Half Life 2 and the Hype factor (spoiler)

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Let me start by saying HL2 is a great game. That being said, Gamespot's reviewer was right on! I'll explain. I've been playing PC games for a long time. I played the old Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, Zork, and Star Trek TEXT games, that's how far I go back!

I watched Sierra's rise and fall in the gaming industry. (Front Page Sports anyone?) My opinion of HL2 (having played all the way through) is this: It's an above average shooter with nice graphics. Doom3's player and weapon models look much nicer than HL2's (although HL2's facial expressions look better) Far Cry does a better job with large environments.

I have an XBOX, High-end PC, and a PS2. I hate saying this on soooo many levels, but folks, the absolute best game you can find anywhere, on any system is GTA: San Andreas! Graphically, the game sucks, but as far as gameplay goes, this is it. There is no linear play in this one at all! I just wish Rockstar would stop catering to sony, and make a GTA game with HL2 or Doom 3's graphics.

Halo 2 I feel has a better storyline than HL2. Half way through HL2, I kinda wondered, what am I fighting for? The ending was cool yes, but left me angry! I understand, that you want people to buy the sequel, but you could have closed up the story a little bit more than that! To me the ending was like putting engines in cars that will irrepairably fail after 50,000 miles so we have to buy a new one. That to me is a joke!

Believe me when I say it, I'm a PC man through and through, but when a crappy-assed console gets a truly great game, such as GTA:SA, it sucks. I've been preaching this since the beginning, the PC has the potential for the greatest games ever, but everyone keeps buying those consoles.

Editors, Magazines, and these forums have hyped this game (HL2) to obscene levels, and thank god it wasn't bad. I know that the code theft hurt, but after 5 years, I get about 15 hours of gameplay? What do you think Rockstar could have done with five years of developement time? I like HL2, but I could do without CS, I mean nothing is more fun than waiting 10 minutes to play, then playing for 50 seconds, getting killed by a 15 year-old with a chip on his shoulder, and no girlfriend, then waiting another 10 minutes to do it again! I want my single player, and I want it to last!

Another thing I paid $85.00 with tax for the Collectors edition! What a rip-off! A crappy t-shirt, DVD, and a sorry psuedo-prima guide? Come on!

In short... I liked HL2, I liked Doom 3, I liked Halo2, and I absolutely loved GTA:SA. Valve you should take a lesson from rockstar. I know, people are going to say: THE MODS, THE MODS. I didn't pay that money for mods. I paid for a published game! I want it great out of the box! That is all..........
Wow, you make a pathetic comparison in a jumbled paragraph and you expect to be heard?

That's a very brave first post. I commend you for not falling victim to the fanboyism that is so horrible around here. The game is a great game, to be sure. But it isn't the greatest of all time, nor is it worth all of the hype that it got. My biggest complaint is the lack of story. What story they put in is good, but with the facial animations, and the great voice acting, they could have put so much story in.
use diffrent paragraphs next time. u keep jumping from one thing to the next, what are you trying to say? (i;m not flaming, its a honest question)
Well, you may think it's pathetic comparison, but it stands. As far as using correct punctuation and paragraphs..... This is a forum, not an inter-office memo.
Thimbob32 said:
And another thing I paid $85.00 with tax for the Collectors edition! What a rip-off! A crappy t-shirt, DVD, and a sorry psuedo-prima guide? Come on!
In Valve's defense you weren't forced to buy the collector's edition.

And you might want to remove that bit about CS. Your opinion is valid but it's just asking for flames, and you know how gaming communities are about manners.

Thimbob32 said:
As far as using correct punctuation and paragraphs..... This is a forum, not an inter-office memo.
Are you kidding me? If you want to gain respect in discussion forums (whether they be electronic or physical, oral or textual) you must respect the fact that replies need to be easy to read. This does not mean that you have to place every apostrophe and comma, but you should at least make the effort to capitalize and place periods. It's a matter of flow when people are reading your replies.
Flame or no flame, my opinion stands. As far as the CS comment, am I that wrong? Your right, I wasn't forced to buy the collector's edition, but for $30 more, I should have gotten something better! :flame:
there were periods and capitols where needed, I just didn't break it into nice little paragraphs for ease of reading.... my apologies...
How can you compare to other games such as GTA:SA??
Two different systems buddy, you can't compare Rockstar and Valve.... :angry:
To me the ending was like putting engines in cars that will irrepairably fail after 50,000 miles so we have to buy a new one.

