Guys who have completed hl2..


Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
I bet the people who completed hl2 did it on easy mode
im doing it on hard so the game lasts longer.
I finished earlier today on normal. My friend just finished on normal too.
Finished it on Normal in about 18 hours or so.

I bet the people who completed hl2 did it on easy mode
im doing it on hard so the game lasts longer.

Trying to sound l337 or something? lol :rolling:
I finished it on normal last night. Might start it again on hard, or I might get some school work done.. :hmph:
Normal too except that when my frame rate was too low and that i was always dying because of that i was using god mode but after my frame rate was better i desactivated it

(yeah i know i suck but i plan to re-play the game at hard without cheat when i'll buy another pc stronger)
, lol who cares , save hard till last. so what did everyone think of the ending?.....

I thought it was kool... but I want to know what happened to everyone :(,dun dun dun. did they die...? its kool though. v origional if you ask me.
finnished on hard yesterday, to the other person who finnished on hard did u find you seemed to use shotgun the most?
Netherworld said:
finnished on hard yesterday, to the other person who finnished on hard did u find you seemed to use shotgun the most?
Yea I JUST finished it and the shotgun secondary is what i used like 80% of the time.

hi im a noob, can somone please tell me why when the g man appears at the comuter resets? :sniper:
Finished it yesterday on normal and I'm now upto ravenholm on hard. So far it seems hardly any harder (the man hacks are little bitches tho).
I think the pistol is way too over powered tho. In the canal levels you can pick off soliders from quite a distance which makes it a little easy (on both normal and hard, it'll be a joke on easy).
Not look forward to the dropships on hard of course.

especially the two you face on the way into nova prospekt
I might try easy, my fps is just too low in somepoints.....
Well, I beat the game within 12-14 hours on Normal. I didint rush either, I fully enjoyed the game. Infact i'm even playing it on hard just so I can admire the AI more.

I cant understand why everyone thinks its so impossible for people to beat the game already.

beat it on normal. 9-12 hours plus 30 minutes just messing with some physics. Pretty fun game though my game RUNS like crap with kick ass specs. :( i always load a map and then go get a drink and wait for ten minutes for my game to actualy start working :(

playing on hard mode now pretty damn easy if you ask me.... then again im in a cs clan :)
:sniper: ez @ first but that was stupidly tooo ez so gunna give it a shot on hard now :D :devil: