Half-Life 2 Breakfast Cereal


Apr 16, 2004
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This is probably walking the razor's edge of on-topic / off-topic, but...

Wouldn't it be cool if there were a Half-Life 2 breakfast cereal? A big shiny orange box with the HL2 logo in silver on the front, full of multigrain lambda symbols and marshmallow crowbars and headcrabs. The prize at the bottom of the box? A free pair of Gordon Freeman glasses! :)

Any other ideas on what it could include?
The wait is getting desperate I think.... :sleep:
Anyone agrees?
I would be cool, but I dont know if it would be tasty :x
Yummmm...marshmallow headcrabs with soft lambda cores.
umm.... im perfectly content with my wheat puffs (from Aldi's, im so cheap), and...

yes, the wait it getting desperate PvtRyan, for alot of people, but i never thought it would drive them to breakfast cereal delusions
I'll stick to my normal cereal... thanks.
That is the nerdiest thing I have heard all week.
SMT said:
Oh, come now. It's all in good fun. :)

That's what the people who dress up like Klingons and marry eachother at Star Trek conventions also say.
Dude, it is only a game.

I am not going to live all my live inside the HALFLIFE WORLD. Eat HalfLife food, Dress Halflife customs, Walk like a Zombi, Jump Like A headcrap.

Com on man, its only a game. :|
I never eat in the morning.............it makes me fart alot....

and nobody likes poo gas.
SMT, if you would have said the prize at the bottom was HL2 the game, everybody would be giving praise. :cheese: Since I like cereal so much I would try it.
Goodness. Some of y'all are pretty cranky in the morning. :) It's meant to be sort of a fun, imaginative diversion, not a focus group for an actual project at General Mills.

P.S. Perhaps on the back of the box there could be a connect-the-dots puzzle that becomes a snark! ;-)
LOL, I knew the waiting would have this kinda effects on some ppl :D
Ill stick with cheerios.

and porridge.

and corn flakes.
on the back there could be a picture of the gman that says "yoooull eat it....becaause i tell you to eat it.....mrrrr. freeeman..."
I'd buy it! :E

There could be different types: one which is lambdas, headcrabs, snarks, etc, with FREE Gordon Freeman glasses, and the other is just cereal, but with marshmellow gibs mixed in! It even turns the milk blood red! With free mini crowbar!

Wow. I need HL2, and FAST :dork:
SHIPPI said:
I'd buy it! :E

There could be different types: one which is lambdas, headcrabs, snarks, etc, with FREE Gordon Freeman glasses, and the other is just cereal, but with marshmellow gibs mixed in! It even turns the milk blood red! With free mini crowbar!

Wow. I need HL2, and FAST :dork:

"Mommy.....why is my cereal turning red?"


*Mom and kid burn house down to get the demons out*

i know that sounded immensely stupid but im tired, sick, bored and starving
Okay, This is a little geeky for my tastes(pun!) but I had to say something cause I totally pictured it...the "normal" ceral parts would be lambdas and the marshmellows would be headcrabs and snarks...pluss it would come with a plastic spoon that resembled a crowbar
Icarus said:
Okay, This is a little geeky for my tastes(pun!) but I had to say something cause I totally pictured it...the "normal" ceral parts would be lambdas and the marshmellows would be headcrabs and snarks...pluss it would come with a plastic spoon that resembled a crowbar
Yeh! And you stick the crowbar into the headcrabs and eat em off it!
Yum! Rust! :LOL:
that would be awesome!!! on the back of the box you could have "help Gordon fight his way to the half-life 2o's" type of mazes, and on the commercials you could have the sneaky G-man trying to steal the cereal from the kids. "silly G-man HL2 cereal is for desperate nerds" it would be a sweet cereal but it would take a long time to be released. "HL2 cereal delayed again, due to the constant "testing" of the cereal from Gabe Newall, we are afraid that the cereal must be delayed until a summer 2004 time. were really sorry" (oh ya, Gabe dont unleash the headcrabs on me for that one)
you guys do realise that as soon as you open the box and have unrapped the small novelty headcrab toy in the packet, it will instantly start to try and suck out your brains !
Hooray! Fun, creative, silly ideas... now that's what I'm talkin' about. ;-)
Hilarious! And if you send in ten proofs of purchase they sent you a Combine Gasmask :p
I am working in the box and cereal design