Half-Life 2 CO-OP


Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
If more than 3 people want this I will start a coop match that works and wont crash :naughty:
i'd love that.

i was just wishing that existed the other day.

ummm... and how does this work? sounds kinda wierd to me...
I want to play. Make it Coast. It's big and we can keep killing antlions!

but it lagged like shit and then after 15 sec it crashed on my compuer

but it lagged like shit and then after 15 sec it crashed on my computer..
bahaha that was fun...I spawned myself a airboat and them someone else spawned an antlion guard and flipped it over :p, who was it ?! lol

Shame the server crashed tho, i'm off to try it again
the server just took a dump

edit: sorry about the spawning, i didn't know it would crash the server. how about if i just spawn some combine?
heh...that ant lion guard raped you pretty good.

the server didn't crash until i tried to spawn a couple vorts to take it down.

mebbe i'll go for a strider next time :p
I tried to connect wouldnt let me.
Put it back up please. I would like to try it out :)
kingthebadger said:
someone make another one, thats full

stop shooting at me!!

And we need more servers :)
Bah lemme play! lemme play!! :(

Server was down..

EDIT: oh right, you lot crashed it again :(