Half-Life 2 bundled with a router ?



No, i'm not advertising, but I spotted today on gamespy.com an ad for a router. Damn the router, but apparently HL-2 comes as a freebie when you buy one !!


I think it's a gud sign that HL-2 IS around the corner, depite rumours that Gabe hid it inside the turkey or sold it to Santa Claus :cheese: :cheese: :cheese:
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic

yeah i saw that...thats why i said it looks like its on the expensive side.

im not sure that HL2 is really "free"
well in my opinion its just a router, not the kind of thing you get games with.
How can they offer a free game that's not out yet? :S
they give you a voucher saying "reedeem your copy of halflife2 send this to us and we will send you your copy as soon as we get it"

3DFX did it with the Voodoo3 and unreal torney
Why would somebody include HL2 with a router? A video card I can understand, but a router?
Becuase they hope to sell more routers?

That would be my guess.
LAN parties????? Online MP????? it makes sense to sell what will be a very MP oriented game w/ sumthing that will let u use full function of MP
bah i would have gotten it but my router is already alot better than that.
If there was ever an award for Stupidest Bundle Of The Year - I think we'd know who'd win it.

Yeah, bundling toilet paper with ice cream is pretty stupid but my local corner shop has that on offer !
Originally posted by thehunter1320
LAN parties????? Online MP????? it makes sense to sell what will be a very MP oriented game w/ sumthing that will let u use full function of MP

But one free copy of HL2 isn't gona do you that much good.
routers are very usefull. I might get that i need a new one. I hope these come in 7 port.