Half-Life 2 has competition

i think it looks really sweet, but i still want hl2 more
Max Payne was a cool game, and the sequel is looking promising, but it's no Half-Life 2.
Yea that game does looks VERY good. I haven't heard that much about it as I thought I would have though. And it's coming out this quarter of '03! Man I got to go read this preview.
isnt exactly new, those screens have been around for a while, they look great
max payne is dumb, its just a stupid game with the bullet-time gimmick, half life 2 will have awesome mods and a huge community and shit, **** max payne
its a great game probably singleplayer will be on par with hl2 singleplayer. But its no competition.
the engine does look nice. maybe the sequel will suck less than the original. looks like they got rid of the constipated face, though, so that's a start :D
Yeah, but Max Payne's storytelling was so over-dramatic... I know it was the noir-style or whatever, but the guy turns "the police sirens" into "the police sirens sounded like an off-key opera on a sunday morning blah blah blah"... and Max Payne's gameplay heavily relies on it's "gimmick" (that doesn't sound good, does it), Bullet-Time.. without that, it would be another 3rd person shooter about some guy who's face changes dramatically when he shoots getting revenge....

Don't get me wrong, im picking this up as soon as it comes out, as I did with the first one... but this is not competition...
Originally posted by Wraith
max payne is dumb, its just a stupid game with the bullet-time gimmick, half life 2 will have awesome mods and a huge community and shit, **** max payne

That gimmick worked better for Max Payne than it did for Enter the Matrix.
Ugh, I didn't like max payne. I found no joy in it. The comic-strip style story telling was lame, and about the only fun thing was bullet time (which can be remotely found in The Specialists, a funner HL mod). MP2 is looking good, but it is no competetion.
okay, according to those picture, hl2 seems to have better graphics than max payne 2. In fact , they are totally different game, so we can't really talk about their gameplay, they should both be fun, I still like hl2 better.
I play maxpayne 1 until i got all weapons then i got bored with it and that's the end of the story.

I still keep that constipated face in counter strike.
how is a matrix ripoff 3rd person game competition for halflife?

thats like comparing a bus to a airplane
Exactly planes are a cheap knock off of buses. Ohhhh look at me with my updated engine that flys ohhh you need wheels.

At its core though it still just carrys people just goes faster.
maxpayne was a good game but i swear to god if this one has those messed up dreams im not gonna play it lol
Originally posted by Redjackel
maxpayne was a good game but i swear to god if this one has those messed up dreams im not gonna play it lol

What, you didn't like running down endless hallways? Screw the shootouts, no end in sight rules!
if you guys didnt notice, without bullet time the game is impossible, it adds a sense of skill to the person you are, instead of the same recycled shit.
max wont blink though.

the chick in the screens is Fugly too...
The dreams were the best part! Err...

Anyway, the first game was a fun single-player experience, even though it was kinda short. I loved the burning restaurant scene. :D
I'm sure I'll buy MP2 quickly after release, assuming it doesn't turn out to be crap.
I'm glad they aren't wasting time trying to give it multiplay as well, as it doesn't really fit the game and would likely make it worse or delayed.
I know I still have the mousepad around here somewhere... ;)

Wow, what a collection of random thoughts. :|
Originally posted by Anwar
max wont blink though.

the chick in the screens is Fugly too...

How could you possibly know this? And do you base your purchases of games by how sexually appealing someone is to you? :|
Originally posted by urseus
Exactly planes are a cheap knock off of buses. Ohhhh look at me with my updated engine that flys ohhh you need wheels.

At its core though it still just carrys people just goes faster.

Nice one hehe:cheese:
Originally posted by Wraith
max payne is dumb, its just a stupid game with the bullet-time gimmick, half life 2 will have awesome mods and a huge community and shit, **** max payne


Fu*k Max Pany. Its A Pice of SH!T game.
and... oh wait its max pane.
I downloaded that game and it was a waste of my time. Pice of sh!t. Just wastes space on valuable HD Space.(Even if i do have lots of it)
Dont Recommand. Dont you dare fuc*ing compare it to

> > > > > > > > HALF-LIFE 2 < < < < < < < <

A head crab might jump at your face.

P.S Those screen shots are horrible.
omg lets get excited over screenshots...

There are new games like this every couple of months that "look amazing", I thought you people knew that there was more to a great game then just how it looks. Quake3 looked amazing.. Unreal 2 looked amazing.. etc.. graphics mean nothing when it comes to a "great game". Great games are still great when their technology (graphics) goes out of date.

