Half-life 2 fear.


Aug 29, 2003
Reaction score
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was over at my cousin's house for his birthday and I asked him if he had played any great games since we last saw each other and he said "Well .. yeah. Have you tried Half-life?"
At the time I had heard of Half-life from a pc magazine. not a review just some kind of follow up article explaining how Half-life would rule the world or something like that. So I was like "Nah, but I've heard of it. Doesn't look my kind of game really". My cousin took a long hard stare at me and said " ... shut up and dig this". So he sat me down at his computer and fired up Half-life. 60 minutes or so later, gaming as I've known it had changed.

Half-life had in just about an hour changed my way of seeing games. This was just a game sure, but once you were playing it, it was a struggle to get out of Black mesa no matter what the cost. I went home from my cousin ... without a copy of Half-life. I booted up my computer and sat there for a while. At the time I didn't have internet so the only real thing I did on the computer was playing games. But oh, how dull and boring they had become in just a few hours. I was playing Heroes of might and magic for a while but all I could think about was what would happen to me around the very next corner i Half-life ... anything could happen, and anything really did. Some days later I got my hands on a retail copy of Half-life, I sat for some days on all my spare time playing it. I was amazed, I was entertained at a whole new level.

But now, the years has passed. Games has come and gone, some great some not so good. But none of them has come close with the thrill I enjoyd while playing Half-life. I've played Thief, Dues ex, Halo , Far cry and all those, dont get me wrong they were great games no doubt about it ... but did they amaze me like Half-life did? No they did not.

So know Half-life 2 is upon us, the videos are looking great and all the info I've gathered so far builds my hunger for more Half-life to almost unpreceeded heights. However, here comes the Half-life 2 fear, will Valve entertain me to such degree again that it makes all my other games pale in comparison? Will Valve raise the bar so high that all other games struggle like madmen just to get in arms reach of Half-life 2?

I guess only time will tell. I hope all of you guys had an intresting read, and while I'm at it. Thank you Valve for the bringing games to the next level.
Nice post, I have been thinking the exact same feelings as you have. I bet other people have to. I truly hope this game will amaze me as much as HL1 did.
Nice post. It's an interesting descision: do you want HL2 to be as good as possible, or do you want to be able to play your other games without getting bored after you've finished it? :p
The original half-life was what prompted me to build my first pc. After the first time I tried it at my friend's house I was hooked. He built a small LAN at his place with 3 pc's running. I needed my own to bring at that point because I couldnt' stand waiting for a pc to free up. It was truly a great game and I still play it today. Valve are a great bunch of guys for supporting the mod community and their fans the way they do, and I wish the best of luck to them with the impending Half-life 2 release.
Heroes was a nice game.. nowhere near HL, but still. I unfortunately didn't get to know Half-Life in single player until long after Counter-Strike had made it's mark on it, it was none the less amazing.
Nice post

I have confidence that halflife 2 will at least be a very great game, wich i'll at least be playing for years to come..because of the hammer editor, the engine, the lip sync tool, playing with the physics, playing single player, playing multiplayer and the mods, etc..heck this is gonna be great :D
I never finished hl1 to tell the truth, but it was one the first game I mapped some levels for in quark (based on early Q3 screesnhots :)). I can still remember how advanced the game was for its time, and I expect hl2 to match and surpass that feeling I got when I played hl1 for the first time.
I have no doubt it will surpass HL in every way, but yeah, I don't know if it will have such in impact on you as HL did, the FPS scene has matured and it's not all run around and blow up stuff anymore (mostly because HL showed it could be done otherwise) and I don't know if HL2 will just be as genre defining as HL1.
PvtRyan said:
it's not all run around and blow up stuff anymore
After playing Far Cry and Painkiller, i'd have to disagree on that point!

I also have no doubt HL2 will shock and awe you. The leak gives you glimpses of Valve genius, genius that is totally absent from something like Far Cry. Even those shaky cam videos show us those little things that will seperate this game from the pack. Throwing paint cans onto walls and having the paint splash? I LOVE IT! Simple yet F'ING AWESOME. Wouldn't mind painting a combine with a few splashes of green!
good post, and i see what you mean. i truely believe HL2 will have just as great, if not greater affect on gaming. everything comes down to timing, and we are currently in need of a game that can prove to be superior to the rest of the gaming world, just like HL did all those years ago. we have the same amazing development team working on it, and undoubtedly they have gotten better. i feel that this time is right for a game like this, because as stated above, if you play farcry and painkiller (no matter how fun they are) they dont bring you in as HL did. wow, i staked a guy to a wall. i still dont feel like an angel hitman sent down to earth to destroy evil. when valve sits us down to play their game, however, they are able to fool us if just for a while, that we are indeed gordon freeman. and once a game can immerse you like that, its bound to be an unforgettable entertainment experience.
I love how people already know that a piece of unreleased software will meet and exceed every wild expectation that they've built up over the years. I wish I could like things just because I want to like them.

