Half-life 2: Episode 1 FAQ

Breen - I don't think he's alive, or at least on earth anymore. He probably ended up in some random dimension. If the latter, maybe the Combine found him and returned him to earth.

Eli and Mossman - We saw Eli in the 30 second trailer, so thats a good sign that both of them may still be alive.

As for Shepard from Opposing Force, its up to Gearbox to decide whether or not to make a HL2 episode/expansion. Right now they are working on Brothers in Arms 3, so that makes it very unlikely.
The portal was destroyed, and Breen is still seen in the chamber. There is no way he could have teleported.
I wouldnt have said Breen was alive and well, while maybe he was, the term I would have used would be something more like "not dead" lol
Maybe teh Breen will be brought back liek ROBOCOP or something?

Even if there's no mention of him in Aftermath I'd say there's still a good chance of him appearing in a later expansion.
What are the chances Aftermath being released on XBox? To be honest, I don't hold much hope but if anyone has heard otherwise it'd be nice to know. Sadly, I don't have the computer power to run HL2 (I'm using the same PC that I played the original on...) so I had to settle for the Xbox version. Which happened to be the best thing released.
Aftermath FAQ section at main page is empty. Maybe someone could rewrite this AM FAQ to main page...

My Question: Will be available some extra new merchandise (books, toys, weapons :) )?
Q: Will be enemies able to make gauss jump? :rolleyes:
When is it out?

With the release of Steam Valve don't have to worry about selling retail copies and boxes. Aftermath will be made available exclusively through Steam meaning you can't buy it at any retail stores. You better start applying for those credit cards, Aftermath will arrive April/May 2006.

What the hell is this supposed to mean? in the FAQ it says (read bottom) I'm freaking out man! The above quote is from the Aftermath overview currently on the main page of the site. Then I read this FAQ and it says it's avaiable retail. You can't flame me! This wasn't my mistake. But what is the deal? Retail or no?

Will there be retail?

Yes, there will be a boxed verson of Aftermath, distributed by EA. Of course, you could always buy it on Steam.
Include this: Length (as compared to HL2's)?
anyone knows if stalkers would be allies or enemies? i mean like i have a point, in the citadel, every stalker you saw had a guard with him... why?
I think stalkers have a problem about freaking out and trying to attack anything near them, being driven over the edge of sanity by enormous amounts of pain tend to do that. Therefore they probably need to be under supervision and now with the citiadel falling down I think they are going buck wild.
I used a friends account to play Half life 2, and I have no wish to buy the game. Will Aftermath need HL2 installed?
kattmat said:
I used a friends account to play Half life 2, and I have no wish to buy the game. Will Aftermath need HL2 installed?

Actually, according to today's news, no it won't :cool:
Can you say how the length compares to HL2? I don't know why the length is always given in hours, since everyone goes at a different pace which makes it somewhat arbitrary.
Yeh yeh then it will be June, then july, then August, then September for a whole year.
It happened with HL2, I seem to remember trying to buy it a year before it did come out in the end....
So? It was delayed for a reason. People can never accept this. Valve don't say "LOL LET ****ING PISS OFF THE FANS. DELAY!!!oneone"
They delay it for a reason. Your getting the better product in the end.
Yeh, exactly. And it's not like they're lying when they announce release dates, they actually think that it'll be done by then, but then maybe a feature doesn't work well, or a level doesn't play right. It's in the best interests of everyone to push the release date back and have a fun game rather than one that is released exactly on time, and sucks.

Part of the reason HL1/HL2 are so good is that they went over and over and over on each level, every feature, making sure it was the best it could be. HL1 got totally rebuilt practically from the ground up, and it turned out to be the best FPS ever released. Would you rather they'd released a mediocre game on their first go round?

I mean yes, delays suck, but I know I'd rather get Episode One and just be blown away with it, rather than just getting it and being totally underwhelmed.
wow. $20 for 5 hours of gameplay? am i the only one that thinks this is ridiculous?
DrunkPanda said:
wow. $20 for 5 hours of gameplay? am i the only one that thinks this is ridiculous?
Compare to a cinema ticket for a 1/1 and a half hour film. And isn't Black about that long? A full game! And it doesn't even have multiplayer. E1 comes with HL2DM (possibly upgrades) and HLSDM. Plus mods.
DrunkPanda said:
wow. $20 for 5 hours of gameplay? am i the only one that thinks this is ridiculous?

Fear was about 10 hours.

Doom 3 was about 11 hours(most of that was crap)
So? It was delayed for a reason. People can never accept this. Valve don't say "LOL LET ****ING PISS OFF THE FANS. DELAY!!!oneone"
They delay it for a reason. Your getting the better product in the end.

surely the answer is to announce the year of release ie. "valve say 2006 for episode1 launch"

and leave the final date until the team is 100% sure, without any doubt that the game is ready, this would save all the whining that comes with pushing back release dates.

it would also avoid pissing off the team that do a good job on the game, and give the customers less to whinge about.

and after the continuos updates to hl2 do you really think that episode1 will be released as a final version?.... i bet as soon as its installed and validated there will be an update for it.:naughty:
I agree that Valve should infact just say an estimate, rather than specific days.
Samon said:
I agree that Valve should infact just say an estimate, rather than specific days.

They have been saying that havnt they? I mean all i heard from Valve is may. Sometime in may. Id say they are pretty close. June 1st isnt that far from May. I really dont mind, it adds to the hype for me. When HL2 got delayed for a year i was like oh man that sucks then next day i was like wow a whole year for them to make it 100x better. Then those last few mins/secs before release on steam. When everyone went crazy on forums and irc. Man a day to remember.
I wasn't really expecting it to come out in 05, given Valve's history. I mean, they delayed HL 1 and 2, so they can't abandon the proud tradition now.

But if that's the time it takes to build the best episode evah, so be it.
Hmm... might wanna update this FAQ sometime soon... a tad out of date, there being no Crab or Mortar synths that I could remember seeing at all.
Do we have an episode 2 thread, or forum, or whatever starting somewhere soon? An FAQ for that'd be great.