Hackers Arrested - Valve Press Release

Didn't you hear?

HL2 is just a myth. Its not real. It was all a fantastic lie by Gabe Newell. He is going to collect all the pre-orders and run away to Mexico to be pampered for the rest of his life with the fortune hes made.

There were no hackers. He only needed more time.

We've all been tricked.
The Thing said:
0H N035!!!!!!1111oneoneoneone C0UN73R 57R1K3 C|0N3!!!!!!1111oneoneone

Thats why I implement a torture portion once you capture him. :devil:
I'd be interested in actually seeing about the nationalities/ages etc. of those responsible. See, if Valve want to recoup their losses I'd be willing to pay about £50 to beat the utter shit out of the hackers with a length of metal pipe, and I'm sure thousands of others would sign up (including generic hooligans who just want the chance to maim someone, but meh).

Now to wait for another announcement. *twiddles thumbs*
Call the phone number. Do it!

*waits for Edcrab to foolishly waste his money on a long distance call :devil:*

That's that only way you'll find out.
HAH!!! They are going to jail, and all they got to play was the stolen build!!! Im gonna go to the jail and wave my copy of HL2 in their faces!!!!
Oh no. Someone is reading my posts. My privacy is gone. :E
Now perhaps we can stop those "VALVE OWE YOU NOTHING!!!" threads.
Also, I think that wishing to beat someone with a pole just because of a game is a little bit obsessive and psychotic. Who cares it's just a game.
This is the best new since they released the news of the hackin. all i have to say to them is....don;t fall for the "pick up the soap" trick. even though i hope they do. Congrats to Valve and the rest of the hl2 community
theagentsmith said:
Yay! Theres karma for you.

Stupid nerds delaying HL2 for the rest of us. I hope they don't enjoy jail, if you know what I mean. :eek:

You mean you hope they go into the prison where Big Bubba is right?? LOL :naughty:

I'm so glad that, that is out of thought mostly now... Now it's all work on game full throttle!

*edit* Omg we got a celebrity here! Red carpet! Red carpet!
I personally hope that "Get on your knees, boy" will be a regular thing for them to hear.

i love how gabe threw the community a lot of praise. it really shows where their commitment is; to us, the fans.
Furthermore, I think you're all taking this a BIT too seriously. The said group stole the source code to a game.. horrible? Yes. As bad as say, murder? No. Deserving jail time? Yes. Deserving to be humiliated and sexually abused in prison? No. Deserving to have people pay to "beat the living shit out of them?" No.
Wishing something like them becoming "Bubba's new friends" and for them to "drop the soap" is both incredibly immature and unneeded, IMO.

The real point to this reply, however, was the people who said VALVe should let people pay a lump sum to "beat the living shit out of them," how messed up an individual must you be to wish to do this? Seriously, yes, they commited a crime and it's great news that they were brought to justice.. but you're taking it FAR too seriously. And taking it too far, especially.

I might understand better if you were directly affected by the theft (ie. you were an employee at VALVe), but again, alot of you are taking it far too seriously. Lighten up, they deserve to be brought to justice, but not by the likes of the lesser-half of the gaming community who thinks beating up people (or threatening to do so over the internet) is "cool."
This shows what can be done when people from all around the world work together. pat your selves on the back community.
Man, did you guys read about the guy who was arrested by the FBI, that was a good read, I recomend it.
Shuzer said:
Furthermore, I think you're all taking this a BIT too seriously. The said group stole the source code to a game.. horrible? Yes. As bad as say, murder? No. Deserving jail time? Yes. Deserving to be humiliated and sexually abused in prison? No. Deserving to have people pay to "beat the living shit out of them?" No.
Wishing something like them becoming "Bubba's new friends" and for them to "drop the soap" is both incredibly immature and unneeded, IMO.

The real point to this reply, however, was the people who said VALVe should let people pay a lump sum to "beat the living shit out of them," how messed up an individual must you be to wish to do this? Seriously, yes, they commited a crime and it's great news that they were brought to justice.. but you're taking it FAR too seriously. And taking it too far, especially.

I might understand better if you were directly affected by the theft (ie. you were an employee at VALVe), but again, alot of you are taking it far too seriously. Lighten up, they deserve to be brought to justice, but not by the likes of the lesser-half of the gaming community who thinks beating up people (or threatening to do so over the internet) is "cool."

