Half Life 2: Any better than Japanese RPGs?

zer0kewl said:
i think i love final fantasy x-2 more then hl 2 ^^

you mean you loved the way it was an all female line up and they also stripped off at one point, unless you missed that bit.
Kiva128 said:
No not a lot actually. You make it sound like every guy over there is a cross dresser when in actuality, they really don't have anymore than america does.

Maybe I should have added a disclaimer for that.

I'm not trying to make some big deal about it, just going on what I heard. Can't remember the source but I remember reading somewhere that in recent years japan has been swept with a small epidemic of males dressing as females and even small boys dressing as girls to escape the harsh buisness life or something. I don't know, i'm still doing internet searches trying to figure out where I read this.

EDIT: And to note, I must say I did rather like Final Fantasy 10, the only final fantasy I have ever enjoyed besides part 1. Part 1 I enjoyed the game mechanics back in the day. Part 10 I enjoyed because of the story. I liked the story.
no, i dont think so..
J-RPG's are like Books, you read them and play them..
if HL2 should try to beat, lets say FF7, in terms of "deep-story / text talk"..
you would have to listen/read things for about 30+hours..

instruction-booklet aside.. i dont think it would be fun to sit
and read/listen to people all the time in a FPS.. i want Interactivity and ACTION!.

HL2 : -20 hours gameplay.. so id say, no..
ViolenceJack said:
you mean you loved the way it was an all female line up and they also stripped off at one point, unless you missed that bit.

1. its funny :D
2. its sexxy
3. its nice and fast
4. story is great
5. i love final fantasy i even like ff8
Half life 2 will be better then japenese rpgs overall ( gameplay, AI, etc), also it has a better storyline then most, but I dont think they tell the story as good jmo.

Someone go play the remake of metal gear solid 1, or go pick up ff7 or ffX.

And for those of you who keep using kotor as in american example, go research something sometime ITS canadian. Not everything made western belongs to usa.
Smack500 said:
Half life 2 will be better the japenese rpgs overall, it has a better storyline then most, but I dont think they tell the story as good jmo.

Someone go play the remake of metal gear solid 1, or go pick up ff7 or ffX.

Yes...you know that HL2 has a better storyline than most Japanese RPGs because we know you played HL2 and practically every Jap RPG right?

Note the sarcasm.
Kiva128 said:
Yes...you know that HL2 has a better storyline than most Japanese RPGs because we know you played HL2 and practically every Jap RPG right?

Note the sarcasm.

I have played alot of japenese rpgs, as for knowing the hl2 storyline. Just about everyone here knows the general story line, you pick up spoilers here in there hanging on these boards. And you know it dont be ignorant.
Smack500 said:
And for those of you who keep using kotor as in american example, go research something sometime ITS canadian. Not everything made western belongs to usa.

Everybody knows Canada is America Junior. Heh heh, Just kidding.
havn't read the entire 6 pages .. but, my two cents anyway:

I havn't really played Japanese RPGs, but from watching anime, I can tell ya that The Japanese are far more profissional when it comes to characters and stories.

Americans generally are more interested in making "cool" and "kickass" stuff, the Japanese stuff has more emotional sense to it. That's why American games are full of action.
While I havn't played Japanese RPGs, I can safely assume they focus on story and focus alot on character.

just my opinion.
Raziaar said:
Everybody knows Canada is America Junior. Heh heh, Just kidding.

Canada is like America with higher taxes and fewer killings.

But Japanese RPGs vs. American FPS are apples and oranges.
For a long time the Japanese ruled over the console gaming, and more specifically, RPG realm with an iron fist. They simply made 95% of the good games that ever came out. but recently the US and a little bit of European games have been more interesting to me. Two prime upcoming games are of course Half-life 2 and World of Warcraft(both published by Vivendi the french whores strangely enough). Both american made. Does it get any better? I submit that it does not.
DigitalAssassin said:
Canada is like America with higher taxes and fewer killings.

But Japanese RPGs vs. American FPS are apples and oranges.

You will never see me argue the fact that America has fewer killings. We have an outrageous number of homocides and dumb deaths. Scary living in this country.
america has close to 13,000 murders a year, canada has like 400 (some commited by american vistors). nationmaster.com

At either rate back to the thread topic, like most people said you cannot really compare them side by side diffrent types of games.
My 2 cents.

I think Western games focus too much on technology. Story is just seen as that annoying thing that games need in order to give you a purpose for being there in the game. It goes without saying that not all Western games have bad story but imo technology takes precedence over storyline.

You only have to look at Dragon Quest VII to know that the Japanese value razor sharp gameplay and storyline over graphics anyday. This was the biggest seeling title in 2000 beating FFIX selling some 3.5 million units yet it hardly even made impact over here because the graphics look like they belong on a super nintendo they are that bad.

Over here games a lot of the mentality is 'let's make what we think people will buy the most' rather than 'let's make something new, interesting, and original"

In would say that Valve is an exception to the rule. Of course they are focusing on a lpot on technology but from the evidence of Half Life 1 these guys know to incorporate a solid story into the action with killer timing and expert pacing.
2 Cents: RPGs are RPGs, and FPSs are FPSs. Stop trying to compare them. They are DIFFERENT.

