GTA IV New Trailer - "Good Lord, What Are You Doing?

I'm so horny for this game its not even funny.
I need money to preorder. Anyone else preordering the Special Deluxe OMFG version?

The (total) 20 page article on IGN was a great read. The trailer thing from GameStop was awesome.

Also, I play on my monitor as well. I prefer sitting at my computer sitting close to the screen over a TV.
GARGANTOU these are the type of posts you should be losing faith in humanity for. Whats our generation coming too :( sad isnt it.

Says the man who stretches his e-penis around the block in his signature. I remember you from a loooooong time ago and thinking you were a bag of tard. I've never had much hope for humanity, but with people like you around it makes it *that* much harder to have faith.
That's great, thanks for contributing.

Annnnnnnyway. I don't know what to do with this come release - pre-order or just go up town and get it. Going up town means getting out the house, getting a SUBWAY (!) and getting all excited about the game on the way home. My past with ordering games is usual the product coming a day early, a day late or a week late. I think I'd prefer to get it on the day. Over here in England we don't get the crazy ques for big games except in London. Zelda, Halo 3... I just strolled in, picked up a copy and walked out, easy as.
Remember those days where games used to be out of stock for weeks and you'd have to pray to found it at your local game store before everyone else got to them? Good thing that won't be a problem.
I just saw the GameStop thing on Comedy Central. Pretty cool.
Here's a hands on from Kotaku. Not very long, but I couldn't stop reading:

I noticed some choppiness some parts of that vid, but it's definitely much improved from the first few trailers.

Will be reading Bad^Hat's article in a second, but I'm reading the kotaku one at the moment.

The biggest change in the game's controls, though, come with shooting. I'm a huge first-person shooter fan and I absolutely hated the shooting controls for previous GTAs. The problem was I always wanted to play what was essentially an action game like a shooter.

The new system allows you to do just that. Aiming has been tightened up and now includes a reticule that shows your targets current health. There's also a two stage lock-on system, allowing you to lock-on to a target, but still aim at particular body parts to perform things like headshots. Instant kill headshots. A cover system lets you pop up and fire or fire blindly at targets.


Deciding to take advantage of my ridiculously robust arsenal, I switch to a rocket launcher and send a couple of rockets toward the bad guys. The first glances off the sheet metal roof in front of me, sending the rocket spiraling out of control. The second skips off a container. Finally I manage to plant one in the cement next to a cluster of bad guys. I'm rewarded with a glorious explosion and a few less enemies.

WTF NO WAY. I have to see that... I would piss my pants with excitement if that stuff actually can happen! Ricochets with a ****ing rocket launcher right after initial launch? **** YEAH!

@ Bat^Hat - Geez that was some ridiculously in-depth analysis. lol

from another hands on

As we're sure will be much to displeasure of Daily Mail readers, the vehicle-meets-old lady carnage is a lot more realistic this time around. Euphoria physics has pedestrians fold and flail like rag dolls while blood splatters liberally on street.

If you smash head on in a collision Niko will even go flying through the windshield. It's visceral, violent and not for kids.

<hyperventilates with excitement>

If you smash head on in a collision Niko will even go flying through the windshield. It's visceral, violent and not for kids. [/quote]
GTA IV edited for Australia

ARGH! :flame: So angry! Can't type properly without exploHTHFADFSJHKYUIUTSREGRDA!
Yeah, just read this. God I hope there's no chance of this effecting NZ, even though it's been given an 18+ rating here. Suppose there's not much chance of that if we still sell games that are banned over there.

Edit - Haha, god, even germany cleared it and gave it an 18 rating. Get with the ****ing times, Australia.
Ugh, that's the thing. There is apparently going to be some meeting about putting in a R18+ ratings for games in Australia. However, it has to be approved by all states and federal attorneys-general and this one prick in South Australia is living in the dinosaur age and putting up a big stink about it.
Multiplayer impressions from EGM

They talk about 4 modes:

Cops 'n' Crooks

Cops 'n Crooks looks to be the coolest mode so far if you ask me. Co-op involves >5 stand-alone missions that up to 4 people can play. There are also different difficulty levels to choose from in those missions.

