Half-Life 2: Aftermath Update

I would care if this was 2003 and this was half-life 2.

But this is a crappy expansion pack and i don't care :)
I hope this means they can focus on getting the damn SDK update out.
Well, at least this means I'll have more room for my Christmas list. FEAR might have to replace it. I don't really care when it comes out...as long it isn't say, a year from now.
russ_uk said:
hmm , it still full of bugs even now :P

thats what i thought, it stuttered like crazy and my ending was ruined by a staticy texture map of that bearded guy in the videos.

oh well, no biggie really, they should know not to put out release dates by now, but the community seems to be taking it a bit better this time..

maybe they'll suprise us and add the hydra, or maybe do like hl2 and just cut a buncha stuff they couldn't get to work to rush the game out :S

wheres that planethalflife guy when you need him?
awwwww :(
damn i was looking forward to a release.
oh well...i guess that leaves money for a game i probably wouldn't be getting.
anyway...Feb/March? estimation generally seems to be off quite a bit over at Valve eh? :p
I've gone through hl2 about 4 times so far. it's brilliant, never gets old. If i gotta wait for another few months for an add-on, I don't mind. HL2 was delayed a whole year, and it was still excellent. They took that extra time to make sure it was top-notch, and it paid off. Just be thankful this is being developed inhouse, and not some shitty, untalented company screwing around with the HL2 formula.
Most add-on's get a half-assed effort, because of time restraints. This will be different, so i don't mind the wait.
TheBlackViper said:
So? Don't get pissed, the later it is released, the better it will be :)
In theory yes, but according to that Daikatana would be the greatest game ever released and Duke Nukem Forever will be so brilliant we will probably all have heart attacks playing it as our heat beat appreoaches 1000 beats per a second.

Just in practice doesnt always mean its a better game, just development was slower or troubled. I must say I'm pretty disapointed honestly, but then again I wasnt even betting on a November release so its all the same...I still have Civilisation, AOE3 and a few others to keep me tied over xmas and while I dont think time necessarily means a better game, I do have faith in Valve releasing a quality product.

I think itd be nice if they released a video teaser in the meantime, the original one wasnt that great really.

Now Im screwed come March. Just like I recently bought Fear, Quake4, Fable and AOE3 inside the time of one month, Come march I will be buying Aftermath, Oblivion and Stalker. Good things come in batches I guess.
Rofl, just the kind of thing i was expecting to happen with Aftermath so i am not bothered, in fact im please that it gives them more time to improve, and it also gives me more time to play through other games and HL2 more then twice :P
Smigit said:
In theory yes, but according to that Daikatana would be the greatest game ever released and Duke Nukem Forever will be so brilliant we will probably all have heart attacks playing it as our heat beat appreoaches 1000 beats per a second.

Just in practice doesnt always mean its a better game, just development was slower or troubled. I must say I'm pretty disapointed honestly, but then again I wasnt even betting on a November release so its all the same...I still have Civilisation, AOE3 and a few others to keep me tied over xmas and while I dont think time necessarily means a better game, I do have faith in Valve releasing a quality product.

I think itd be nice if they released a video teaser in the meantime, the original one wasnt that great really.

Now Im screwed come March. Just like I recently bought Fear, Quake4, Fable and AOE3 inside the time of one month, Come march I will be buying Aftermath, Oblivion and Stalker. Good things come in batches I guess.

I think, given Valve's track record, that the longer they spend on a game, the better it will be. I can't speak for the other mentioned games, but HL1 was delayed, and HL2 was delayed; they turned out pretty awesome if you ask me.
I think this is at least partly because they are building several episodes at once, so they can (perhaps!) keep up with the two-month plan.
I guess we all have some mixed emotions about this, in one hand we want the game NOW!, but in the other we rather wait until the game really are finished (so we won't have the same trouble we had with HL2, bugs and shit). I think that when feb/march is here we'll thank Valve for waiting so long since the game probably will be awesome!

But ofcourse I agree, I wanted the game in november.. I where really looking forward to it :/
Delays happen, that's obvious. Valve has never failed me in terms of quality and brilliant games, so I'm calm about Aftermath being a great game.

I didn't read the whole topic, but I see someone mentioning Daikatana and Duke Nukem Forever as an example, that delays don't mean a better product.
Well, the thing with Daikatana isn't what many may think - the game was not delayed because they wanted to perfect it. It was delayed because of a wrong decision - to port the game to the Quake 2 engine. If they wouldn't have done that and released the game on Quake engine, we'd be playing it in 1997 and wouldn't be able to pick our jaws up from the floor. Converting all the code from QuakeC to C and stuff like that, is a lot of work and rarely works as planned. It's also a must to note, that when John Romero told the team to move to Q2 engine, the team slowly quit. People were leaving, because they didn't want to do their work from scratch (Q1 and Q2 are totally different engines). When they finished the final version of the game, the whole team met with Romero and told him "we quit". Now, Romero says the move to the new engine was a bad decision.

