Half Life 1 mod - The Ship


Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
Last night i found a very interesting and original, yes, i said original, mod. Its called the ship.

Imagine a game in which you don't know who to trust, you don't know who may be about to kill you, in fact you don't even know who is human and who is artificial. Played online, your quarry is another human player but can you find them amongst the AI inhabitants of the Ship? Once you know who they are, find yourself a weapon but keep an eye out for security guards and cameras. If you're spotted trying to murder someone you'll be transported to the Brig and suffer a hefty fine. If you succeed in killing your quarry Mr. X will reward you with a cash prize, depending on how entertaining he found your murder. At the same time you must look after yourself, wash, sleep, eat and have fun and remember - always look over your shoulder because somewhere there's a player looking for you! (this was copied and pasted from the about section on Moddb.)

So basically you go around on a ship trying to find the person that you have to kill, while someone else is trying to kill you and so on. But you have stats, like in the sims, where you have to eat, drink, shower, poop, sleep, and have fun (play pool, read a book) So you could find your quarry, follow him/her around without them noticeing, they will go into the bathroom, follow him/her, and kill them when there on the crappier. Of course, the same thing could happen to you. And, when you kill someone, you get to pick up there wallet which will have there money in it + their weapons. Also, if 3 people witness your murder, or see you holding a weapon you will be put to jail for a certain amount of time depending on how many weapons you had/ what you did. You also get money taken away from you also depending on what you did/ what weapons you had on you. But if you go to jail instead of waitng the 2 minutes or so to get out, you can bribe the guard with 2000 dollars. But if you kill your hunter, then you dont get in trouble.

Links -

- Main website

- How to play

- Non UK link

-UK download link

Have fun.
Heh that actually sounds like a really cool mod.. How the hell did I miss it until now :(
theres only about 10 servers, but theres always people on so you could still play.
Looking at the screenshots, it looks really good. Be cool if they could make a HL2 version *hint hint if those guys are reading* :D
Well actually, this game is going to be made on there own engine, they decided to use the half life engine for now as a prototype so they could get feedback from the players. But it would be interesting if they imported it to the source engine.
Epyon said:
Well actually, this game is going to be made on there own engine, they decided to use the half life engine for now as a prototype so they could get feedback from the players. But it would be interesting if they imported it to the source engine.
Ah well if they have their own engine so much the better (no steam!) :)

I wish them luck
It's a pretty fun game, but The Sims style eating/drinking system can get annoying sometimes. It's cool how you know there's some killer after you, but you don't know who it is. You get paranoid whenever you enter an empty room, and start to look around to see if anyone watches you going in.
Its... odd to say the least, I tryed it afew weeks ago, Its a nice idea, but its VERY buggy, and they need a guide, like the NS one, thats shoved in your face and easy to find, as most players online are complaining that they dont understand. So this is a fun game, but now quite worth me keeping on my harddrive, to many bugs and issues.
I'd have thought the eating/drinking part would have been good, done properly anyway.

But if its full of bugs I'll probably give it a miss until they do it on their own engine, or Source, whichever comes first and/or works better.

Still looks like a good idea
The Mistress said:
Its... odd to say the least, I tryed it afew weeks ago, Its a nice idea, but its VERY buggy, and they need a guide, like the NS one, thats shoved in your face and easy to find, as most players online are complaining that they dont understand. So this is a fun game, but now quite worth me keeping on my harddrive, to many bugs and issues.

I don't see many bugs... And if they don't know how to play they can RTFM.

I'd have thought the eating/drinking part would have been good, done properly anyway.

It works great. But it just gets in the way. You've been stalking your pray for a bit then you realize you need a piss, then have to run and find a toilet. It just gets annoying after a while.
StardogChampion said:
I don't see many bugs... And if they don't know how to play they can RTFM.

It works great. But it just gets in the way. You've been stalking your pray for a bit then you realize you need a piss, then have to run and find a toilet. It just gets annoying after a while.
I'd find that annoying in a "haha damnit I shoulda gone earlier" kind of way. Trying to kill someone and caught short, I could see that making it a much better game.

Course if its done in a _do this now or end up dying_ style then it spoils it entirely. But if its a gradual slow down in movement, or your hands start to shake a little and other things from not going for a pee for hours when you need to. It would add to the gameplay a lot.
i havent found any bugs yet, it never crashed or anything, but yea, sometimes the stats thing could get annoying, i also hate when innocent people follow me around and then i enter a empty room and they follow me so i kill them and they werent my hunter :( , but i got there money so yea :D
These innocent people, are they real players too?

It sounds like one of those murder weekends, those are great fun. Heh me and Kadayi when we actually got on :) were talking about doing a mod like that. Had no idea one had been done, ah well this one sounds really well done so thats ok :)
i think each and every person has a different quarry, meaning YOU yourself are a victim for someone. :)
i found it quite interesting actually :p

the innocents, are only innocent to YOU they will have thier own killer, i think that all/most of the people are players
neptuneuk said:
i think each and every person has a different quarry, meaning YOU yourself are a victim for someone. :)
i found it quite interesting actually :p

the innocents, are only innocent to YOU they will have thier own killer, i think that all/most of the people are players
Damnit this game is sounded more and more fun with every post lol. Seriously, sounds really cool.

I'd play it but too much screwing about getting this machine workable for games, that and its too hot :p
The Dark Elf said:
These innocent people, are they real players too?

It sounds like one of those murder weekends, those are great fun. Heh me and Kadayi when we actually got on :) were talking about doing a mod like that. Had no idea one had been done, ah well this one sounds really well done so thats ok :)

Bascially, each person has a different quarry, which is a real person, the quarry/hunter is always a person. The only person you are suppose to kill is your quarry, but you can also kill your hunter but sometimes it hard to see who your hunter is. So if you kill a npc, or a real person thats isnt your quarry or hunter then you killed a innocent person.
Epyon said:
Bascially, each person has a different quarry, which is a real person, the quarry/hunter is always a person. The only person you are suppose to kill is your quarry, but you can also kill your hunter but sometimes it hard to see who your hunter is. So if you kill a npc, or a real person thats isnt your quarry or hunter then you killed a innocent person.
So how do you know who your guarry is. And I'm assuming you never know who your hunter is, until he/she kills you right?
The Dark Elf said:
So how do you know who your guarry is. And I'm assuming you never know who your hunter is, until he/she kills you right?

when you put your crosshair over a character theres a ? as their name, but once you go up to them and press the e button you "talk" to them and then when you put your crosshair over them it says there name. The names are in a gold text, but if you talk to someone and their name is in red text then thats your quarry. And dont really ever know if someone is your hunter for sure 100%, but if someone keeps following you or if you go into a empty room and they follow you, you can be pretty sure its your hunter.
Epyon said:
when you put your crosshair over a character theres a ? as their name, but once you go up to them and press the e button you "talk" to them and then when you put your crosshair over them it says there name. The names are in a gold text, but if you talk to someone and their name is in red text then thats your quarry. And dont really ever know if someone is your hunter for sure 100%, but if someone keeps following you or if you go into a empty room and they follow you, you can be pretty sure its your hunter.
You know if I go to the trouble of installing HL1 again for this, it had better be as good as you make it sounds :p
The Dark Elf said:
You know if I go to the trouble of installing HL1 again for this, it had better be as good as you make it sounds :p

as long as you dont kill me.....
StardogChampion said:
Haha, you have the hang of it already without even having played it.
Heh cool, well I don't have to play it now then, that saved a few weeks of being hooked on the game :D
its a really original idea, i like the 1920s style weapons :D
i love the big freakin needle!!!!
Played the first version of it, liked it very much. Great game, I recommend.
Anyone know if the engine their making themselves, IS their own engine, or is it using an open source or a licenced one as a base to work from?
its alot different from your standard Counterstrike/deathmatch games. its a thinking mans game, and a cool one too... i just need to avoid being in jail so much... its only ONE minute or so... but im so impatient :)

edit: i just remembered... when i was stalking my quarry, i waited for him to go into this room... AND KILLED HIM IN HIS SLEEP :D:D:D
pwnage :)
I love this mod and fun to play - hilarous at times. I would definently recommend it.
I played it. I understood how to play the second it told me who my quarry was. Very easy to play and really funny.
The Dark Elf said:
Anyone know if the engine their making themselves, IS their own engine, or is it using an open source or a licenced one as a base to work from?

Im not sure, all i know is that they said they will be useing their own engine.

Im glad everyone is likeing this mod, maybe someone can get a server up and we can all play together.
It would be good if gameplay didn't involve running around pressing 'E' on people until the name you wanted shows up, then shooting them.
Varsity said:
It would be good if gameplay didn't involve running around pressing 'E' on people until the name you wanted shows up, then shooting them.

ok, have fun with CS + its 500 clones.
Epyon said:
ok, have fun with CS + its 500 clones.
*slaps Epyon* don't start a fight :p

Varsity does have a point, though I havent played it. But maybe the method used could have been better. Maybe it'll be fixed in their own engine anyway. We all know how much better it is to use your own engine over someone elses you don't have full access to :)