Half Life 2 comedy film


Nov 4, 2006
Reaction score

I'm new to these forums, but this seemed like a natural place for me to post. I've recently created my first machinima (movies made using game engines) video using the Half-Life 2 engine. It's a comedy called Civil Protection set in the HL2 universe. It's inspired by the CP officers in the game, but without the serious tones to it. Anyway, take a look at it from the link below and let me know what you think. Thanks!



I had low expectations when I saw this thread, but that was just hilarious.

Sound: 9/10
Music: 10/10
Visuals: 9/10
Voices: 10/10
Comedy: 11/10
Violence: 2/10

"Do not mock teh ninja."
heh, I LOL'd a couple of times.

Nice work! ;) :thumbs:
"Leave these people alone, they're just on their way to work!" :LOL:

Great job, especially for your first machinima. Didn't make too much sense other than to show that Dave's an idiot, but it was good for a laugh. Looking forward to the next installments.
I found it quite boring up to the "allright, that does it" *SMACK* part :D, Dave reminds me of Beavis from Beavis and Butt-Head, "I am the great Cornholio, I need TP for my bunghole!"
Nice work on the animation though, looks belivable. :)
That was pretty funny. Good job there.
In future episodes, I think showing the Elite combine as bullies to the Metrocops would be pretty funny.
Great stuff. Your avatar ****ing rules. :D

by the way, how the hell did you make this?
Nice, but can you make it... smaller? ^ ^

Can't you compress to MPEG or the like to compress it? Otherwise it's quite nice, i was just pissed by the long download time.
Violence: 2/10
Don't worry, I don't have plans to keep the series violence/language free. I just wanted to appeal to a larger audience before I start alienating my viewers :)

Didn't make too much sense other than to show that Dave's an idiot, but it was good for a laugh.
Dude, you're a content writer, that means you know 10x about the HL2 storyline than I do. I'm likely to do something that doesn't mesh with the HL2 world like it's supposed to (I haven't even played Aftermath yet), I'm just going to be casting my own personal slant on it. I like to think that not ALL the CP guys are the soulless jerks you run into in the game, maybe suggest that Freeman just ran into the wrong guys. As for making sense, there's no deeper story in mind. While I may occasionally reference to an earlier one, each episode should be stand-alone, it won't pick up where the other one left off. I think this gives me much more freedom in terms of writing.

In future episodes, I think showing the Elite combine as bullies to the Metrocops would be pretty funny.
Not quite what I had in mind, but I was thinking about making a distinction for some of them. That's a couple episodes down the road though

by the way, how the hell did you make this?
Through a long tiring process, hell, I'll still need to learn more to do what I want for the next episode. Basically, I learned the SDK, made a custom map from stripping one of Valve's, constructed all the animations, recorded the footage in fraps, then did a monkeyload of video/audio editing. I can give you all the details if you want, but I don't want to bore everyone else here with pages of technical crap. Just email or PM or something if you want to know more.

Uploaded it for you, host it on your site if you wish
Well, I'm not too crazy about Youtube since it destroys the video quality so much (and all stereo sound, from clicking on the link). You can't make out the background of the scene where Dave's name is being shouted in that version. I'd really prefer you just link to the site, but I suppose it appearing on Youtube was inevitable. Right now bandwidth isn't an issue, since I'm using the webspace in my student folder and school and I'm already paying them enough for tuition. Anyway, if you want to use it, at least link to the main site. That's not listed in the credits because I didn't have one when I made this, I'll put it in the next one.

Nice, but can you make it... smaller? ^ ^

Can't you compress to MPEG or the like to compress it? Otherwise it's quite nice, i was just pissed by the long download time.
Ugh, it's such a hard decision for me to make, because I hate cutting down on the quality. I should at least post how big/long the file is though, so people know what they're in for. As for MPEG, it has even worse compression size ratios. My really nice version is done in Xvid, which has some of the best size/quality ratios, but not everyone has the codec, and I wanted something everyone can watch.
Nice work, I wasn't expecting a whole lot considering the huge amount of weird Youtube videos, but that was really good.

It sorta got me thinking about how cool it would be to have a Red Versus Blue type thing for Half Life...
As long as they don't get complacent like RedvsBlue it would be cool.
Dude, you're a content writer, that means you know 10x about the HL2 storyline than I do. I'm likely to do something that doesn't mesh with the HL2 world like it's supposed to (I haven't even played Aftermath yet), I'm just going to be casting my own personal slant on it.
I get that part (making the Combine out to have personalities), and it's not about meshing with the story. I just didn't know why Dave was...well...nuts. He needs some meds or something. But again, I liked it.

Looking forward to some soldiers to stopping by and giving them a citation.
I loled when Dave kicked the other CP in the crotch and he didn't even budge :p
When he calls out Dave to stop is hilarious too :D

Good first movie.
I've seen many horrid Gmod "movies" on Youtube, and I never expected such quality. Perfection, although took quite a long time to download.

Jokes were okay, but I really liked the sheer random-ness of Dave. Great work.
Looking at it again, I was struck by how "Caboosey" the moment was.

Only... even more random.
I thought that was great work, one of the best I've seen of late. Well done and good luck with part 2!
Great fun. I actually found some machina that was funny! Roll on the next!
Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop

'Ninja moves!'

I really loled when I saw the CP do the little pheropod dance. It was aweshens.
I just didn't know why Dave was...well...nuts. He needs some meds or something.
Nobody else knows either, even me. I'll spoil it a little bit for you and say he only gets like this on Fridays. The rest of the time I plan to have him semi-sane.

Looking at it again, I was struck by how "Caboosey" the moment was.

Only... even more random.
Don't worry, the depths of my mind thought like this long before RvB existed. The overlap is just a coincidence.

Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop
Whooop Whoooop!

I really loled when I saw the CP do the little pheropod dance. It was aweshens.
It's been a while since I played through the game, but the SDK actually said this was the animation for them being on fire. Either way, it looked so perfect for what I was doing.
haha that was halarios!! That guys voice sounded like Ray Ramonoe!
Hahaha that made me laugh soo hard!!!! :D

I liked when the metro cop was like "This is so unprofessional", "DAVE!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!", I also liked when Dave said "I am a ninja" but then the metro cop responded "And I am a balarina" LOL.

Great stuff, Dont ever stop making funny movies. :thumbs:

It gets 111/10.
By the way; did you do the voice of Dave or the other CP? Just curious.
Also instead of citizens surrounding the metro cap & dave after the metro cop wacks dave, instead it should've been CP's surrounding him with striders, metro cops & overwatch anoucement telling of a traitor; then the Metro cop would say--"Ohhh Shit, damnit!!!!"
By the way; did you do the voice of Dave or the other CP? Just curious.

I do the voice of Mike (the other CP). I would have named him this episode, but the conversation didn't lend itself to it since Dave was in his own little world. My friend Craig did the voice of Dave and both of us did the ninja sounds. I did most of the louder ones, like Dave's "whirlwind move" noise and the "HUWAA!" at the end.