Duke Nukem Forever - we haven't seen this game. Maybe it's going to be the best FPP game ever made. Maybe it's crap. Maybe it's mediocre. We haven't even seen any screenshots from the game (please be aware, that the old screenshots of DNF were taken down from where it was possible to take down, because they do not represent the graphics/quality of the current build).

We have some good games to play this year. There's Quake 4, FEAR, Call of Duty 2... Hey, there's Battlefield 2 and a soon-to-be-released add-on. So we have games to kill the time while waiting for Aftermath :)

Oh, and Feb/March is a very good timing for me ;)
Not a massive, and though disappointing it's not exactly the end of the world. Like last time, it's probably for the best. No point in hurrying it out if it's not done.
Whats the point of giving us an ETA if they can't be realistic to themselves about when they will be able to release it. Do the development team only have 1 meeting for the whole month?

Then again, I don't really care for I have no internet connection to my comp at the moment, I have to relie on my dads comp to reply to these threads.

Hopefully by the NEW ETA I will have the required connection to fully update my system and to purchase Aftermath online
Anyone who believed they'd make the November deadline were fooling themselves. I'm not even sure they can make a February/March one.
These are some awful news for now, but great they will be in feb/mar :>
For those that moan:

When have valve ever released a project not worth playing? Everything they have released has been (at the very least) on par with the top games already out on the market. Its not in valves interest to release shit, buggy games.

Shut up and accept that you ll be waiting another 4 months for another great game.
wilka91 said:
Valve is lying all the time, so it's no news

Yes...they no doubt are guilty of war crimes as well ...buy a life ffs :dozey:
tbh, i would rather wait an extra 3-4 months for a bug free game than sumert like EA wud produce.
Yes valve lies all the time, so that is basically saying that whatever they say is complete bullshit, so a month or so ago they said they would release some new Player models for CSS in the near future, now we have the news of the 2 player models AND 2 classic maps remade, so technically they are not "lying all the time". Get it right, kk thx bye :)
lister said:
tbh, i would rather wait an extra 3-4 months for a bug free game than sumert like EA wud produce.
Exactly, but that's what a lot of people don't understand.
I got owned... ;(

Ah well, I got some games I got to complete first so this isn't so bad. I'm actually pretty glad to say the truth. :)
I can live with it that. Nothing wrong with getting the game done right.
wilka91 said:
Valve is lying all the time, so it's no news

Go jump off a cliff seriously. All you do is talk shit about them. You obviously have no idea how developement for a game happens. So you just spew shit, now shhhhh.
On the bright side, this gives me plenty of time to:

A) Get a playable beta of Conquest: City 17 finished
B) Crush people, with the Combine not on Xen argument
C) Use subliminal advertising in *A* to force home *B*

-Angry Lawyer
I´m a bit disappointed that it got pushed back so far - I was thinking december-january. But I agree with Ennui, quality matters more. And a march release might actually give me the time to replay HL2 before Aftermath.
So in a way this is good news!
I think its delayed because of one or more of the following reasons:
- They are simply not done Aftermath.
- They are re-doing parts of Aftermath they are not satisfied with./
- Stuff like HDR and possibly commentary are being added.
- Valve is working on several things at once: new content for CS:S, DoD:S, Team Fortress 2 (lol), and Aftermath.
- They have too many rave breaks.

At least they didn't quote a specific release date, yet. Besides, I'd perfer a polished product than a rushed one.
Yeah, at least their giving out content between the waiting period, plus most mods are coming together, about to get out into beta. So its all good IMO.
Undoubtedly many of you will fail to see the positive side of this, so allow me to elaborate. Judging by Doug's statement there, it seems as though Aftermath isn't finished or if it is finished then it's currently not good enough to be appreciated by us all.

How exactly is Aftermath being unfinished and of low-quality positive? You'll have to elaborate... again....
I think the thing that we should all bear in mind and keep remembering is that Feb/Mar has been given as an ETA. Therefore as it's only estimated, it still could go either way. Could be earlier, or it could be later..
If it's earlier, I'll eat Munro's pants.
Ok, this just proves HL Episodes is NEVER going to work.

"Every 3-6 months a new episode will come out" Valve

Aftermath Development time: 1 year and counting

Im sure it will be an amazing addon when it eventually comes out, but well the Episodes plan no way in hell, if it takes this long for one of them, unless each episode is 1 hour long it wont happen