Half Life 2 "BUGS" and Starship Trooper "BUGS"

Every game or every movie ALWAYS has some things from an other movie or game or book or whatever....that's just because everything is already used.
And still, they don't even look very similar. The one from starship troopers were bigger and had bigger jaws, if i remember ;)
Oh come on..

The first time i saw that HL2 picture (insect one) i said to myself 'hey that kinda resembles the one off startship troopers', and I'm sure i'm not the only one..

They aren't identicle but it's the closest match you'll probably find.
Miles Estes - Artist / Animator
Miles began his career at Foundation Imaging in Southern California as a character animator on the Starship Troopers TV series. Shortly thereafter, he went to work for Interplay as the lead animator on the PS2 game, Run Like Hell. Upon joining Valve from Interplay, Miles was inhumanely forced to participate in company play tests. As a result he has developed an addiction to Counter-Strike, despite the fact he's really bad at it. If you'd like to see some of Miles' work, you can do so at his website: http://www.divinion.com

From the People page at the Valve website.

I agree, when I first seen the antlions in HL2, the first thing that came to mind was "omg its starship troopers" but it fits very nicely IMO.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Make me.

My opinion is just as valid as everyone elses.

Right, so f'ing let him have his?


(by the way their attack is similar too, don't think anyone mentioned that :thumbs: )
They die like them as well.....

Not suppriseing really. But Really Really damn cool!
Oh yeah, hadn't noticed that til now, thanks.
LOL GSW, exactly what i was thinking before.. YOU DIRTY KENT HEAD
Good! He flamed the other guy's opinion and then when he got a similar reaction he didn't like it?! LMFAO!
GSW said:
Good! He flamed the other guy's opinion and then when he got a similar reaction he didn't like it?! LMFAO!

Starship trooper bugs: Arachnids (four legs/two claws=six limbs, beak, eyes, can't be controlled by humans)
Arachnids have eight legs.
Clash of the Wondering "Guru's"

Why do the "succesfull" threads have at least 1-3 jackasses just starting trouble. 3-4 people FLAMING. 1-2 people gathering facts, then 4-5 people agreeing and saying that they knew the truth all along.

"I know I am gonna say somthing so stupid or so blatently wrong that they have to respond!"

In the end we all know the real deal and we wonder off to make up more crap, prove people wrong then flame someone who has a different opinion.

*wondered off to make something to eat*
Arachnids do have eight legs.
But in Starship Troopers they just call them "arachnids" as a name for their species, and they follow the rules he stated.
Havn't you people ever heard of postmodernism? It would be damn hard to come up with something that hasn't already been thought of.

I bet if you looked hard enough you could find something similiar to every monster in HL and HL2, even though HL's monsters were very unique. Besides would people rather that HL2 didn't have the strider in it than risk looking like it was copying WOTW.

wonkers: I'm glad you just noticed that was the case.
good call. i am glad that this game has wotw and sst influences.
Admit it, the HL2 antlions look like Starship Trooper's warrior bugs and the HL1/HL2 headcrabs look like Alien facehuggers. Nothing wrong with that but it's clear where Valve got some of it's inspiration from.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your name is Jet Jaguar. :LOL:

And your name is Mr.Magnetichead...?

The bugs in SST look like clothe pegs attached to a table frame. HL2 Bugs have wings!
Fanboyism can also cause fanatical blindness as well it would seem.

you cant deny they are based on the same idea.

especialy with the guy who made the Ant lion having previously worked on the series for SST.


anyways.... "straight to DVD" yip they have ruined a classic film.
Its blatently obvious that its taken from there in at least a small way :p