I love that the world can be fully active in TDM and race if the host enables peds and cops :)
Rob Taylor, deputy editor of Xbox World 360 magazine is the first writer to finish GTA IV. First person in the world?

He has an interview up, and its claimed to contain no spoilers. I got the info off

If you had to pick a favourite out of all the games in the series now which one would it be?

GTA IV. By a country mile. It craps on all the others – even the mighty Vice City – from a height equivalent to the Statue of Happiness. Believe me, GTA IV is even better than the hype suggests!
I'm starting to sense over hyping is coming into play. I'm sure it IS that good, but overhyping always does this.
It's a GTA game - it's guranteed to be good, even if there's a lot of it you don't like. The games are so big that theres always going to be something there for you to love. That's how I feel with GTA games anyway, but even so, I've loved give or take 98% of each games content so I'm well hyped for this. I know it's going to be a fantastic game.
I have trouble doing everyday tasks because I'm so caught up in fantasizing about this game.
I have trouble doing everyday tasks because I'm so caught up in fantasizing about this game.


It happens to all the games I anticipate. The month before it comes out... I stop playing my other games(not like I'm playing any to begin with right now), and I end up fantasizing about the game I'm going to play, and how much I'm going to play it.

And then I play it for an hour... and spend the rest of the night browsing forums and stuff about it, not touching it until the next day or two.

It's so bizarre.
I got no sleep last night from thinking about GTA IV.

Well, that and severe stomach cramps and migraine... actually, if anything, the fantasizing only helped.

Anyway what I'm trying to say here is F*CK YOU ROCKSTAR MAKE TIME GO FASTER. Seriously, they should include a free cryogenic chamber with every pre-order. ;(
I got mine in the mail Bad^Hat... not sure what you're talking about. I just can't use it until Sunday Night or Monday though, because it's my mother's birthday on Sunday and I want to wish her a happy birthday since she's in California.

But once I do that. See you in 23 days or so!
Such anticipation! The comments i've seen in this thread I haven't seen here since I was a lurker around HL2's release in 2004.
Warning: the following post contains traces of excitement and hype.

I'm going to do so much the first time I play this game. I'll do a few missions, but then I'm going goddamn balls-out on a free roam to see what I can do. I'll probably go and find a helicopter, if I can, or a boat, and then go and see if trains are stealable. Then I'm just going to go and find some amazing locations to look at, from either ground level or from a distance, and then just soak it all in before returning to do some missions.

Actually, I've no idea what I'm going to do. All I'm hoping is this: I get it on a Saturday and it's a rainy day outside, that way I don't feel so bad looking outside when I've been sitting in playing a game all day. Actually, **** that. It can be the hottest day of the year for all I care, I'm playing GTA.
About trains

One of the previews said Niko cannot ride them unlike the guy from GTA San Andreas

That sucks. I had so much run de-railing them. :(

Ah well, as long as I can jump on top of them. :D
Eh, pretty sure I heard you can still catch them from stop-to-stop, and frankly driving trains manually was always pretty boring after the first few derails.

As long as you can still derail them with a well placed grenade/rocket. :)
I got mine in the mail Bad^Hat... not sure what you're talking about. I just can't use it until Sunday Night or Monday though, because it's my mother's birthday on Sunday and I want to wish her a happy birthday since she's in California.

But once I do that. See you in 23 days or so!

We could always just have our good friend Butters just freeze us in a snow drift for a few weeks. I've seen it done before and I'm pretty sure it worked perfectly.
All GTA games are overhyped, but it doesn't matter. Because they're actually really good.
pre-ordered today!!

can't wait!
suppose i'll have to though. . .
someone posted at gtaforums, and its been confirmed (FAKE)..... :dozey:
I figured as much, the article seemed very poorly written and quite biased towards one of the consoles.:)
Rob Taylor, deputy editor of Xbox World 360 magazine is the first writer to finish GTA IV. First person in the world?

He has an interview up, and its claimed to contain no spoilers. I got the info off

I know the guy way playing pretty much 24/7 but I'm surprised the main game only lasts 25 hours with the side quests taking up 40. That somehow seems far less than I envisaged tbh. Still I imagine I'll be playing at a far more relaxed pace than he had to, when it finally hits PC . ;)
Fallout would have been better if it was console exclusive.

All hail the CONSOLES!