Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Released

Hey Spartan, Odysseus, SoldMyCar4GasMony, and all other HL2/Valve haters:

I have only one thing to say:

Valve >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you.
After I closed steam and restarted it it took about 5 minutes till the "connecting to steam account" window came up. It is still at that window ... hope it doesn't take forever.
Man, I'm playing the map by myself, and I can already imagine throwing flamagble barrels at you guys.
i click on it and it says preparing to play... but then the box goes away and nothing ever happens..
So I guess Steam will be updating for the next 3 hours again, feels like day 1 all over again.
I can't believe it.


:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Stop panicing guys, just setting itself up so it wont suddenly work instantly, give it a few minutes ffs :p
The Dark Elf said:
Stop panicing guys, just setting itself up so it wont suddenly work instantly, give it a few minutes ffs :p

Im gonna pee.
god damn it, it wont start for me either >_<

stop teasing me and give me the cake!
Screenshots? I don't have access to my gaming PC right now.

And to think that only a few hours ago, I was explaining to someone that CS:S was adequate as the MP component. Screw that!
yeah but why would hl2 not work also? i have all content downloaded! :angry:

Yhea mine will not start either.. no source game will start only the old games will...
are you guys even selecting "install" then downloading the file that steam needs? ... the game still is on 98% for me
The Dark Elf said:
Stop panicing guys, just setting itself up so it wont suddenly work instantly, give it a few minutes ffs :p


The guys in the other thread can't even wait a minute for it to not load, and started their regular "**** valve!" posts. ;)
Im gonna drink my own pee if it doesn't open in this minute.
lol, its all downloaded and I restarted my computer but still wont start. Im just going to take a deep breath and see what happens.
Half Life 2, CS:S and HL2DM are updating in the steam monitors.