Thanks Dad! I will try to be more compasionate to the selfish blowhards that hurt my beloved Halflife 2.
did they really hurt the game?
just a minor hurdle thats been blown out of proportion.
source code leak hey?, lets see how much that eats into their sales.
being purely objective id say that it actually will increase sales, given the extra publicity.
dont copy that floppy!
(no, i didnt dload the beta [i dont dload 1g demos] and i love half life and think valve make awesome games)

what harm did they really do?
so let me get this striaght... it didn't hurt them... this helped them...that is strange. Why was Valve so pissed off then? Wouldn't they be happy that it helped their game? Hmm maybe the reason that it isn't the case is because it did in fact hurt them. It demoralized the people working on halflife 2 and I do remember in a certian interview them saying that it was hard to get everyone back on the project cause they were so pissed that someone stole their hard work.
yeah thats it, caused a little frustrations, a little anger and some demoralization amongst a few members. thats it. kinda common in the work place from time to time, im sure they have encountered many problems over the X years spend on the project.
initially they might feel anally probed and their baby bled dry..
finacially, i think it will help sales. all that free advertising. also, but very small amount, it helped by providing a bit of a valve for the pressure of the grossly inacurate semptember date.
so, yes, in the long run, theyll look back and laugh and view it as one of those hurdles you get in the workplace. big friggen deal
nimh said:
yeah thats it, caused a little frustrations, a little anger and some demoralization amongst a few members. thats it. kinda common in the work place from time to time, im sure they have encountered many problems over the X years spend on the project.
initially they might feel anally probed and their baby bled dry..
finacially, i think it will help sales. all that free advertising. also, but very small amount, it helped by providing a bit of a valve for the pressure of the grossly inacurate semptember date.
so, yes, in the long run, theyll look back and laugh and view it as one of those hurdles you get in the workplace. big friggen deal

nimh, put yourself in their shoes. You've been working away on an engine and computer game for five years. You're nearing completion then your private files are invaded and a less than inferior version of the source code of that game is stolen.

That source code is then leaked on to the internet to millions of fans. The fans, out of curiousity, decide to download the newly compiled version of this source code. People are playing your work. Seeing your crude placeholders, seeing how bad the engine can be before it's optimised, seeing 3 year old graphics that you're working to replace. People see this product and relate that to Valve Software and were very disappointed.

All your hard work, then some little prick leaks it to everyone. I'd say that's a killer.
Tha online gaming community did it again! Solving world problems is what we do best :)
This owns.
Chris_D said:

nimh, put yourself in their shoes. You've been working away on an engine and computer game for five years. You're nearing completion then your private files are invaded and a less than inferior version of the source code of that game is stolen.

That source code is then leaked on to the internet to millions of fans. The fans, out of curiousity, decide to download the newly compiled version of this source code. People are playing your work. Seeing your crude placeholders, seeing how bad the engine can be before it's optimised, seeing 3 year old graphics that you're working to replace. People see this product and relate that to Valve Software and were very disappointed.

All your hard work, then some little prick leaks it to everyone. I'd say that's a killer.
I think that's exagurated, I say it's free publicity and the disadvantages of the theft have already worn down.
nimh said:
yeah thats it, caused a little frustrations, a little anger and some demoralization amongst a few members. thats it. kinda common in the work place from time to time, im sure they have encountered many problems over the X years spend on the project.
initially they might feel anally probed and their baby bled dry..
finacially, i think it will help sales. all that free advertising. also, but very small amount, it helped by providing a bit of a valve for the pressure of the grossly inacurate semptember date.
so, yes, in the long run, theyll look back and laugh and view it as one of those hurdles you get in the workplace. big friggen deal

ummm...did you ever check out the plummet in vu shares when this happened? Did you ever notice the major financial threat it caused to both producer and publisher?
Shuzer said:
Furthermore, I think you're all taking this a BIT too seriously. The said group stole the source code to a game.. horrible? Yes. As bad as say, murder? No. Deserving jail time? Yes. Deserving to be humiliated and sexually abused in prison? No. Deserving to have people pay to "beat the living shit out of them?" No.
Wishing something like them becoming "Bubba's new friends" and for them to "drop the soap" is both incredibly immature and unneeded, IMO.

The real point to this reply, however, was the people who said VALVe should let people pay a lump sum to "beat the living shit out of them," how messed up an individual must you be to wish to do this? Seriously, yes, they commited a crime and it's great news that they were brought to justice.. but you're taking it FAR too seriously. And taking it too far, especially.

I might understand better if you were directly affected by the theft (ie. you were an employee at VALVe), but again, alot of you are taking it far too seriously. Lighten up, they deserve to be brought to justice, but not by the likes of the lesser-half of the gaming community who thinks beating up people (or threatening to do so over the internet) is "cool."

...yay. Tell me, are you American? Because I've long been against the rather idiotic stereotype that the citizens of the US of A have no sense of irony, sarcasm, or down-right lying exaggeration, but that takes the biscuit and splatters my stance on the matter.