HL2 looks great, but that's not what is going to make it one of the biggest video games ever to be made.
this is an old post at the VE MP forums after it was released.. found it humorous at the time :p

Voodoo Extreme Forum: Max Payne

Crazy Poster
Posts: 101
Registered: Jul 2001
posted 07-30-2001 07:05 PM

Topic: top 10 ways to improve max payne

1. sneak in a hitman cd in max payne box
2. insert colors other than gray and black into the game graphics
3.invent another ridiculously stupid mode of play, i.e. new york hour, where to get extra time u must manually shut down comp after a lockup, restart it, and start max payne in under 10 seconds.
4. new weapons, for example a tank and an F-15 that u could still carry with u under the coat for added realism.
5. to break up the monotony of fighting same mobsters, without resorting to wlaking on dark lines, make rats communicate with each other, and coordinate their actions as they flank you, then in slow-mo shootdodge into ur jugular.
6. instead of solid doors and nonbreakable windows to stop u from wandering off, make everything destructable, but put up signs, "please do not go here, u are ruining our linearity"
7. since bossed are unrealistic anyway, make them 6 times too large, and have tails and horns.
8. give dying mobsters more relaistic death screams, i.e. "i die now, but u must continue playing this game, so ha!"
9. during the walk on red line in the darkness sequences, create hanging blocks of reward points floating in the air, by jumping and hititng them, max will get extra points for his smirk makeover operation in final level.
10. make a floating window pop up every 10 minutes, with the bald guy from hitman going: "hhmm u suck".
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Don't get me wrong folks...I want Half-Life 2 as much as the rest of you, but after looking at the following screenshots, my appetite for another game has just been whet.

Very thoughtless of you to start a thread like this in the General Discussion forum, don't you know "comptetition" or versus threads like these lead to wars and people using obscenities. :hmph:
-Spits on that Pice of sh!t Game(max pane) -

not even worth downloading... how pathetic.....
Wow, I had no idea so many people hated Max Payne. When I first played it I found the gameplay to be quite enjoyable, and never dull or repetitive (which I expected upon hearing about the bullet time motif). The story, I admit, is over-dramatic and tends to be too epic for its own good. Nevertheless I did think that Remedy did a good job of creating an entertaining action game in a rich atmosphere. Not that any of the individuals that have posted in this thread exemplify the 'fanboy' moniker, yet their non-constructive criticism does yield a certain familiar ring to it.
Re: Re: Half-Life 2 has competition

Originally posted by Jagermeister
Very thoughtless of you to start a thread like this in the General Discussion forum, don't you know "comptetition" or versus threads like these lead to wars and people using obscenities. :hmph:

Only in this forum, where most are not mature enough to handle sombody liking a game other than hl2. I really liked Max Payne.
Yeah, its interesting to note that the only people who are polite about not liking it are the only ones who can provide a solid arguement
-only bullet time (debatable) interesting
-bad story/bad style (HUGE matter of opinion.

i dont agree, but i see how you could feel that way. Its a matter of what you like and don't

i loved the film noir, gameplay, voice overs/ comics. Just my OPINION.

i mean
/start sarcasm/
/end sarcasm/

EDIT: btw, i think max payne has more realistic graphics. You cant say that alyx looks more real, but she does ACT more real. The faces in hl2 are more expressive im guessing, when talking for instance. but Max's face has the wear and tear that a real face has. Its not a soft smooth surface like Dr. Kleiner's , who is presumabley much older ;)

ill have to see footage to decide

also, how was hl less linear then mp? there are no branches in either sans the very end of hl, although hl manages to suspend the belief that you are on a one way road, and that things are going to end the same each time, better job keeping the player guessing? i dunno.
More opinion ranting huzzah!
end edit
I loved the storytelling and the metaphors\similys (sp?), I guess people cant enjoy good writing?
I can't understand what sparked the competition between these two games. They're completely different in every single way, gameplaywise and storywise. Both will be good in their individual fashions.
Nobody cares, and nobody WANTS to believe that they are two different games, hl2 has to rule over all, end of story.
Originally posted by nw909
Gordon would crowbar his face into a puddle of mush.

Not before Max would pump a double shotgun blast to his face! So there, ha!
Max payne kicked ass.the story / dialouge was some of the best ive seen.
Is it just me or does Max Payne in MP2 look like George Bush Jr?