Guitar tabs help

Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
I need some beginner info on what these things mean:

Hammer on
Pull off
Ghost note e.g. 3(0)3
Hammer on is when you just pound down on the fret instead of striking the string down by the bridge.

Pull off is when you are playing a note, finger on fret, and then pull your finger off quick so it plays an open on that string.

Not too sure about ghost notes, I think it's something like you play the regular note, then sneak in a palm muted note as quick as possible in between beats.
good job searanox, I was having trouble explaining. *applause*
Thanks for the info. There's a pretty easy hammer in Tears in Heaven.

There's one more thing though - "/" - e.g. 4/

I'll check out that link too.
That's a slide. For example, 4/ would mean to start off playing the fourth fret and then slide up off the neck so it ends on an open. Sometimes, you have to slide from fret to fret, and that would look like 2/4 or something like that.
The / is a slide, like, for 5/8, play a note on the 5th fret for example, then hold down the note but drag your finger to 8th fret

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