'Course, I'm having difficulty in telling if you're being serious right about now, which is rather telling about the state of the Internet as a whole...

If you seriously think that some of the people here genuinely wished half of what they detailed, I suggest you run like hell, because we must all be psychotic freaks. ...wait. How many of you actually meant that stuff...?

There's a difference between making a tongue in cheek reference to duffing over a bunch of hackers and actually inflicting such an atrocity on a living human being. Hell, it almost sounds like you favour the hackers over the "less serious" (or sane) half of our community, so again I'm going to have to admit I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. God, I'm having difficulty telling who's being serious, you're having difficulty telling who's being serious... I'm going to have to start using those bloody sarcasm and disclaimer tags.
ferd said:
I think that's exagurated, I say it's free publicity and the disadvantages of the theft have already worn down.
Of course it's not exaggerated.

Any body that has ever worked on any sort of project such as game design or just generic real life work projects will appreciate that if something of yours gets stolen and then distributed without it being even finished, then you're bound to feel like that.
Edcrab said:
...yay. Tell me, are you American? Because I've long been against the rather idiotic stereotype that the citizens of the US of A have no sense of irony, sarcasm, or down-right lying exaggeration, but that takes the biscuit and splatters my stance on the matter.

'Course, I'm having difficulty in telling if you're being serious right about now, which is rather telling about the state of the Internet as a whole...

If you seriously think that some of the people here genuinely wished half of what they detailed, I suggest you run like hell, because we must all be psychotic freaks. ...wait. How many of you actually meant that stuff...?

There's a difference between making a tongue in cheek reference to duffing over a bunch of hackers and actually inflicting such an atrocity on a living human being. Hell, it almost sounds like you favour the hackers over the "less serious" (or sane) half of our community, so again I'm going to have to admit I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. God, I'm having difficulty telling who's being serious, you're having difficulty telling who's being serious... I'm going to have to start using those bloody sarcasm and disclaimer tags.

For the most part, I was being serious. I do think people who even think it's funny/makes them look cool to say "hey, I should get to give one of them a swift kick in the butt and then condemn them to sexual abuse in prison" are in the wrong..

But no, I don't sympathize with the hackers, but they're human, so I don't think they deserve such punishment. They stole something, it's not anywhere near comparable to say, mass murder (I really feel no remorse towards murderers, and the like)

Anyhow, yes, I'm American. View my reply as you see fit, but I honestly think people who think it's both funny and makes them look cool to repeatedly make the same jokes about dropping the soap are sad.
The problem I have with people saying that is, I tend to believe they do wish they could do what they threaten. I really have lost my faith in most of the human race.
Yes, I'm going to have to agree on all that to be honest... I suppose the sodomy "jokes" did go on too damn long. Violation isn't big or clever, especially when its been rubbed into the ground.

But it isn't inhuman... Ha! I'd say wishing mindless violence and terror on other people is a very human characteristic.

Hmm. I managed to drag us off-topic again. Anyway, hopefully they'll get a suitiable punishment. Massive fine (where possible), possibly a brief jail sentence, but the most humiliating thing would to be identified; the community would despise them.
Gorgon said:
dam, they were cool haxors.

provide the community with free products. :D
Cool hackers? These...are cool hackers? What's so cool about them?

Cool? What would have earned them “cool?” Well, maybe if they showed they could get inside valve computers or maybe if they released a playable demo (1-2 levels). If you know anything about programming, stealing and publicly releasing someone's source code (especially 5 years multiplied by ??? employees) could be easily be considered a valid excuse for murder or a hit squad.

To put it frankly in terms everyone can understand, the hackers did not consider the consequences (being an additional delay of the game and great costs for valve). Sure there were other reasons in addition to this, but I’m sure we’d be playing Half Life 2 by now if it wasn’t for those ****ers.

THE SOURCE CODE. These fuc*ers can rot in hell.
It's generally accepted (if people believe Gabe's admission and comments) that HL2 would've been delayed anyway, but I maintain that the leak won't have helped.

A lot of the game will of lost its impact for some people... hell, I've already been exposed to more spoilers than I'd have wanted, which is any...
Ok. I will be the first to admit that the sodomy and killing jokes were alittle childish, but who cares? I am sure no one would actaully wish that to happen. I was looking at it as a big joke and I was just suprised at someone to take what people say over the internet so sersiouly.

I think we can all agree that one of the many punishments they should go throught (not the sodomy and killing) is not being able to ever play a valve game again. No halflife 2.. no nothing. That would be painful. No?
Finally, this is the first good news on the Half Life 2 front since E3.
I don't know about you guys but I'm getting a little misted up here...