Half-Life 2 could you wait 1 more year... i could

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I would actually wait another year for hl2 man it would look so much better useing the unreal 3 engine(technology) what do you guys think.

dont :sniper: me im already dead :LOL:
I think that it would be the end of Valve if they delayed another year..
There is a time and a place to use this phrase and right now we have reached that time.

Alan, STFU!!!!
I can even wait 2 more years. If Valve does delay again, I want them to tell me immediately instead of waiting until the release date has past that HL2 was delayed again.
Are you crazy?

haha... I'll wait as long as Valve needs, but, I dunno bout ... that...
Not another pointless thread... *sigh*

No, probably could not wait another full yeah alan, I would shoot myself or something *sigh*

*edit* actually, I would go play doom 3 :E
If was delayed another year, I woud forget about it and play other games.
Neutrino said:
If was delayed another year, I woud forget about it and play other games.

Yup, same for me :(
Well, I think it would be a waste to not release what they've got already. Why re-build the entire game and do twice the work to sell the same number of copies a few years later? Why not release HL2 and just start a new game? How much money have they already put into the making of HL2?
Six Three said:
Yup, same for me :(

If Half Life 2 had been released in September 2003 it would have been a truely phenomenal game ahead of its time with all the greatest innovations in gaming running on the engine before anyone else.

Because Half Life 2 was delayed 12 months it's on-par with every other game graphics wise, and the only thing that sets it apart is the fact that unlike most games it has a compelling story line... fact is it wont be anywhere near as phenomenal (to me anyway) as it would have been in 2003.

If Valve delayed for another year, I'd seriously loose interest and even the story wouldn't keep me waiting (but valve already have my money thanks to the ATI deal, so why would they care?).
Neutrino said:
If was delayed another year, I woud forget about it and play other games.

What are u guys keeping yourself game virgins until HL2 comes out? :p
Rafa 5.0 said:
Not another pointless thread... *sigh*
8*( they're all pointless..

but fun...
fun and useless.

yes, i could wait, if in wait you mean buy doom 3, and stalker, and such other lovely programs.
ive practically haven't played played any major game since like.. more than a year or so.. maybe 2.. hl2 will blow me away..
I dont think it would be wise to delay it much further because im sure other developers would jump at the ideas valve have allready displayed. and therefor maknig hl2 seem not that unique if it were delayed and released later..
Would I wait if they delayed it ... I guess so. If by wait you mean completely forget about it and check it out a couple weeks after it finally releases, to see if it's up to par with where games are going to be in a year.
If valve delayed another year I would...

Move my mod to another engine.
Save up enough money for a round trip to Valve headquarters.
Brutally murder the people responsible for the delay, with a rusty crowbar (while admiring the excellent real world physics).
Then I'd forget the game was ever mentioned. :E
dude. in 1 more year this game will be extraordinarily out dated.

its already outdated enough. should have come out last year.
Don't know about you guys but I'm getting to the age where I really don't have that much time for games anymore. This is my last update for my computer for 10 years now, since university tuition is a bitch so HL2 better come out soon.
No, I dont think i could handle another year of insanity
alan00000 seems to me as a troll in sheeps clothing. I think everything he's posted in the past two weeks have just been wastes of everyone's time, be they inflamatory opinions or info based on speculation. Listen to Fusion, please alan00000, stop.
Heh, I guess i'd be FORCED to wait I suppose. I'd probably lose my interest thanks to upcomming games. Ontop of that the engine would more than likely be a bit dated by this time next year IMO. But hey, i'd still end up forking over 50+ bucks for it when it would be released.
alan00000 said:
I would actually wait another year for hl2 man it would look so much better useing the unreal 3 engine(technology) what do you guys think.

dont :sniper: me im already dead :LOL:
and by wait do you mean, wait with nothing else on your mind and keep yourself alive solely for the purpose of playing HL2?
or do you mean you'd probably be around next year to play it when its released
lets be real
alan00000 said:
I would actually wait another year for hl2 man it would look so much better useing the unreal 3 engine(technology) what do you guys think.

yes im sure valve is ready to scrap its source engine for the u3 engine. and if you wanted it to be on the u3 engine, ud have to wait another 2-3 years. alan you are absolutely the worst poster on this forum please stop being a troll.
guinny said:
yes im sure valve is ready to scrap its source engine for the u3 engine. and if you wanted it to be on the u3 engine, ud have to wait another 2-3 years. alan you are absolutely the worst poster on this forum please stop being a troll.

Agreed.. :borg:
alan00000 said:
I would actually wait another year for hl2 man it would look so much better useing the unreal 3 engine(technology) what do you guys think.

dont :sniper: me im already dead :LOL:

... The Unreal engine *sucks* in comparance to Source. **** graphics, HL2 will rule all games until HL3 comes out.
The game could be delayed until the day we all die. Because every year or two we are given a new game engine which to develope games in the future. So there is no point for delaying Hl2 anymore if the game itself is finished. Also Valve couldn't stand for another delay that is, while some of them are building their own banks to deposit everything that they got from HL1 the company is on need. And what comes to this thread, sure I could wait another year or three but it will never happen.
Dead-Inside said:
... The Unreal engine *sucks* in comparance to Source. **** graphics, HL2 will rule all games until HL3 comes out.

aha yeah ok....

perhaps you should see the unreal 3 engine before talking...

Hl2 wont rule other games, frankly i think doom3 will be a more emersive single player experience. HL2 ENGINE will rule other games for a long time, in the same way that hl1 engine rules other mp engines.
Could you survive without food and drink in one year?:)
alan00000 said:
I would actually wait another year for hl2 man it would look so much better useing the unreal 3 engine(technology) what do you guys think.

dont :sniper: me im already dead :LOL:

Are you dumb? what do you think they wasted 2 1/2 years on making...they'll just dump the source engine? please alan this is the most lamest thread I've ever seen to date.
We win for upping our post count to flame alan!
urseus said:
Hl2 wont rule other games, frankly i think doom3 will be a more emersive single player experience.

You can't really contradict him, he was giving his opinion just like you are giving yours now. So basically, for all we could know both of you maybe wrong - or right. We just can't say which game will be better untill they get released. Although, I respect your and his opinions.
Dead-Inside said:
... The Unreal engine *sucks* in comparance to Source. **** graphics, HL2 will rule all games until HL3 comes out.

lol thats a joke right? the unreal3 engine is so advanced comparing it to source is like comparing the quake1 engine to the crytech engine.

if hl2 was delayed another year would i wait.....well i have 3 words for you "Duke Nukem Forever" i stopped waiting for it in 1999.
If they delayed it, I wouldn't be so annoyed if Doom 3 wasn't two weeks away. :D
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