop eating them any time soon.
ríomhaire said:
I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'm saying that if advancements like this keep happening Capitalism won't work.
I really don't understand how technology advancing will kill capitalism. It seems to me that jobs will simply shift to other sectors as demand shifts. The automobile effectively destroyed the horse breading and carriage industries but now we have a booming auto industry (or used to… WTF is going on with American automakers?). Lab technicians will be needed to grow the meat and new jobs are created everyday in information technology sectors.
Is This Tea said:
I really don't understand how technology advancing will kill capitalism. It seems to me that jobs will simply shift to other sectors as demand shifts. The automobile effectively destroyed the horse breading and carriage industries but now we have a booming auto industry (or used to… WTF is going on with American automakers?). Lab technicians will be needed to grow the meat and new jobs are created everyday in information technology sectors.
But even in factories now automation is taking over. In the future there will be sigificantly less jobs in the primary and secandary sectors, leaving much less jobs overall.
ríomhaire said:
But even in factories now automation is taking over. In the future there will be sigificantly less jobs in the primary and secandary sectors, leaving much less jobs overall.
Perhaps so. I guess I’m just optimistic that we will see an increase in jobs that deal with intellectual property (entertainment, software, engineering & design) instead of service and manufacturing. I’m in the service industry too. I unload UPS trucks. But I’m in the process of applying to higher educational institutions right now precisely because I know this job is not tenable for the long term.
I guess to me I feel that when we no longer have to work physical labor jobs that will be the true emancipation of the serfs. The jobs mechanization taketh with one hand High Tech disciplines giveth with the other.
DreadLord1337 said:
Hahahhaa, did horse-breading count as growing meat?
Congratulations... you got me.
qckbeam said:
I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals, but that doesn't mean I plan to stop eating them any time soon.
That's pretty much my standpoint. Sure, animals are cute, but they're damn tasty too.