Half-Life 2 has competition

Max payne 2 comes out in october so we won't have long to wait after HL2 to find out...:cheers:
october :eek:

seems they have been keeping development pretty quiet. i wonder how long its been in development
Im getting both, so why not stop the thread right here and say that each game has their own ups and downs :afro:
That'd be a boring debate and it's funny to see fanboys get their knickers in a twist
Originally posted by CordlessPen

Please die in horrible pain.
Like... now....

Sorry to say say so, but I can't stand you extreme fanboys. If you could at least stay fair with other games than hl2, that would be enough.
But well, nobody actaully cares so i'll shut up concerning that.

Just dont forget how Max payne did a small revolution in action games...
Yea, stop saying that game was crap. Remedy wouldn't have done MP2 if people wouldn't have enjoyed the first one. You can't compare MP with HL, two different styles of gameplay.
I wouldn't say it was a revolution, or even an evolution, in action games. There's being fair to Max Payne, and there's being a fan boy for it too.

It was an ok action game. A lot of people liked it, a lot of people didn't.

It is in no way competition for HL2. The reasons has nothing to do with the quality of the game as the fact it is an entirely different type of game designed to do different things.

I personally think it doesn't do what it does as well as Half Life 2 does what it does, but that's just me.
Man I'm glad to see some mature posters in this forum.
Nothing wrong with being a fan of a game but not accepting that other games are as good, is lame. Grow up!

Half-Life 1 was one kickass game when I palyed it for the first time.
Max Payne, with it's bullet-time, sarcastic dialogue, comic storytelling and messed up dreams was a whole new gaming experience for me.

Sure the story was clichéd but you as some one said, the game didn't take itself seriously anyway. It basically was a new fun way to play a game unlike other shoot-'em up games. Though it seems people are to narrow-minded to grasp something like that.

Max Payne did recieve good scores though so it wasn't exactly a failure, hmm now was it?

If you really really hated the game but provided valid arguments and not just "It was the worst POS game blah blah, waste of HDD, my penis is still larger... etc".

And you people call yourself true fans.. sigh
(Not referring to everybody of course)

The Internet: it's like a library, only don't expect to find much intelligent or maturity there
Max payne has the best graphics, effects...etc. but HL2 will have the best MP, gameplay....

Anyway I ll buy both and play both.
Max payne uses the same engine as max payne 1

( max payne rocked btw i want to keep that clear :p)

still i can't wait for halflife2 anymore :\\
Max Payne is just another one of those games that you just have to buy, along with DeusEx, HL2 and Doom3. I'm giving the industry a hell of alot of money over the next coming spree. Good for PC gaming IMO. There was a rather large low point for quite a while before now.

the future is bright.
LOL m2 engin the same as m1 engin?.....nah.

go and read the info again, then chatt.
Originally posted by Matrix302
LOL m2 engin the same as m1 engin?.....nah.

go and read the info again, then chatt.

The engine's been heavily modified, but technically he's still right.
Yeah, it looks ok - but the gameplay was no-where near as good as the original Half-Life, so I don't have much faith in the second one.

Story was good, mind.
Half Life is about the gameplay, not the graphics.Anyone who has gone back and played the original Half Life YET AGAIN can understand that.
How's that? Because it questions the sanctity of HL2 by suggesting other games?
DeusEx2... Ooof! <Rubs thighs>
pasific assault

Half-life 2 will be great but it will have great compitition: Doom3, S.T.A.L.K.E.R and mostly, in my opinion, MoH: PA which is NOT Medal of honor allied assault expansion and its NOT Quake 3 engine based it has a new special engine and the screenshot with the face is in game, i read an article and they got real good people working on it from the Matrix movies and more and people who played MoH:AA must agree that the level design was the 2nd best after Half-Life....only time will tell but im gonna buy both games AND max payne 2 too :)
Re: pasific assault

Originally posted by wadee
Half-life 2 will be great but it will have great compitition: Doom3, S.T.A.L.K.E.R and mostly, in my opinion, MoH: PA which is NOT Medal of honor allied assault expansion and its NOT Quake 3 engine based it has a new special engine and the screenshot with the face is in game, i read an article and they got real good people working on it from the Matrix movies and more and people who played MoH:AA must agree that the level design was the 2nd best after Half-Life....only time will tell but im gonna buy both games AND max payne 2 too :)

Here here!
Games im definitly buying....HL2, Doom3, Call Of Duty, MOH PA, max payne 2.

Im not sure about stalker though. I saw a few videos and i dont think it looks very good. I would have to play a demo of stalker before i bought it.
People say how HL2 has the best graphics and how graphics are everything, then when something with better graphics come along they change and say gameplay is everything.

Don't be so fickle.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
People say how HL2 has the best graphics and how graphics are everything, then when something with better graphics come along they change and say gameplay is everything.

Don't be so fickle.

lol, exactly right. that's how hl2 rule.
I thought the story was one of the best I'd ever seen in a game, although it's probably a bit dramatic, it didn't bother me that much. The gameplay wasn't annoying either...I didn't know this much people disliked the game. Some of you are waaay too fanboy.
I played max payne long before i bought hl (i started playing hl and its mods 5 months ago), it's not a matter of being fanboy , i just didn't like the game, it's personal preference. I like hl stuff, cuz there are so many choices, if u dislike hl, play cs, dislike cs, play dod, dislike dod, play ns....u got the picture. In max payne, if u don't like it, that's it, u don't have many other choice (i know it has few mods). Besides, I'm kind of player who only like to play multiplay, a game without mulitplay won't last me for longer than a week, i finished rf2, sof2, rtcw, unreal2, etc etc each of them in less than 3 days.
It's called the "game industry" people. There's always competition because there's always more than one good game at a time.