Half-Life 2 and XBOX


Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
I recently read in a magazine that HL2 is going to be released on PC and XBOX at the same time. Don't know if this is true or not but I thought you people should know. :thumbs:
better not, i have an x box but if i see out on console at the same time or first, i am gunna shoot the first staff member i see selling them!!
dream431ca said:
I recently read in a magazine that HL2 is going to be released on PC and XBOX at the same time. Don't know if this is true or not but I thought you people should know. :thumbs:
The Official Xbox Magazine said it would be released on the Xbox, but the release date is unknown.
Be surprised if the Xbox could even run it.
The XboX can run the minimum HL2 specifications. So, the XboX version will just be a low-res, low quality version of HL2. You'll probably have to have 4 xbox'es to have a 4-player multiplayer.

The best part is all of the cool mods you'll see for the XBox...errrr...or not see.

It will net valve a few million, so I'm happy for them, but expect to get laughed at if you buy the Xbox version.
I fking hate XBox. XBox Just Ruins the entire PC Gaming Community. My Friend always brags on how xbox is better than PC. Like he always says, "PC laggs to much" or "PC has Shitty Graphics". One of these days he gonna die. And its gonna be from me.

Back to the subject. I hope HL2 Stays on PC.
Yatta said:
If it can run DooM³ it can run HL².

Meh, ever seen Doom 3 on Xbox? Looks like shit. Probably because the lighting calculations are cpu intensive and that's where it lacks, but HL2 has cpu intensive physics a lot too, and AI.
dream431ca said:
I recently read in a magazine that HL2 is going to be released on PC and XBOX at the same time. Don't know if this is true or not but I thought you people should know. :thumbs:
Old news mate. If this turns into a console war, closed.
A mini magazine about forthcoming Xbox games came with PC Zone a couple of months ago....featuring HL2 and Doom3 with "Only On XBOX" printed next to them. This significantly lowered my opinion of the Xbox. It's fine for them to feature it as a forthcoming game, but why make such a ridiculously false claim that HL2 is an Xbox exclusive?
[sl@yer] I had the same leaflet. It means exclusive to the Xbox out of the consoles. No mention of PCs. Thats what they mean :)
Heh...yeah I figured that's what they meant. Crafty marketing....omitting a platform like that.
[sl@yer], i shall remember your sig, and if hl2 recieves like 95% (wich it problably will) i wanna see pictures of you eating hats AND SWALLING!! (sorry for my grammar if anything's wrong)

P.S.- i have writen a memo about your sig

EDIT- thy shall not speak about doom3's quality on xbox without seeing the final product's quality running
Ok Tarkus...I will not let you down....heh heh...(runs out to shops and frantically searches for hat-shaped food products)....
And I'm talking about at least one review....from any source.......(PC Gamer gave HL1 96%.....so I'm pretty confident).
you know what would reall suck (but it wont happen), If hl2 saw the same fate as halo. microsoft bribes gabe via old microsoft loyalty and makes hl2 xbox only.
[sl@yer] said:
Ok Tarkus...I will not let you down....heh heh...(runs out to shops and frantically searches for hat-shaped food products)....
And I'm talking about at least one review....from any source.......(PC Gamer gave HL1 96%.....so I'm pretty confident).
you might get lucky, but food products that are hat shaped might be a good idea lol. but seriously, i have put a memo in my mobile, i just hope i remember to see it LOL
Estevan said:
I fking hate XBox. XBox Just Ruins the entire PC Gaming Community. My Friend always brags on how xbox is better than PC. Like he always says, "PC laggs to much" or "PC has Shitty Graphics". One of these days he gonna die. And its gonna be from me.

Back to the subject. I hope HL2 Stays on PC.

Give me your friends address.

ill sledge hammer his whore box and leave the hard disk on the pillow next to him

Whats so wrong with the Xbox? Does it hurt you? No.

Infact. It's good for the PC gaming fraternity. The closer a console it is in terms of architecture is to our good old beige beasts the better it is. Simply put, it means developers have a bigger market, and therefore, more money for them, therefore more risks taken, and by that, more good games.
ComradeBadger said:
Whats so wrong with the Xbox? Does it hurt you? No.

Infact. It's good for the PC gaming fraternity. The closer a console it is in terms of architecture is to our good old beige beasts the better it is. Simply put, it means developers have a bigger market, and therefore, more money for them, therefore more risks taken, and by that, more good games.

you can think of it like that

However this could also have another, dangerous side. Since the X-Box is so like a PC, developers are often happy with making games that can run on both the PC and X-Box without any real changes to the code. This leads to them creating the game for whatever system will sell more copies, and porting it over to the other without making any real optimizations. That means they create games with the X-Box in mind, and then simply port them over to the PC with minimal changes to game play, and code. That means we get crappy console games as direct ports. They won't take advantage of the PC's strengths, and they will play just like a console game would. Not a good thing at all.
More often than not though, the opposite happens. Our first person shooters etc. get ported to the X-Box.
Direwolf said:
More often than not though, the opposite happens. Our first person shooters etc. get ported to the X-Box.

I'm starting to see it happen more often the way I described it though. Look at DX: IW and Thief: DS (ugh, typing that makes me cringe). The fact of the matter is that games on the X-Box will sell better than those on the PC. Developers are picking up on this, and we will suffer for it in the future.
Dang, qckbeam said it first.