I see where the thread starter is coming from. I'm afraid that nothing could live up to this hype. This game will no doubt sell more copies than any other game due to many reasons like familiarity with the story, technology, features and last but not least blind fanboism. I guess the question is will it stand the test of time and impact FPS gaming like the original did.

Personally I respectfully doubt it. FPS was an infant when the original took the world by storm. The genre and technology for that matter have come so far. Modding was pretty new and really helped HL get to where it is today. Now you can mod any engine almost. No doubt the story will be nice, something people have waited a long time for. I think a lot of the thunder for the new features has been lost with other successful next gen games hitting the market.

Having said all that, I'm excited for this game. Wow I've been running at the keys, I'll stop now.
I'm sure you'll find SOMETHING wrong with it... but it'll still be a great game. No game could live up to the hype, but it could get damn close.

Well, that's not entirely true. I'm going to drool over this game like an infant over a teat, but I've been playing games on a Pentium II for the past two years... even the original Halflife makes me excited. :/
RFarmer said:
Nice post, I have been thinking the exact same feelings as you have. I bet other people have to. I truly hope this game will amaze me as much as HL1 did.

Yeah, HL1 is still the best FPS, it has that special felling.....
Excellent post. Like a lot of you, I've had similar thoughts. Since the original HL, I've really matured as a gamer and it takes a lot for me to go "wow". If a game does that however, its on to a winner. If HL2 can raise the bar just that high enough for my jaw to drop slightly then I will be happy enough. Valve's greatest weapon will be surprise.

I don't think its story will particularly blow me away, but I just hope the way in which the story is told to me will make an impact. If they can match HL1 then that'll be ok, but if they can expand on it and create a better experience then HL2 wont disappoint me at all.

Plus, I just wanna weld stuff and use the manipulater!! Weee...
I hope this isn't to much of a rule braking...

I have heard from friends who have played the beta that they keep playing the same levels over and over finding new cool things each time. Much like with the original HL

I imagine that if people have that much enjoyment from the incomplete game, the real thing is going to be spectacular..
The one thing that will make HL2 bring us back to the old days will be the tram ride style sequence at the start. You all know there's going to be something amazing at the start, HL1 was almost some sort of RPG for the first 10 minutes.
EVIL said:
I never finished hl1 to tell the truth, but it was one the first game I mapped some levels for in quark (based on early Q3 screesnhots :)). I can still remember how advanced the game was for its time, and I expect hl2 to match and surpass that feeling I got when I played hl1 for the first time.

you sir, are a blasphemer!
When I first played HL1 (demo) I thought it was a education or science sim, I also thought I messed up when I put the crystal in the beam, I was waiting for the GAME OVER screen. Oh was I ever in for a suprise.
Dalamari said:
When I first played HL1 (demo) I thought it was a education or science sim, I also thought I messed up when I put the crystal in the beam, I was waiting for the GAME OVER screen. Oh was I ever in for a suprise.
Oh boy did that make me laugh.

Now remember what Gabe said.
HL = The Hobit
Dalamari said:
When I first played HL1 (demo) I thought it was a education or science sim, I also thought I messed up when I put the crystal in the beam, I was waiting for the GAME OVER screen. Oh was I ever in for a suprise.
lol same here. I also thought oh no i am the reason for killin all the scientists...But the scientist do say on the over head speakers to push it into the beam anyways so it made me feel happy that is wasnt my fault the scientists died.

Also about scientist dieing. In hl and opposing force you could kill them if you were evil hehe. and the police (but they will shoot back).

Well do you think hl2 will give us fun on killing allied as well. ok sorry for the word "fun" but come on killing the scientist was funny sometimes.
I'm sure I'll be happy with HL2, because I'm a HL1 megafan.

