
The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Has anyone played this great game that takes place like 1000 years after Half-Life?
Gunman Chronciles you mean? Yes, I have. It was pretty good; if it was released as a mod, it would have been earth-shattering, but instead it was uprgadred to an average retail packager. With a brontosaurus! :O
I purchased it on release, yes. Seriously impressive models. Level Design and textures were quite terrible in places, though. It was a decent pakage though with some nice touches to it.
an excellent addition to my game collection.
i enjoyed its multiplayer alot and now i cant no more cause of the shitty steam/WON configurations..
I had it for a while, a friend lended it to me.

Never got to finish it, but playing around with the customizable weapons was quite amusing.
righte0us said:
youre missing out a milestone in computer gaming history :)

...a milestone? I wouldn't call it anything tht significant. Hell...was it significant at all?
You fight a guy in a giant robotic suit... thats a milestone!!!.. oh yea and he shoots balls of energy at you!!!

It was cool though, one of the gibs was acually an eye ball... !!! how sweet!
Story: A bunch of 18th century cavalry clothed space marines battle dinosaurs on a distant planet.. in the future
No only dinosaurs, xenies too! The Gunman was the group of elite soldiers that G-man was trying to create. Compare the G in Gunman and the G on the G-man Briefcase.