Half-life 2 and April 2004...don't assume April


Jul 17, 2003
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I posted here a lot until about September 15. Then, I realized hl2 was really delayed.

This is one of my first posts since then. I return daily to see if there is any news, but all the posts are the same now. "HL2 Delay blah blah blah"

Well, I came back and saw that some, if not many, of you all think that HL2 is going to come out April 2004?

I just don't see it happening.

Now before you slam me and call it opinion, let me explain.

First off, I am not going to give you the usual crap explanation where I say that the original HL was delayed a year so it must mean that hl2 will be the same.

Thats a bunch of crap and you people are stupid to think that just because one thing happened, another thing must.

Gabe is a great person for all the questions he has answered, but being silent for this length of time after everyone knows HL2 is a big game, is not acceptable.

Just because it was said at this UNOFFICIAL German link:


That does not mean its official, and neither do the other sites that copied from that or the sites that that site copied from. Its amazing how a few false news items can spawn so much stupid and ridiculous discussion.

If there was a VU press release, then why isn't it on VU Game's website?

Also, I have no faith in April anyway. We were promised SO MUCH STUFF and we aren't getting any of it: more HL2 videos, CS:CZ (yes, I know the status of it), etc...

The only thing Valve did right was release the FULL steam package on fileplanet so that, from there, it was spread throughout the Internet so that everyone doesn't have to download the 800MB file from Valve.

Steam is working great for me...though I don't play much (too occupied with a GTA website on Vice City and playing Madden 2004, both on PC of course).

One of my friends went with me to EB Games to get a new pc gamepad today and he asked about a HL2 release date and I thought "Why are you asking these people? They don't know anything."

The clerk looked sternly at us and said its slated for 2004.

I was surprised. I expected them to say "February 18" (for example) or some stupid, unspecified date.

I think they are right.


Don't laugh. I know its nothing new. There may be a few people who think it will be till 2005, but thats stretching it.

Until new stuff is released, there won't be any good discussions here. Even if Gabe talks about the graphics or something, I won't get excited. I find it amazing that some people here that have the rough game without textures (in some places) talk about it like its no big deal.


That's all we know, and I believe they are right.

P.S.- I expect flaming is to come. Yes, its ironic that I said I am tired of delay posts when I, myself, am kind of creating one. Don't flame me. Don't lock this. Don't hide behind your Internet alias and be an extrovert when you are an introvert in real life. For once, on an internet message board, allow a post that someone took time to type up. Don't tell me this post it pointless. 99% of posts here should be deleted, not just locked.

That's my opinion (in the P.S.) and everyones entitled to it.
Hey same here I haven't posted since the leak.

I agree with pretty much everything you said.
I think they're gonna release it during the Spring. Not sure, just speculating. Don't see a reason for it to make it all the way down to fall, releasing a game during the summer is horrible, and there's little chance of it being released in the first months of the year.

What I don't understand is that you state this is just your opinion, yet at the beginning of your post you claim that this isn't rumours or speculation.
Half-life 2 is an acutal game that will come out. Its hard to imagine a game of that calibre comming out thats why people doubt its release date all the time. Its greatness contriditcs its own existance, kinda like many discussions about God etc.
If it's not speculation, just what the hell is it? Piss of ya wanker. What makes you think you're all holier than thou?
Originally posted by iamaelephant
If it's not speculation, just what the hell is it? Piss of ya wanker. What makes you think you're all holier than thou?
Probably tons of people asked already but can i have a link and name of that wonderful woman.
Originally posted by coolio2man
Half-life 2 is an acutal game that will come out. Its hard to imagine a game of that calibre comming out thats why people doubt its release date all the time. Its greatness contriditcs its own existance, kinda like many discussions about God etc.

Funny stuff :)
... I'm confused.

Why did it take so much just to say "2004"?

EDIT: Is Hydra above Combine now?
Originally posted by OCybrManO
... I'm confused.

Why did it take so much just to say "2004"?
Its not the effort, its the emotional pain, like telling ur mom that her Dad died.
I give up. I surrender. I am NOT worthy of Half Life 2.

In other words, Half Life 3 is currently in development. Bwhahaha. *cough*
Originally posted by coolio2man
Probably tons of people asked already but can i have a link and name of that wonderful woman.

LOL, yeah I get plenty of requests ;)

It's Catherin Bell...


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I'm just telling myself April 2004 so my hopes don't get up. That's the only reason I'm saying that. So if it does come out earlier, all the better! :D
You spent all that time and typing to patch in all the holes in your post just so you can make a delay thread and try to have it not close?
One question d8cam: Why is each of your sentences spaced as if they were complete paragraphs?
Originally posted by d8cam


Uh, yes it is. You might want to try this novel little book called a "dictionary". It's simply amazing what you find in there!

..... but all the posts are the same now. "HL2 Delay blah blah blah"

Yeah, just like yours.

Well, I came back and saw that some, if not many, of you all think that HL2 is going to come out April 2004?

Yes, because that is the best information that is currently available, even if it is not official.

I just don't see it happening.

Now before you slam me and call it opinion, let me explain.

Ok, I'll play along.

First off, .......*lot's of talking*........
can spawn so much stupid and ridiculous discussion.

Ironic really.

The only thing Valve did right was release the FULL steam package on fileplanet so that, from there, it was spread throughout the Internet so that everyone doesn't have to download the 800MB file from Valve.

The only thing? I would say them making Half-Life 2 was at least a close second. :rolleyes:

Then you say:

The clerk looked sternly at us and said its slated for 2004.....

I think they are right.



"Why are you asking these people? They don't know anything."

