Haha this joke.

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Nov 17, 2003
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What is the most musical bone?
a trombone!

ok how about this one...

What do you call a trunk full of bison?
a buffaload

Har har... i <3 popscicles.

An exciting spam cop drama from nugget productions!

Seriously WTF?
I have a joke!

What do you call a monster with three eyes?

Answer: Seemore!
What do you call a Giant gaping hole as a head, with 2 arms and 2 legs?

This thread is salvagable as long as there are no dead baby jokes.
Razor said:
This thread is salvagable as long as there are no dead baby jokes.

aww, you're no fun.

Two drums and a cymbol fall off of a cliff.

*ba-bum KSSSH*
cyberpitz said:
What do you call a Giant gaping hole as a head, with 2 arms and 2 legs?

What do you call a glorious Japanese fountain with shades of brown and tan, that seems to hit you right in the face?!

tub girl
David Hasselhoff calls his agent and demands, "I want everyone to call me The Hoff from now on!"

His agent replies "Sure Dave, No hassle!"

Cormeh said:
David Hasselhoff calls his agent and demands, "I want everyone to call me The Hoff from now on!"

His agent replies "Sure Dave, No hassle!"

why do seaguls fly over the sea?

because if they flew over the bay, theyd be bagels!
What do you say to a <censored> in a suit?

"Will the defendent please rise"

Put some velcro on the ceiling
What do you call a dead baby in a blender?

A tragic case of childabuse =(
Q: What do Eskimoes and Zip-Lock bags have in common?

A: They both like a tight seal.

SimonomiS said:
I've got the mp3 of Tongue Tied as well. ;)

I've got this CD somewhere, all it is, is like 10 versions of that song. The cat is full of himself...

man, all the jokes I know are either dead baby jokes or dirty jokes :S
What do you call a dead speakerphone?

A non-walkie talkie.

A blonde and a brunette jump off the top of a tall building at the same time. Who reaches the ground first?

They both hit the ground at the same time. Hair colour has no effect on gravity.

/me wonders why is that taking up so much space.
Two blondes walk into a building. You would've thought one of them would have seen it.

My uncle went into surgery for kidney surgery, they ended up taking out his bladder by mistake. Just takes the piss...

My brother was firing chickens into the air with a cannon, when by accident he picked a male one. That was a right cock-up.

Thank you, thank you, I'm here all night ladies and gents, thank you.
a duck walks into a bar and orders a scotch and soda. The bartender asks him how he intends to pay, and the duck says, "Put it on my bill" HARHAT
WHat did the astronaut say as he blasted into space.

Razor said:
This thread is salvagable as long as there are no dead baby jokes.
what do u call a dead baby?

a commeradebadger. OH FLAME'D!!

lol, j/k
How many elephants can you fit into a sardine can?


How many sardines can you fit into a sardine can?

As many as the can holds

How many elephants can a human eat?

Probably not even one, elephants are large animals

How many sardines can a human eat?

About 8
If fat people can go skinny dipping can skinny people go fat dipping?

Why isn't there any beach volleyball players named sandy crack?

Why is the word panties plural and the word braw singular?
How do you put a giraffe in a refrigerator?

Open the door and put it inside

How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?

Take the giraffe out and put the elephant in

Why did a girl fall out of a tree?

She had no arms

Why did the monkey fall out of a tree?

The monkey was stapled to the girl.

I will stop now.
Why do you park in a driveway and drive in a parkway?

What do you call 50,000 blacks jumping out of a plane?
What do you call 6 million dead jews

a really unfunny joke
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