To me, the highly praised (and enjoyable) GTA series is like buying a car, and every other year there's a new slightly improved version, that you can buy for only the same price for which you bought your first. SA isn't a new game that Rockstar magically made in one and a half year, it's merely an improvement of the same concept. In a sense, they've had five years (or more) to develope it.

You seem to think the non-linear gameplay of GTA is automatically better than a linear game such as HL2 or most other shooters, well that may be your opinion, but it sure isn't mine.
Half-Life 2 is a very linear game based on killer pacing and frequent set pieces. GTA is an extremely open-ended game where you can do anything you want. The former has a much lower time to make: time to play ratio, because due to its linear nature, you're never backtracking, and you speed through most of the intricately designed levels. The latter is based in an open environment - the designers just have to make the environment (and I'm not saying this is easy or doesn't take time), make some missions, and there's your level design, and it lasts nearly forever.

In conclusion, both are great games, but Valve doesn't need to "take a lesson" from Rockstar.
now that i can read it with out screwing my eyes i'd have to agree with u on some levels. GTA: SA will come out on PC so no worries there. However i'd have to disagree with u on Doom 3's models being better, the textures were all like 256 x 256! u could so tell.

Oh yeh and IF games rule (interactive fiction)
Pvt Ryan,
Thank you for the excellent reply. Your opinion is respected. My feeling stays the same, if GTA:SA is a five year developement (more like 4), how come it's so good? I mean did Valve just spend five years on graphics? I'll take a game with great gameplay, over flashy graphics anyday! :)
Yea, the old text games were awesome! HH's guide to the galaxy is one of the best games ever made! And My Doom3 looked a heck of alot better than HL2 at 1280x1024.
Narcolepsy said:
Half-Life 2 is a very linear game based on killer pacing and frequent set pieces. GTA is an extremely open-ended game where you can do anything you want. The former has a much lower time to make: time to play ratio, because due to its linear nature, you're never backtracking, and you speed through most of the intricately designed levels. The latter is based in an open environment - the designers just have to make the environment (and I'm not saying this is easy or doesn't take time), make some missions, and there's your level design, and it lasts nearly forever.

In conclusion, both are great games, but Valve doesn't need to "take a lesson" from Rockstar.

Geez, I'd hate for them to say anything's better... :hmph:
"[Half-Life 2] raises the bar for interactive entertainment, and then uses that bar to club all other games into submission."
PC Gamer, 98%
Would you say this is a slightly slanted opinion? Hmmm?
Asus, is that nice opinion, you have a valid opinion? Or is it nice opinion, your getting banned from this board?
I'll respect your opinion, though I do agree with some, and we can agree to disagree on many points.
Thimbob32 said:
"[Half-Life 2] raises the bar for interactive entertainment, and then uses that bar to club all other games into submission."
PC Gamer, 98%
Would you say this is a slightly slanted opinion? Hmmm?
What does that have to do with anything? If you want, click on my profile and look at all of my nonbiased posts. I'm sorry that I like the game, but this is a Half-Life 2 forum after all.
Thimbob32 said:
Pvt Ryan,
Thank you for the excellent reply. Your opinion is respected. My feeling stays the same, if GTA:SA is a five year developement (more like 4), how come it's so good? I mean did Valve just spend five years on graphics? I'll take a game with great gameplay, over flashy graphics anyday! :)

Well, the art for GTA is lower quality (obviously to do with hardware, not developer skills) and it uses an already existing engine (Renderware) while Valve had to create 3,5 GB of new art and create an entirely new engine (not just for HL2, but for future games too). In a way, yes, they've spent a lot of time on graphics, but in no way has that been a priority over gameplay for Valve. To create new gameplay, you have to have an engine that can actually do it.

But let's not forget the gameplay of HL1, definitely one of the best shooters ever, took a little over a year to create (it got delayed in 1997, pretty much the entire game was redone before a release in november 1998).
Thimbob32 said:
Pvt Ryan,
Thank you for the excellent reply. Your opinion is respected. My feeling stays the same, if GTA:SA is a five year developement (more like 4), how come it's so good? I mean did Valve just spend five years on graphics? I'll take a game with great gameplay, over flashy graphics anyday! :)
The killer gameplay was established with GTA3. It was a simple task to build on that, luckily people still find the GTA3'esque gameplay extremely fun. It would seem the linear, scripted Half-Life 1 gameplay of 1998 hasn't endured time as well. A lot of people don't like the linearity, i'm perfectly happy with it though.

