Half-Life 2 CounterStrike (CS2)?


Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
Has anybody heard about any plans to make a squel to Counterstike using the new Half-Life 2 engine?

Wouldn't that just be the best?


I know that Half-Life to as single player is over 30 hours of play, but what happens after this? I don't want to wait another year to two for someone to come up with this popular mod, I want to know that it is already in progress...:cheese:
Do you have any further details? If so, can you provide a link?

man...ok since i come in , i will at least type something. Yes, hl2 will have its own multiplay, and we don't know anything about that yet since valve want to surprise us like they did with hl2. They are also making TF2 with source engine, but it will be a standalone game. Concerning CS2, I heard that they are making it with source, but will it be a mod or another standalone? We don't know yet. Actually, hl2's mp seems quite optimistic, people are doing coop, war, gangs, porn, etc mods with it. Valve said that hl2 mp can feature vehicals(it could be one guy steer another shoot, ain't it cool!!!), they could also implement 3D axis to allow airplane stuff. So prepare for the world war, civil war, gang war, coop war, porn war...................Long Life
pr0n? What do you mean by that voodoo? Do yo mean alyx naked?
Originally posted by ray_MAN
pr0n? What do you mean by that voodoo? Do yo mean alyx naked?

i read that off somewhere long ago, a mod team is actually developping a porn mod for hl2. That's all i know. Since Alyx is so hot, i guess she will be in the mod.
Really now? That's an ok idea I guess. Too bad I can't dl it. : (
Alyx is so hot? what the hell do you mean? do you get off on high poly models? if so you really need a life and I'm not flaming you, that's the truth: you have to mentally deranged to get aroused by a 3D model.
Only as mentally damaged as you have to be to get aroused by a static 2d photograph, i.e. not at all.
At the end of the day they are both a bunch of pixels on a screen, what's the difference really?

I think Sp0ck should get in here and lay down some logic :p
HL2 multi will have special features + many maps. So give me a solid reason that would satisfy me to play CS2.
Originally posted by G0rgon
HL2 multi will have special features + many maps. So give me a solid reason that would satisfy me to play CS2.
And you of course have a confirmed source for that? :)
Cant find a reason though, go figure...
Originally posted by dawdler
And you of course have a confirmed source for that? :)
Cant find a reason though, go figure...

Yes, Go and read HL2 info again.... and read the part where Gabe stateing that the Multi will have features that never been implemented in any game. :cool:
Ignot you know what the difference is. Don't pretend otherwise.
Hey what a fantastic response (only posted 2 hours ago). Far out guys!


However, I still don't seem to be any closer to the answer to my main question.

Is Alex hot?... no, no, just kidding.

Is Counterstrike 2 going to be released sometime soon after Half-Life.

And now I must add to this.

I don't want Valve to do the sequel. I want the original mod creators, who poured love into the project, to create the sequel.


I know Valve are great at creating the engine, but they don't quite understand the concept of a great game like Counterstike...imho.
If it wasn't for CS, and other successful mods, Half-life 2 would have been known as only the greatest single player game ever.

Actually Valve has been patching CS ever since 1.1 or 1.3 I think I can't remember. And they've done a pretty good job judging by the turnout :)

Gooseman is somewhere in the bahamas sippin' on a pina colada with a labtop playing Ricochet probably lol :D

As for CS2, we shouldn't get our hopes up too high: with all the delay rumors flying around Halflife2, CS2 seems far far away.
Originally posted by zitbug
I know Valve are great at creating the engine, but they don't quite understand the concept of a great game like Counterstike

Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Alyx is so hot? what the hell do you mean? do you get off on high poly models? if so you really need a life and I'm not flaming you, that's the truth: you have to mentally deranged to get aroused by a 3D model.

Before I start off, I'd like to say I'm wasting my today's post for you.


So, if I extrapolate your post, I can say you're turned on by real women. Am I right? Ok. But what are real women? When you see them, you see light reflected by the women.


Then, your retina ''catches'' the light and ''transforms'' it into electric signals through your optic nerve.


Then, your brain interprets (sp?) the signals and produces the image, thus ''turning you on''


Man, you got one sick mind...

Now cut the ''the only way I can feel better is by insulting other people and pretending I like women'' crap.
^^ what you just wrote makes absolutely no sense. Electricity? what? Haha!

"Now cut the ''the only way I can feel better is by insulting other people and pretending I like women'' crap."

Ok first off, I said he was mentally deranged that's not really an insult. And on to the "pretending I like women" crap: if you are aroused by a 3D model, it's your problem not mine, you can whack off to a fax machine for all I care but that doesn't change the fact that it's not normal. Normal as in conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type.

Go ahead, "waste" another post today.
Ahhh, Para, stop being such a little prick (errr... no pun intented... hehe...).

You're either lying or have no imagination whatsoever... :rolleyes:
I use my imagination in more creative ways maybe you should too.
dam, relax man, who cares what other people like? Leave em alone, not like hes forceing it on you. I do perfer real women, btw.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
I use my imagination in more creative ways maybe you should too.

I never said anything about what *I* do so don't insult me for it... I just think you should cut the attitude.
Gooseman works with Valve on CS and, from what I've heard Gabe Newell say a few years ago, CS2 as well.
Ok first off, I said he was mentally deranged that's not really an insult. And on to the "pretending I like women" crap: if you are aroused by a 3D model, it's your problem not mine, you can whack off to a fax machine for all I care but that doesn't change the fact that it's not normal. Normal as in conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type.

The world is a lot less "normal" then you might think.
cs is the worst most popular mod ever made.

lets bomb canada
back on-topic. It's still specualtion but if DOD2 is going to be a stand alone. as is TF2 most likely. Then it stand to reason that CS2 would be a stand alone. They are all made by Valve.
yea ... if people dont like what you dont like, then F*'n A man ... they're not F*'n right!

Cause, everyone knows that your always the 'normal' person and everyone else is just F*'n insane ...

So, every single one of you that dont like what I like, dont act how I act or do what I do - stop being F*'n abnormal!!!!!!

er .. /rant
Originally posted by Letters
I never said anything about what *I* do so don't insult me for it... I just think you should cut the attitude.

What insult? you're such a sensitive kid. And Joneleth I don't need any lessons on life coming from you. Thank you and have a nice day :)
Hopefully a co-op will be included with Hl2... The only game with co-op i know is Serious Sam 2....
yea, i would really really really really really love coop in hl2. I think.
Just shut up )[eVo]( Para, you probably get turned on by watching people be shot or something.

And what that person said about electrical signals make perfect sense, it's basic biology. We are still only simple animals when it comes down to it, and due to our instincts, if an image represents an attractive women, many people are bound to find it at least slightly stimulating.