Half-Life 2 definatly before 10/24/04?

maybe the games are released in this order:

cs:s, vamps, hl2.

that would mean valve still has released the first game with the source engine and hl2 comes after vamps. :P
flo_Orian said:
maybe the games are released in this order:

cs:s, vamps, hl2.

that would mean valve still has released the first game with the source engine and hl2 comes after vamps. :P

Interesting view and seems logical, as cs:s is for MANY people a reason to buy half-life - so why not buy it standalone? (also for the people who just want to be the first to play with the source engine ... just look at all those people who bought cs:cz just to get the cs:s beta ...)
perhaps they are allowed to release bloodlines if a defined date(an estimated release-date for hl2) has passed.

btw, hl2 is not one of those games which must be released near x-mas to get most out of the sales.
poksmote said:
they know that holding out is only going to make you want the game more and more. and this is where valve is getting pissed. they know they can make money off the game now, WITHOUT a publisher (via steam, the reason for the lawsuite). thats why they're releasing cs:s next week to speed up this process, or at least sedate rabid fans until the games released. (while making a good wad of cash for themselves in the process, while simultaneously pissing off vivendi)

valve and vivendi are substitute retailers. you're either going to buy the game from valve through steam, or you're going to wait and buy the box from vivendi. very few people will be impatient enough to buy through steam, and then have the need to spend the same ammount of money for a box and a manual.

the reason why vivendi is pissed at valve is because valve no longer needs a publisher due to steam. the publisher is the middleman between valve and the consumer. take out the middleman, and get all the profit. (in fact I wouldnt be suprised if valve sells halflife3 exclusively through steam thanks to this lawsuite bs)

vivendi IS pissed about steam because it will take sales away from them. thats why they're suing valve! how can anyone say "oh vivendi doesnt care about losing a few million dollars because of steam". of course they do! they're a business! if they didnt care about steam, there wouldnt be any lawsuites and we'd all be playing the game right now!

with valve taking pre-orders of hl2 through steam AND making cs:s available next week, they are in fact forcing vivendi into making a move to get the game out IMMEDIATLY.

THANKYOU SO MUCH for giving me an update w/ this whole lawsuit thing. I never really read much of it and everything that you say helps abbreviate it I guess. Are they really releasing CS:S next week though? Never heard that...
Just to add some fuel to the release date fire:

Gamespy.com has HL2 listed in their October releases for the 26th.

They also have all the new screenshots, so it seems as though these are now kosher for everyone to view...?
Spugmaster said:
Just to add some fuel to the release date fire:

Gamespy.com has HL2 listed in their October releases for the 26th.

They also have all the new screenshots, so it seems as though these are now kosher for everyone to view...?

Hmmm... I wouldn't get excited yet. One thing I learned since that fatefull September day (Sept 30th that is) is that you shouldn't have any hope because that hope can easily be squashed by companies who are out for the money. :)

Some_God said:
Hmmm... I wouldn't get excited yet. One thing I learned since that fatefull September day (Sept 30th that is) is that you shouldn't have any hope because that hope can easily be squashed by companies who are out for the money. :)


well a few major differences this time around are

A) the game is actually DONE
B) magazines have played the entire game AND reviewed it
C) hl2 preorders through steam begin this week, releasing cs:s full worldwide.

no question this game is coming out within 6 weeks, although i have a feeling (due to cs:s release, valve prelordering this week) that the game will be released within THIS month.

as someone stated earlier, this game does not need to be released durring thanksgiving for it to sell well. whenever this game is released its going to sell more than anyone expected. there is no set date yet, the november one is just as good as any october date. with cs:s this week, i seriously doubt it will be another 5+ weeks before hl2 itself is released.
poksmote said:
well a few major differences this time around are

A) the game is actually DONE
B) magazines have played the entire game AND reviewed it
C) hl2 preorders through steam begin this week, releasing cs:s full worldwide.

no question this game is coming out within 6 weeks, although i have a feeling (due to cs:s release, valve prelordering this week) that the game will be released within THIS month.

as someone stated earlier, this game does not need to be released durring thanksgiving for it to sell well. whenever this game is released its going to sell more than anyone expected. there is no set date yet, the november one is just as good as any october date. with cs:s this week, i seriously doubt it will be another 5+ weeks before hl2 itself is released.

I also believe that HL2 will be released within october...kinda makes sense with bloodlines using the source engine.
poksmote said:
i seriously doubt it will be another 5+ weeks before hl2 itself is released.

That's a good point, everything you said. However, valve is obviously screwing/man handling VU by "if you purchase hl2 this upcoming week, you get the full version of CS:S instantly, and then play HL2 once its released." They are doing this because VU is holding HL2 back and they could easily hold it back for 2 more months (Nov. 26) because of this. So i guess we will wait and see. It's still possible HL2 will be out later this month, according to the recent interviews being released, so they can't wait forever.
Cant belive you guys brough this thread up from the dead...

Did you guys have this thread marked in your favorites or something? lol
What if Valve/VU is making a silent release, meaning it has already gone Gold and is in production, with a retail release very very soon. (i.e. before Bloodlines).
tokin said:
That's a good point, everything you said. However, valve is obviously screwing/man handling VU by "if you purchase hl2 this upcoming week, you get the full version of CS:S instantly, and then play HL2 once its released." They are doing this because VU is holding HL2 back and they could easily hold it back for 2 more months (Nov. 26) because of this. So i guess we will wait and see. It's still possible HL2 will be out later this month, according to the recent interviews being released, so they can't wait forever.

theyre not going to punish valve by holding the game back longer, its only going to screw themselves over even more. the longer they wait, the more people will want to play cs:s since its available, the more money goes to valve and not vivendi. they've got nothing to gain by delaying the game further once cs:s is released.
If we are going to start throughing ideas out here...

They have literaly one option here:

Think for a momment that you are a all powerful game produceing company. What is your goal?

To make the customer happy.
To deliver a product that they want.

They "some other game companys" have FEARED *pun* releaseing this holiday season becuase of the fact we are finaly getting some games to scream about. This has been the best 6 months in gameing history.

*the problem*

If the game doesnt come out before halo 2 you can expect to wait even longer.
i have got a strong feeling valve will anounce a release date within the next few days.

At least they better.... or gabe, im coming for you buddy...
Ya Cs:s is suppose to come out this week. Pc gamer US is suppose to come out monday. So we will see.
Intriguing, Late October and late November both have good and bad points running for them…
I am leaning towards late this month. However, the final days of Half-Life 2’s testing and production are anything but written in stone… hell there not even written! Odds are well find out more in the next week and start the official countdown to the release date.
Seems very intriguing indeed, but take things with a grain of salt. There have been no official announcement. If I can recall, something similiar like this happened with Doom 3 and the whole retailer buisnesses (I.e Gamestop for a good example), claimed the game had gone GOLD and will be released 8/3. Yet, no gold announcement was made up until a couple weeks before the game was released.
I am looking at it this way, even if HL2 does not come out till late November at least we get to play with a game written specifically for the source engine before the end of the month.

Can only be a good thing and will help the wait pass quicker.