Hackers you finally get what you deserve! Plus the delay IS official.

Originally posted by Dedalus
assuming doesn't have an E in it.

nice try though.
It gets the point across. Don't be like that, please.
Ironic how I posted a joke e-mail a while ago from Gabe saying how HL2 had been delayed until 2004, looks like it *may* have been correct ;o
Originally posted by Letters
It gets the point across. Don't be like that, please.

don't be like what? i corrected his spelling, and i still acknowledged his attempted humour. i don't see what was wrong with that.
has no one mentioned that vavle can relase it on steam whenever they want. Cant they? so if VU says they will realse it in like 2004 and its done by christmas, could valve just realse on steam? I think they would do this if VU wouldnt publish it untill like a month after its completed and they still wont realse it because they said it would be delayed x amount of time. You get me?
Well I have no idea when this game will be released but it seems to me that a lot of people are overlooking sometihing.


You don't think they talk to each other? My guess is that VU plays the bad guy predicting delays while Valve plays the good guy trying to get the product out to the community despite the big evil publisher. Whatever their strategy, rest assured there is one.
Yeah and EVERYONE knows the CEO of Vivendi has a white persian cat, IT ALL FITS!
Originally posted by d8cam
(goes freaking crazy)

omg this is so frustrating...


YAY i can annoy you now!




so hay i may make a post saying it is FALSE about the delay to piss you off...

naaa joking i won't do that.

but still...man this thread is dumb.
some could argue that releasing it on steam first would be smart for valve to do, it would make all the fanboys get a subscription so they could play the game first.
I'm up in the air whether I believe the delay will be until April, but this article was interesting:

CNN Money-Half Life 2

Valve, though, has not confirmed that delay. (Calls to the developer were not returned.) That's an important thing to note. Large independent game developers such as Valve and id Software typically decide when their games are released – not the publishers.
The delay is official! Many game sites have stated that VU has made it official. And that the game will not be released until April 2004 due to the game source leak. THey state it was very damaging, and has pushed back their development process. I personally believe it is a punishment for all the downloads of the code occuring. Ah, off to play some other game for the next 6.5 months.
Originally posted by Dedalus
d8cam i'm not doubting the credibility of reuters, but most of us feel that we won't truly believe something until it comes from the horses mouth.

you believe reuters 100% so that's fine. others don't believe it, and therefore would rather wait until Gabe Newell tells us how it is.

I'd really hate if Gabe waits till December 20th, and then 'officially' announces a delay till 'Easter 2004' (aka April 2004).

I can't believe the melodrama and media circus this game has turned into. I mean I've anticipated games before, but never has anything gone is wierd before.

It's become the 'O.J. trial' version a game release.
What is going to happen to ATI now if this delay is real? I think this would damage there sells
don't jump on every word written..........

sit back and enjoy a cold one and watch the goings -on.................:cool:
They would just bundle the game with the next generation of card.

They wouldnt ask for their money back - possesion is 9 thenths of the law.

So if its delayed it wont effect ATI in the long run. It wouldnt suprise me if Nvidia bundles the beta with their cards though.

I mean they have to sell them somehow:D
omg d8 youre a moron, stop being so pessimistic "i wont believe what gabe tells me"

I wouldn't trust Valve any further than I fan throw a fridgerator. After all, what has Valve told us that we should believe them? Up until the week of Sept. 30th Valve kept saying "yeah its on schedule". Every game store I knew DIDN'T say September 30th but some date in November or so. But yet, every Gabe worshipper condemned anyone who said anything other than Sept. 30th. I'm sorry, but I see the same thing happening again. Valve says an early date, everyone else, including the publishers, say a later date. I'm not placing my bets on Valve this time...
does anyone have a link to an official press release by valve or vivendi universal? also, does anyone have a link to an article about the delay that cites a source other than a single french paper (Les Echos)?
press releases are sometimes put on the companies websites...or they are sent out to the press...or both
"Was there any hope Gandalf...of Half-Life and Valve."
"There was never any hope. Just a fool's hope..."
vivendi cant technically delay the game.. its up to valve to make the big phone call
Im a loyal valve fan
however even though I keep my loyalty, I have lost my faith in them.
I screamed 30th because I naively believed it was all some ploy by valve to make the surprise extra good... I mean they been keeping quiet for 5 years, why state a date you cant reach?
as I said I was silly for thinking so.
when I heard it was pushed back to holidays, I was really dissapointed but understood.
when people asked "what do you think will happen on the 30th" I replied nothing
did they deliver the sdk? no
did they deliver the benchmark? no
have they delivered anything besides fuel for speculation? nope

I love valve and wish they had their act together, such however is not the case and Im mature enough to know wishing it was so wont change diddly.

