Half-Life 2 Flash Movie!

Looks nice, good job...looks odd when the characters move though...
halflife2source.com? damn, this summer I was suppose to register this domain and same the idea :'(
sorry but this is bad...especially for a 2mb movie IMO...also did you get permission to use that BATMAN intro music????
I know your nick is nickster(no pun intended...if there is any in the first place) but you still have to follow copyright law.
Dosent it look like that Gordan has poo'ed his pants in that flash movie ? :laugh:, anyway kewl flash d00d
Our mod has a flash.. very basic at the moment as it only sets up the story for the mod
I think it would be better if you just had Gman saying 'We have been rather busy in your absence, Mr Freeman'..

If you did that you could put more frames in there to make it smoother. You may as well remove the other crap because a stretching HL2 logo and screens really does suck.
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
I know your nick is nickster(no pun intended...if there is any in the first place) but you still have to follow copyright law.

Why did you make two posts when its all part of the same paragraph?

Hes not selling that flash movie is he? If he is then he is breaking the law but if he isn't then he doesn't need permission to use it.
woldspawn, where are these broken links? I would like to fix em.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Why did you make two posts when its all part of the same paragraph?

Hes not selling that flash movie is he? If he is then he is breaking the law but if he isn't then he doesn't need permission to use it.

wrong! it's still a copyright infringement...not making money on it isn't an excuse. besides he published it as a promotion for his web-site...so it is indeed an infringement.

Who really cares, how many times have YOU broken the law by downloading pirated music huh?

Besides If youve seen PlanetHalfLife's Flash movie you will notice the music at the end which is from the song "Valve - DATA" on the Half Life 1 CD. Im pretty sure PlanetHalfLife is in some sort of copyright infringement by doing that, but im pretty sure no one really cares.
well...planethalflife is pretty much promoting Half-life, so there's really no loss for Valve(so why would they care(it's still copyright infringement mind you)...btw do you know if they've asked for permission?)

since Nicksters web-site isn't even promoting Batman, the developers of that serie have got a loss.
Well I guess if whoever has the rights to the batman theme is going to find Nicksters site, take any interest to his Flash Video, and spend the time and money to pursue legal action against him, then I guess Nickster might have a problem. However I doubt that would happen. In a way it is promoting Batman since anyone who has heard the song will be reminded of it.

Ya its copyright infringement, but it really isn't hurting anyone and its very unlikely that Nickster will get into trouble for it. So it really doesn't matter.
Hey where's the link for this fragmaster's flash movie? I've been looking for it, but can't seem to find it.
crap :sleep:

I hate intro flashes.... especially badly designed ones....
Ha ha your right, I didn't even notice that was a shotgun. Ok I suck.:laugh: I'll take it down.