Normally that wouldn't really be a factor, but HL2 looks like they took HL1 and added everything that was missing without taking anything out.
So, I think that it'll be very difficult for HL2 to be worse than the first.

Worst-case scenario would be that it's just as much fun as OP4, only with farcry+ graphics.
I think we can all agree that that's not a bad thing. :)
Mechagodzilla said:
I'm sure I'll be happy with HL2, because I'm a HL1 megafan.

Normally that wouldn't really be a factor, but HL2 looks like they took HL1 and added everything that was missing without taking anything out.
So, I think that it'll be very difficult for HL2 to be worse than the first.

Worst-case scenario would be that it's just as much fun as OP4, only with farcry+ graphics.
I think we can all agree that that's not a bad thing. :)
very nicely said man

but we all know that 5yrs of making this game millions of money gone into it qoutes from valve themselves saying that hl is like hobit and hl2 is LOTR so i think hl2 will be number "1" for another 5yrs knocking Half life out of 1st place.

i hate when people say Doom3 vs hl2 or farcry vs hl2. No it should be
HL vs HL2 and only be judged when hl2 arrives!
When I first saw Half-Life, it was at a computer show that I went to with my dad. I had never heard of the game before. The game had just come out, and I saw that there was a deal for it for 20 bucks. I thought "What the hell? If it sucks, I'm only out 20 bucks." So I bought it, and it thoroughly rocked my world. Everything in that game, even though it was just another FPS in the crowded genre of FPS games, was fresh and new, and it amazed me like no other.

5 years later, I almost have a heart attack when I hear that Half-Life 2 was coming out. Half-Life reinvented the FPS into something great, and I thought that no game, not even one made by Valve, would be able to make the kind of leap foward for FPS games. That is until I saw the Half-Life 2 E3 videos. Everything in those videos reminded me of how amazed I was when I first played Half-Life, and FPS games seemed to be fresh and new to me again.

I don't have any doubt that Half-Life 2 will be one of the most amazing experiences that I will ever have (better than sex, I'm sure.) The more you look into the leaps and bounds Half-Life 2 has made from any other game before, it's hard to think of any game being able to top what Half-Life 2 will accomplish. I guess I'm a bit more concerned about Half-Life 3 than anything else.
5 years is too long to **** up now.....
as long as everyone else is doing it......

the first time i played half life i thought it was crap, i got bored out of my wits during the tram ride and i thought it was retarded to use the same character models for fifty different people, well that was an insanely long time ago and the second time i picked up half life it was the first non rpg game i was ever really addicted to, it scared the crap out of me to the point where i'd rather take on an army of marines than three head crabs in a vent.....then i got to meet the icthyasaur.....well lets just say it was the first time in my life that i haver screamed at a game (out of fear). the info that has been released and the vids that i have seen are practically ensureing me that half life 2 will practically blow away all competition to oblivion and set another standard for the single player action game (and hopefully multiplayer as well)
My only concern about HL2 is that it won't come out before I lose my mind with anticipation.
Yeah i'm a big fan of halflife, but i'm an honest fan... if i think half life 2 will suck somehow, then i'll say it.

At first the strider made me go a little funny... but after i learned the setting and the tiny bit of story valve has given us (plus some speculating) i am REALLY excited...

Not because it's from valve and has halflife written on it, but because it looks ****ing amazing.

The story is intruiging, the technology looks great (pfft to other games... it's not used in the same way for the same purpose)
especiually the facial tech.
In halflife 1 i felt an attachment to the characters, scientists, barneys... but now in halflife 2 they have real faces and eyes... never before has a game looked like it can potentially emotionally move a player in such a way, and if halflife 1 with static faces and boxy models could do something anywhere near that, then halflife 2 will surely blow us all away.
Asus said:
Oh boy did that make me laugh.

Now remember what Gabe said.
HL = The Hobit
*Laughs* Too bad I prefered the Hobbit over the Lord of the Rings. Yes LotR was good yet it just felt like it was missing something in my opinion. I myself don't want to hype myself up, and dooming myself to disipointment while playing it. I remember playing Half Life... I hadn't gotten it when it came out because I wasn't into First Person Shooters. That all changed when I got the Demo. I showed it to my friend and we were both amazed. My friend later purchased me the GOTY Edition as a going away present as I was moving away. My computer was packed up... So we went straight to his house and played for like six hours straight... most fun I have had in a long time.