I despise that I wont have hl2 in my hands this year, let alone early next (I dont call april early) since I spent 3 grand (like a fanboy) in anticipation, based on "loyalty"

and what are we going to do for the next 6-7 months? nothing.. just like before the leak news
abso-****ing-lutely nothing.. before the leak the forums were nice, but lets be honest you can only make so many "omg look what I found in the hl2 e3 vid!!" threads...
we are all starved for info. and when something of a scrap is thrown our way we horde it and discuss it for months.
the whole beta thing is laughable... but its all we have
and valve didnt even give it to us.
I will be honest, I have looked at all the pics I could find.. it has thus far stopped me from dling the beta..
I hope something new comes out soon, because april 2004 is an enormous wait for people who thought the wait for sept30 was bad enough.. especially when you check the forums everyday.
bah here ends rant
I'll have to agree with you d8cam....valve is really getting on my nerves.

something fishy is going on at valve.

1. New media is promised to be released after the end of the steam beta, this comes and goes, and till this day we've only got to see some HDR vid---something that although was'nt promised, but certainly was'nt what we expected....another blooper?? maybe...

2. 30th release date slips---even though gabe and some of the Hl2 staff, deny any of this, up until the 24th of september when doug l slides up a little undisclosed--mediocre looking email to shacknews, officially stating that hl2 has been delayed until the holidays.

3. 30th of september comes along, and the promised benchmark slips too---big surprise?!!?

4. Leak is reported, and gabe offically confirms it on HL2.net, tho valve has yet to comment this to any websites, papers or news sites (i.e bbc-online)

5. Vivendi reports HL2 has been delayed to 2004, as usual valve has no comment.

Btw if the beta leak really portrays the state that HL2 is in, i really don't want anything to do with valve or at all support them further---since it then seems to me like we've got told a giant lie by valve...unfortunatly.

About the 2k4 delay, i think its becoming ever more evident that this is going to happen---if not then its more than likly it'll be postponed even further so we'll get a release in Q2 of 2004 or maybe even Q3....and then--well i'm gonna skip on the HL2 hype---even by the 1st Quarter, mind you before the release of HL2 we'll already have Doom3, Far Cry, Stalker and UT 2k4 out...
I empathise with Mr Redundant on most levels. Hell I've started and stopped the beta torrent a couple of times now but frankly I'm sck of this whole thing.

I just wish the hacker would piss off and ideally be caught, preferrably by some rabid fans as I suspect the law wouldn't be a concern then and I wish Valve would just give us a quarter they reasonably expect it to be done by.

I don't buy the idea this pretty average looking (from the screenies) and decidedly incomplete beta is everything that Valve had by the 30th, I think it's earlier work grabbed by mistake.
Originally posted by scribblehead
mind you before the release of HL2 we'll already have Doom3, Far Cry, Stalker and UT 2k4 out...

Looks like Valve might not be a contestant for 'game of the year' for '03.
Im for the Same Spork
I just want it to end :(
I could do with a new video right now haha.
but yeah, it all depends what stage of acceptance your on.
and Im pretty much done. I can wait. since personally I dont want to cheapen the hard work valve put into making the game a surprise. you could argue that its all stuff we have seen before... but you know thats just a rationalization. its not.
heres to the wait eh?
Originally posted by Sporky
I don't buy the idea this pretty average looking (from the screenies) and decidedly incomplete beta is everything that Valve had by the 30th, I think it's earlier work grabbed by mistake.

Can I just say something?

First of all it's not "pretty average looking": it has the best goddamn graphics I've ever seen in my entire life. Nothing can beat this. Doom looks like Blake Stone 3D in comparison.

Second: the incomplete beta WAS all that Valve had by september 26. That is why the game was delayed. Not because of the theft.
d8, what that other ppl are saying is that VU are not the developers of HL2. They are only the publishers. Until we have a press release from VALVe confirming the delay I don't think anyone can really be sure.
We all seem to be forgetting the e3 footage. That looked one hell of a lot more complete than any BETA screenie I've seen so far. On the weight of that alone I don't believe that the BETA is all VALVe had completed. It simply does not add up.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
First of all it's not "pretty average looking": it has the best goddamn graphics I've ever seen in my entire life. Nothing can beat this. Doom looks like Blake Stone 3D in comparison.

LOL i got Blake stone 3D on floppy at home....

Btw from the beta pics i've seen so far, i have to say that the graphics don't look any better than Far Cry or stalker....or even doom3 for that matter (tho d3 is really just a real time plastic emulator :D)

Stalker has by far the most realistic graphics i've ever seen...HL2 ranks in second...

Second: the incomplete beta WAS all that Valve had by september 26. That is why the game was delayed. Not because of the theft.

And if that is really true, which i too believe, then i could'nt care less about valve and hl2---and btw in this state the game has a minimum of a year left in development....so don't expect it anytime soon---not even april 2004----that date smells like bad judgement...but again this is just my oppinion if the beta is the real build that valve currently has.
Going back to the original post, how did the hackers get what they deserve? Do you mean the game :cheese:
thats some great detective work dumbass. everyone says different dates, then denyit. no one knows when it gonna come out. so stop posting these bullshit threads where u think u are 'helping' everyone out.