So the stern clerk's statement backs up your argument how again?

Don't laugh.

Ahahahahahahahahahah.....oh sorry about that. It's a condition I have.

Until new stuff is released, there won't be any good discussions here.

Oh, well thanks for letting me know. I was gonna keep reading these forums until HL2 comes out, but I'm glad you cleared that up for me so I don't have to waste my time.

P.S.- I expect flaming is to come.

Wow, you must be like the next Nostradamus or something.

Yes, its ironic that I said I am tired of delay posts when I, myself, am kind of creating one. Don't flame me. Don't lock this. Don't hide behind your Internet alias and be an extrovert when you are an introvert in real life....... Don't tell me this post it pointless.

Well damn, you've pretty much got yourself covered there don't you. I guess I'll just have to delete this post since it violates your rules. Oops, sorry, but I can't seem to find the "my opinion is stupid and yours is the word of God" button. As soon as I locate it though, I will take the proper action.

For once, on an internet message board, allow a post that someone took time to type up.

Implying that everyone else's post are done instantly. Dang you must be a slow typer I guess not to keep up with the rest of us. You should really work on that.

99% of posts here should be deleted, not just locked.

Oh, thank you oh lord of forums. Through your wisdom and guidance I pray that I may become a better person and forumite. In your ultimate mercy please allow my post to be deleted rather than locked, for my words are unworthy musings not fit for your Divine eyes.

That's my opinion (in the P.S.) and everyones entitled to it

Everyone is entitled to your opinion? Oh thank you. We are again unworthy of such greatness.

Oh wait, you mean everyone is entitled to their own opinion? What blasphemy is this. Surely you jest!
Maybe a lot of the discussion here is pointless, but what makes you say yours is any less pointless?

---Off Topic----

Yo d8cam. Any new vice city movie stuff?

P.S. If you don't remember who I am, I released the video "Vice Grip"
I remain optimistic, even though I'm not sure why. I agree that its possible that HL2 will be delayed past April 2004. However, consider that:
  1. Amazon have a date for it: 9th April. Pretty precise eh?
  2. Prima have announced their strategy guides for HL2, and a mod-makers guide. Where did they get enough information for them from?
Originally posted by Loco
I remain optimistic, even though I'm not sure why. I agree that its possible that HL2 will be delayed past April 2004. However, consider that:
  1. Amazon have a date for it: 9th April. Pretty precise eh?
  2. Prima have announced their strategy guides for HL2, and a mod-makers guide. Where did they get enough information for them from?

  1. Prima just announced it. nothing else that doesn't means its finished they just confirmed that their would one. i hate people who jump to conclusions stupdily. have u heard the saying Look Before You Leap? take it to heart.
Originally posted by Adam
One question d8cam: Why is each of your sentences spaced as if they were complete paragraphs?

It took him that long to think of each one silly ;)
madness, does it really make much of a difference what we think though?:dozey: ,, 2 to 4 months isnt that much time so lets just pat valve on the back for making us ponder like this, cause you all know that this is planned hype.. if they told us the date it wouldnt be as fun :)

besides anyway.. and more importantly ,, we are all gonna be playing Half Life 2 soon... kewl :bounce:
Originally posted by Pitbul
Prima just announced it. nothing else that doesn't means its finished they just confirmed that their would one. i hate people who jump to conclusions stupdily. have u heard the saying Look Before You Leap? take it to heart.

Sorry! Just adding the only info I have to hand. Better than nothing isn't it?
Why are you all being so mean?

Just because this is the Internet doesn't mean that you can act different....if you are a nerd in real life, why change online?
Originally posted by d8cam
Why are you all being so mean?

Just because this is the Internet doesn't mean that you can act different....if you are a nerd in real life, why change online?

I didn't act differently. I'm a jerk in real life too. =)

I responded the way I did because most of what you said didn't really make any sense and a couple comments were rather arogant if not insulting.
I have lost all faith in Valve to. I don't think Half-Life 2 will come out in April, but theres nothing we can do but sit and wait.
Originally posted by Loco
Sorry! Just adding the only info I have to hand. Better than nothing isn't it?

yeah it is but just adding my 2 cents to make sure no one jumps to anymore conclusions any further. and d8cam im an a**hole in real life and people are often offended by some of the things i say oh well its life,

PS soccer moms hate me. :cheese:
Originally posted by Kschreck
I have lost all faith in Valve to. I don't think Half-Life 2 will come out in April, but theres nothing we can do but sit and wait.

yeah! me to.... This reminds me when i first heard about Team Fortress 2, and so The Half-Life Matrix Mod.
it might be? its not totally out of reach but i dont really care. I want the game quite alot, but if it doesn't make it? oh well, no biggy. It'll come out eventually and when it does its gonna be awesome. I learned my lesson with sept 30th, and realized no reason to really get all hyped because chances are when it comes to any kinda video game, release dates are practically always off by at least 3 months.
Best delay thread ive seen then. :p It actually combined common sense with HL2, which is not every common on these forums.
Bitchslapper said:
yeah! me to.... This reminds me when i first heard about Team Fortress 2, and so The Half-Life Matrix Mod.

Erm...The Specialists?

ANyway, HL2 will come out. Because I said so.
Specialist is pretty damn awesome.

Ya know you shouldnt be an ass to him just cuse he makes dumb comments.Your just wasting time making comments about comments.You know what i mean i need to sleep so tired.
Actually, I heard (Before sept. 30) that prima had those guides finished before sept. 30th, but they got word from VU to not release them yet.
But I could be wrong., If you have anything official, please link us.