But Invisible War is a prime example of how the Xbox can totally kill a game.
Yeah, but I think for every one of those theres 5 Unreal Championships.
And theres nothing wrong with Invisable War. It's a good game, deal with it :)

Play the full game, not the demo.
ComradeBadger said:
And theres nothing wrong with Invisable War. It's a good game, deal with it :)

Play the full game, not the demo.

I wonder, what is this Invisable War game you speak of? ;)
Anyhow, IW is pretty good.. but, I can't get myself to play past the first 45 minutes, I don't know why.
console games usually have simplified controls which often results in PC players feeling limited when it comes to playing games ported to the PC, GTA3 is like that.

Also a prime example of how the X-box has hurt the PC is with Halo. Look how long it took for Halo to finally reach the PC after Microsoft took over Bungie and look how Halo 2 is going to be X-box exclusive. Then there is also Star-Craft: Ghost, it would work perfectly fine on a PC but its going to be exclussive to consoles. So in reality the X-box HAS hurt PC gamers.
And theres nothing wrong with Invisable War. It's a good game, deal with it
Play the full game, not the demo

I'm sorry, but no matter how you cut it, it's a big dissappointment. Even the devs agree that the GUI was awful. The maps were tiny and without much detail. The game ran clunkily. Stealth was near impossible, and battle was boring and terrible. The best thing about the game was the story, but because the execution of the actual game didn't match up to DeusEx 1, it really can't be considered a success. And what hurt the game? In many cases: the needs of the Xbox did.
ehh i just don't like the idea of microsoft buying out my pc game companies and the wierd thing that's always bugged me about invisible war for the x-box was that it was so limited compared to other pc rpgs on the x-box like kotor, which brings me to another thing; why did iw go all limited options with us right after kotor proved you didn't need to dumb down a pc rpg to do well in a console market?
ComradeBadger said:
Whats so wrong with the Xbox? Does it hurt you? No.

2 cousins aged 14 and 10 living 100 foot away from me both owning xbox's (each) and having 1 shitty P3 geforce 2 computer.

the two of them are such retards that they said... and i quote

*showing them unreal 3 engine movie*

"That sucks, Halo looks better than it"

so yes, xbox does hurt me, becuase i have to beat my cousins and in turn feel bad for it.
I have an Xbox and i think HL2 will run perfectly on the xbox but not as great as the pc. But i own a pc which can run the high standards of the game. Ill see the differences in the game on both pc and xbox. I love both Xbox and Pc. So dont diss the xbox and the Pc .
One biggie in the Console world is the fact that GTA 3 (& Vice City & the new one comming out later) are for the PS2. They could have done so much more if it was made for PC specifically.
don't buy fps's on console peoples, unless you got someone to play with all the time. 1080 rulz
Part of the whole "Consoles are killing PC games" can be boiled down to one thing. Its more expensive to innovate on a PC. You try to pitch an innovative title for the PC (Like Republic for example) and you probably wouldn't be able to the go-ahead. However the console world probably would get a green light.

Looking at the PC market its slowly been decomposing into already assured franchises and "crowd pleasers" whereas the Console market is brimming with innovation (Take Viewtiful Joe for example, would there have been any chance that it would have even been considered for PC if they pitched it) Looking at my collection the majority of them are FPS's. All the titles that had cool ideas no matter how good they were sold hardly any copies (Startopia anyone?).

Its the PC market being too difficult to create games for. A good example being Sam And Max, Lucasarts is afraid that if they do release it even with the large amount of fans of the first they won't get the market penetration they need to make a good profit.So they canceled it.
Venmoch said:
Looking at the PC market its slowly been decomposing into already assured franchises and "crowd pleasers" whereas the Console market is brimming with innovation (Take Viewtiful Joe for example, would there have been any chance that it would have even been considered for PC if they pitched it) Looking at my collection the majority of them are FPS's. All the titles that had cool ideas no matter how good they were sold hardly any copies (Startopia anyone?).

True as that may be, there are just as many generic 3rd person shooters/racing sims/sports sims on consoles. The PC market is at least exempt from most of that crap. When we go bad we do it whole-hog a la Daika-what'sitsname.
w/e guys, i think we can all pretty much agree that '03 was one of the shittiest years the pc has ever faced, everything got delayed and some of the highest rated games were console ports, how ****ing embarrasing
Dougy said:
Give me your friends address.

ill sledge hammer his whore box and leave the hard disk on the pillow next to him


I actually did this. One of my friends had an Xbox that overheated due to the fans malfunctioning, and we proceeded to smash it with axes, hatchets, baseball bats, and hammers. We took lots of pictures, too.
guys remember that the xbox runs all games at 640 * 480 due to it being played on tv. the game will not neet on high rez so it will work fine. I wish more company did what valve and id are doing. making the game with pc in mind first, but making them scalable enough to run on the xbox
phantomdesign said:
The XboX can run the minimum HL2 specifications. So, the XboX version will just be a low-res, low quality version of HL2. You'll probably have to have 4 xbox'es to have a 4-player multiplayer.

The best part is all of the cool mods you'll see for the XBox...errrr...or not see.

It will net valve a few million, so I'm happy for them, but expect to get laughed at if you buy the Xbox version.

why do you say hl2 will be better on pc?