And for all of you who think Jap RPGs have better stories than Western FPSs, I encourage you to try out Deus Ex (1, not 2), Theif, and System Shock 2. I just finished SS2 myself, and I loved it. Not comparable but you might like them. I might be wrong.
darkmistx said:
My 2 cents.

I think Western games focus too much on technology. Story is just seen as that annoying thing that games need in order to give you a purpose for being there in the game. It goes without saying that not all Western games have bad story but imo technology takes precedence over storyline.

You only have to look at Dragon Quest VII to know that the Japanese value razor sharp gameplay and storyline over graphics anyday. This was the biggest seeling title in 2000 beating FFIX selling some 3.5 million units yet it hardly even made impact over here because the graphics look like they belong on a super nintendo they are that bad.

Over here games a lot of the mentality is 'let's make what we think people will buy the most' rather than 'let's make something new, interesting, and original"

In would say that Valve is an exception to the rule. Of course they are focusing on a lpot on technology but from the evidence of Half Life 1 these guys know to incorporate a solid story into the action with killer timing and expert pacing.

All i can say to that is Doom 3. Flashy graphics, crap game. That game is a prime example that technology doesnt mean much.

Hyakku said:
For a long time the Japanese ruled over the console gaming, and more specifically, RPG realm with an iron fist. They simply made 95% of the good games that ever came out. but recently the US and a little bit of European games have been more interesting to me. Two prime upcoming games are of course Half-life 2 and World of Warcraft(both published by Vivendi the french whores strangely enough). Both american made. Does it get any better? I submit that it does not.

obviously your talking personnally but if your talk about everyone else then the japanese still do rule the console market basicly because the majority of the console market is in japan and then there a large market in MMORPGs which has also moved over to the console (FFXI, PS2). The US prefer PCs more so than consoles and microsoft thought they could totally take over the PC gaming market by puting the PC into a simple box and failed. Europe on the other hand are probably a mixed bag.
Raziaar said:
You will never see me argue the fact that America has fewer killings. We have an outrageous number of homocides and dumb deaths. Scary living in this country.
Scary if you spend your life thinking about how horribly your gonna die instead of how well your gonna live. Your right tho...alot of people in this country are paranoid little bitches. Hence the idiots bed
Ok this is coming from someone who has more or less burnt himself out concerning anime and whatnot.

I have been watching anime since I was 7. I am 20 now. THe more I had seen, the more I realized that with a few exeptions, most of it is the same rehashed crap all over again.

There are some jems within the rubbish pile as with all things. Series or movies that excell in story/visuals/character development or whatever. But for the most part most of it is crappy and contrived. I'm not saying that the stuff america makes is any better. But as an artist (illustrator) and as someone who hopes to work on games for a living. Most japanese things are being given more credit than its due.

series i DO like Cowboy Bebop/Cowboy Bebop Movie, Excel Saga, Puni Puni Poemi, G.I.T.S 1/2/stand alone complex, Akira, Jin roh,Evangelion/End of Evangelion, and some other stuff that i probably forget.
Flyingdebris said:
Ok this is coming from someone who has more or less burnt himself out concerning anime and whatnot.

I have been watching anime since I was 7. I am 20 now. THe more I had seen, the more I realized that with a few exeptions, most of it is the same rehashed crap all over again.

There are some jems within the rubbish pile as with all things. Series or movies that excell in story/visuals/character development or whatever. But for the most part most of it is crappy and contrived. I'm not saying that the stuff america makes is any better. But as an artist (illustrator) and as someone who hopes to work on games for a living. Most japanese things are being given more credit than its due.

series i DO like Cowboy Bebop/Cowboy Bebop Movie, Excel Saga, Puni Puni Poemi, G.I.T.S 1/2/stand alone complex, Akira, Jin roh,Evangelion/End of Evangelion, and some other stuff that i probably forget.
ever watch cartoon network??

RPG - FPS...

;) :P
ww2 = icecream?

compare RPG to FPS is like..
WW2 to ICECREAM.. (add a little sarcasm).. :|
and there you go..

stupid thread..
She said:

compare RPG to FPS is like..
WW2 to ICECREAM.. (add a little sarcasm).. :|
and there you go..

stupid thread..

sorry i should have been able to read your mind.

yawn yawn
Why read his mind? The rest of the world was able to pick up on it without using psychic powers.
She said:

compare RPG to FPS is like..
WW2 to ICECREAM.. (add a little sarcasm).. :|
and there you go..

stupid thread..

First time you've made sense :cheers:
She said:

compare RPG to FPS is like..
WW2 to ICECREAM.. (add a little sarcasm).. :|
and there you go..

stupid thread..

Why do you type like this..

Do you think it makes you mysterious..


And whoever said PCs are preferred over consoles in the US, I'm not so sure about that. Most people at my college seem to use consoles if they like games.
Mr-Fusion said:
Really? I'm of the opinion they've been spiralling down in terms of creativity and writing quality. A few gems pop up every now and then like KOTOR, but they're just so rare.

I was saying it specifically in reference to the characters and story development. Watching trailers for Hideo Kojimas latest masterpiece , MGS3, showcases an extraordinary amount character interaction and story elements.

However, the concept of creativity is subjective. Purely subjective. There is no right or wrong. It's all opinion.

reason they're rare is because publishers want quick bucks rather than making an involving game.