Guns shooting through walls ?

Why would you use a rifle, just plant a sticky bomb on the wall. The enemy puts their ears against the wall to find out what the beeping sound is, then boom! pulverising the wall
why do people think bullet penetration will turn HL2 into a sneaking game like thief (which is a good game in its own right)? its implementation would just be a cool realistic touch. for example, if youre in a room and combine soldiers know youre in there, you could be crouched behind a table and stray bullets would be coming in through the walls knocking stuff off of the shelf and causing all sorts of destruction. i think stuff like that is very cool to have in a game. just like that part in surface tension.
well i think it would make it a stephth style game if they take it to far,because the ai is going to be fairly smart :devil: and they are going to hear you running around kicking shit about so they'll go...ok men this wall, and blow the room youre in to pieces. If they have it to a certain degree then it should be ok.

On the light front if it has dynamic lighting then shouldnt that kind of thing just be able to occur? Would be awesome! I remember when that happened in surface tension, i shat myself :farmer:
In my (late) opinion, bullets going through walls is realistic, but it leads naturally to explosives demolishing walls. I mean, if a 9mm bullet can go through a wall, how come a RPG just blackens it a bit? If walls and doors can be demolished, it would ruin the 'problem-solving' aspect of the game.
Ahhhh, but then the problem becomes finding the firepower to do so!
It is possible but it would kill performance.
Triggerhappy41 said:
indeed. Some extreme high power rifles can go through 6 or more inches of steel. Im thinking those were sniper rifles. Just about any gun would rip through a wooden door, or weak wall.

Im pretty sure concrete wouldnt stop high caliber bullets very easily either. Its all about the thick steel baby.

You sure?? 6" steel is a helluva lot, and I can't imagine any hand portable rifles perforating that. Then again, name the rifle, or the round, and I'll verify whether it's possible. Concrete is actually quite good at resisting penetration, although generally you'll tend to use a lot more of it compared to steel.
Jimlad said:
You sure?? 6" steel is a helluva lot, and I can't imagine any hand portable rifles perforating that. Then again, name the rifle, or the round, and I'll verify whether it's possible. Concrete is actually quite good at resisting penetration, although generally you'll tend to use a lot more of it compared to steel.

Would .50 BMG go through?
With a powerful assault rifle like say AK-47 or M16 I think it's possible to shoot through 15 inches of wood. How much of steel does that compare to then, dunno.

Allthough if you could shoot through 6" of steel, then it would be possible to shoot into a tank. Sounds kinda unrealistic.
The CS wall-system works like this: Some weapons are able to shoot through walls (desert eagle, all rifles), and it doesn't matter how thick the wall is, it's just that you can't shoot through two walls. The wall can be 1000 metres wide, but still be shot through with a desert eagle, but it won't go through two paper-thin walls.

I hope there'll be a similar, but more realistic version of this. If not in the game, then it'll prolly be in a mod like CS2 or something.
You could shoot through walls in HL1: with the guass gun. That weapon was awesome in deathmatch, it was the ultimate solution to campers.

HL2 supports penetration, but I bet only on certain walls, not every wall.
Well, they run with the system of materials.
If something is water, it splashes like water, Even a human.
So I think they have done the walls pretty advanced. :P
moppe said:
Well, they run with the system of materials.
If something is water, it splashes like water, Even a human.
So I think they have done the walls pretty advanced. :P
I... guess so. So what's the point of this thread? We've came to the fact that we will be able to penetrate walls with certain weapons. Ok.
You should be able to punch through a window.
vegeta897 said:
We have crowbars to do that for us. :)

A solid fist will always be better than a metal rod.
Six Three said:
I doubt it.
Didn't Valve say they would? Besides, it would be cool if they really made alot of things melee, like when you kill an Antlion you could use its spiky leg! :cool:
surely the grav gun thing makes nearly everything melee :)
Six Three said:
A solid fist will always be better than a metal rod.

Your fist Vs. my metal rod. Let's go. :cool: :laugh:

Edit: Eww...sounds like a bad pun. The Crowbar man, the Crowbar!
Javert said:
Your fist Vs. my metal rod. Let's go. :cool: :laugh:

Edit: Eww...sounds like a bad pun. The Crowbar man, the Crowbar!

Hahahahaha!! Round 2! Fist vs. Chicken Sausage!
But tbh.. Even if you're not able to shoot through walls in the complete game, someone can code it in in like half an hour or something. :)
some people have a little too much faith in "modders" and "coders".
game sucks? add a "make the game be good" mod! it'll take a day tops!
In this case, it would take like, a day.

But then, you can shoot through some walls: they already said so.
Wesisapie said:
some people have a little too much faith in "modders" and "coders".
game sucks? add a "make the game be good" mod! it'll take a day tops!

too much faith?
hmm it would be sweet as hell if on CS2 MP, you were hiding behind a wooden crate and someone came by and shot thru it and the HDR kicked in w/ the bullet holes + the sun light=mmmm....eye candy...
that would be possible. OOOO cool idea, build a level thats all houses entirely made out of wood, that would be awesome, just as long as it wouldn't blow up your computer
Sparta said:
that would be possible. OOOO cool idea, build a level thats all houses entirely made out of wood, that would be awesome, just as long as it wouldn't blow up your computer

Lol. I can see it now, the round starts, both teams immediately open fire in all directions hoping to clip someone through the wood. ahhah
Or, since materials act the way you think they would, people would take out their crowbars and hack away at everything, and the level falls apart omg so cool!!!
clarky003 said:
the Gauss gun 'bounces' off the floor and walls :)
And? Yeah I remember that, I wonder if there is a way to make it keep bouncing. :devil:
dunno you guys where talking about wood levels, I just thought throwing the Gauss gun into that, would be quite fun,, as it would probably go straight through wood in one shot, and perhaps bounce occasionally :P

maybe someone could sort a mod out for some multiplayer map :)
clarky003 said:
the Gauss gun 'bounces' off the floor and walls :)

I thought it bounced off the floor and ceiling, but went through walls if it had the power (if not it just stopped). I can't say ive seen it bounce off a wall...
hmm, your right!, it doesnt :P, thats me being optomistic for HL2 I guess :D
isn't the Gauss gun shot angle-related?
If you shot the wall straight ahead, it will go through, if yo shot it from the side it will bounce.
And if you shot the ground, you will get hurt ^^;