As for Valve taking 6 ..years. Well i have nfi. In that time they were working on CS:CZ, BS, Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike source, Half-Life source creating steam and releasing patches for all the old games CS 1.6, Dod1.3, dealing with stolen source code, court battles with Vivendi and such. I strongly believe VAlve have been doing too much. It's absolutely amazing they churned out a game like Half-Life 2 with all the shit flying around. I guarantee Rockstar had a much easier, less hassles development experience than Valve.
good points. nice read. its true, if programmers started concentrating on harnessing the power of the pc instead of the extremely limited power of consoles, we would have some amazing linear and non-linear games. it really is too bad that the san andreas graphics are as limited as they are. imagine that game under the source engine. heres hoping for s.t.a.l.k.e.r. to turn things around.
Good call thread starter!!!

You took the words right out of my mouth. It's been awhile since i've posted on this forum and I just felt the need to join in and totally agree with ya. Gta: SA was simply awesome and rockstar in my book are the best in the industry.

When I first saw hl2 I thought holy crap this game is going to give me that feeling that I got when I played gta3 for the first time. It totally tanked as far as my gaming bliss feeling goes. I wanted that feeling again and all I got was a good game without the wow feeling.

Farcry took away hl2's wow!!!
How exactly can you claim GTA: San Andres is the best game ever?

Besides some changes in the aiming system, and the setting, it is the same principle as all the others. I'm sorry, but not only is aiming system, setting, and overall feel of the game pretty stupid, but considering it isn't much different from the other GTAs, I don't see exactly how you could claim *Game of the Year* when it doesn't implement anything new besides story and minor gameplay changes.
I must agree, GTA:SA is far from the best game ever. In my opinion, HL2 and Halo 2 crush that game in every department. Sure, its gameplay is nice, but that just isn't enough. As long as HL2 has the grav gun and those physics, it beats GTA by far, IMO. Go ahead, flame me for my opinion. ;) Like I care...
I agree that the hype for HL2 was an important factor in many people's perceptions of the game. This is probably because when it was shown at E3 and at many other points a while back, it did look absolutely amazing. At that point, it was really ahead of it's time, and so of course people started drooling.

This hype has had 2 effects: 1) you feel let down because the final game isn't as good as the hype or 2) you see the game in an overly positive light because of your preconceived impression of it created by the hype. We all need to take a middle ground here. The game is clearly brilliant, graphically, narritavely and gameplay wise, but at the same time it does not raise "the bar for interactive entertainment, and then uses that bar to club all other games into submission". There are many other games currently being developed (or recently released) that equal HL2 in one or many of the areas I stated before.

But of course different people prefer different types of game. I, for instance, don't like the GTA games. I dont feel involved in the narrative, I don't empathise or associate with any of the characters...I dont even particular enjoy the gameplay. But this is simply my opinion, lots of people obviously do like them.

Basically, it is pretty well agreed on that HL2 is a fantastic game, but it is not the "super amazing blow every other game out of the water" game that many expected. Lets just wait to see what Valve can do with HL3 if they don't spend so long making a new engine :)
I didn't say GTA:SA is the "Best Game Ever", I said it's the best game out there now! You say it only has minor gameplay changes... Those changes happen to make it the most free-roaming do-anything game ever made! Show me a game where you can compete in marathon and triathalons, ride bicycles or motorcycles, scooter, drive cars, and boats, fly planes and gliders run, shoot, punch, club, walk, ride, and skydive! Show me a game you can do all of that in, and I'll show you a game of the year! GTA has all of that. The only failing this game has is graphics! put graphics in it on par with HL2, and you'll have the "Greatest Game Ever!" :bounce:
Thimbob32 said:
This is a forum, not an inter-office memo.
Yes, I had forgotten that clear and precise communication was not necessary outside of the work place.
Mountain Man said:
Yes, I had forgotten that clear and precise communication was not necessary outside of the work place.

Yea not to mention suits, ties, and jackets........ :cheers:
Yes, in all my rush, I completely forgot about Rome:Total War. How silly of me...I think it's on par with GTA as it is one of the best games of the year... Better than HL2, and Halo 2. :rolling:
Valve spent about 6 years creating/developing HL2...id guess about 4 years of that was spent on the Source engine. Rockstar had more time to work on GTA:SA, because they didn't have to work on a totally new engine, and dealing with physics bugs, etc. I agree with you on other points though, I personally like non-linear games just because there are so many options.
If I here another story, that rockstar wasn't making anthing else, I'll scream.... WHAT ABOUT MAX PAYNE!!!!! Face it people, RockStar made a GOOD GAME, and be done with it! I'm not supporting them at all! I'll tell you this though, I bet I spend more than 15 hours on GTA:SA when it comes to PC!

WOOT :bounce: :cheers: :E :farmer: :thumbs: :frog: :imu: :eek:
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