But that doesnt mean I cant be a fanboi! :rolling:
They may be based on them (never denied that) but they sure don't look like eachother.
However, when you first see the antlions, I can understand why you say "that's the bugs from SST" but that's mostly because they're both big bugs with pretty much the same color scheme and they're legs are bend in the same way, but other than that, I don't see much similarities.
And they get nicely chopped up by gun-fire. That's a nice touch.
sst has a queen bug! only if hl2 had it ;) cud make it like the ending, u kill the queen bitch :)
Actually, that was a brain bug.
But whatever. :smoking:
Brain bug you say? Looks like a grandma`s p**** to me, with mutiple eyes, kind of a Japanese Manga monster porn movie :)
I remember watching SST and freaking out over teh "branbug"
Whoever came up with that design must have been watching one to many pr0n movies
wowyouareacow said:
I remember watching SST and freaking out over teh "branbug"
Whoever came up with that design must have been watching one to many pr0n movies

starring wowyouareacow :)
Teh brain bug.


while the concept is similar (big pointy bugs) they look nothing alike.

that aside i have no freaking idea how anyone can say the headcrabs and alien facehuggers look anything alike.

1 looks like a bear trap with a tail and the other looks like a yellow basketball with 4 legs. 1 sticks to your face, impregnates you and dies, the other sticks on your whole head and turns you into a zombie.

aside from attacking your head they are nothing alike
Everyone seems to notice that they're both big yellow bugs, but no one points out that the starship ones are mostly black, with yellow and red highlights. The HL2 ones, on the other hand are are almost entirely yellow with some light brown.

Also, the starship bugs actually have six legs, but two are very small. The big antlion is actually a lot closer in that respect, as it has two tiny arms as well. It's also more similar because of it's vertical posture. The size is also much closer to the ones in starship.
Since it's not yellow though, no one complains.

Even if this was an intentional reference to starship by valve, there are far more grievous ripoffs out there. I mean, how many games have you seen with straightforward dawn of the dead zombies? Likely several dozen.

The simple fact is that HL is a video game, which means that even the most direct ripoff from a non-interactive movie is given a whole pile of originality through the transition of medium.
It's like making a sculpture based on a painting.
Sure, you might have seen similar designs before, but the medium changes everything.
Doesn't anyone think it's awesome that we are now able to fight armies of bugs like in starship, or to battle guys like those in the war of the worlds? I do.

Also, headcrabs look nothing like facehuggers. Almost the opposite actually. The only similarity is, again, the colour.

Hmmm... I see a pattern:
Same colour = Ripoff,
Same idea, different colour = original.
i think they're very similar looking, by the fact that they're, attack in numbers, and are created by the same guy. now OF COURSE there are some differences made so they're not entirely blatant ripoffs(antlions). so they're similar conceptually, but also different. it's not black and white here. btw, i personally am reminded more of the Zerglings in StarCraft than of the bugs in sst's.... but then the zerglings reminded me of the bugs in sst's. so eh. but yeah, it's not only halflife but almost all sci-fi or fantasy games have something very similar with other games/movies/books. just look at the warcraft series... not exactly the most original thing out there, but eh, no point arguing it. i think it's kinda neat when there are crossovers from one thing to another.
Personally I think that it's inevitable that when you make aliens based on the idea that they will be insect like, they will look some what alike. It is a pretty common but cool and partly logical idea that an alien race would resemble insects since insects are one of the most successful creatures on Earth. And based on the concept art of the ant lion, it doesn't look anything like the SST bugs. Maybe there are still some details and things to add to the ant lion (like hairs) in the game.
To the common twit, a quick glance at the Antlion and Starship troopers bug many similarities can be observed.

But upon further analysis it can be seen that there are numerous differences. With a thorough study of the physiology of these two fantasy creatures they are streets apart. It's like comparing a Donkey to a Deer. Both mammals, both have fur, both have 4 legs. Blah blah yadadada.

I dunno about halflife, but the zerglings in starcraft are copies of star ship troopers aliens. no denying that. :naughty:
Guys we are running into the conclusion called "Severe LACK OF IMAGINATION"

Means that the valve designing team including (Harry Teasley, Chuck Jones, Steve Bond, Karen Laur, Steve Theodore, and many more) are lacking of develpoment, Creativity and hard Workshop.
Bah! I hope they don't put in another brain bug which is superobviously, really a **** bug.. Jeezuhs, that is some sick shit..