Half Life 2 is out! Go to your nearest store tomorrow!

yeah, i have Doom, and Duke 3d, and Ultima VII (i think) still.
Aye, Doom2 at 5 disks, good times, good times.
I had Rise of the Robots on floppies, 10 of them if I remember correctly. Shame about the game though, I mean, all you needed was the big red robot bloke and that one special flying kick move to beat anyone.
One Must Fall, for all your robot-fighting-game needs.
I once got a friend to put GTA on 20 floppies, and then sell them to me :)

took forever to install, but I truly loved the game :D

(told my mom that you'd get negative points if you hit people though.... she fell for it :p)

now we know why it took soo long to complete the game....
and I think the Comodore 64 version is still not finished yet....

Re: aha

Originally posted by eljoniz
now we know why it took soo long to complete the game....

yeah, I know... copying to a floppy is slooooow :cool:
heh, HL2 on floppies...

Imagine HL2 on the old punch cards...

hmm, a punch card held 80 bits of data. that's 10 bytes. so if HL2 takes up 2 GB after decompression, you would need 200 million punch cards to hold the game.

assumeing a weight of .5 g per card, that would come to 100 metric tons. if they only cost half a cent each, a copy of the game would cost 1 million dollars.

at a typical data rate of 90 cards per minute, it would take 8.45 years to load the game onto your computer. assumeing of course that your puch card equiped monstrosity had enough magnetic tape to store the whole thing.

and we complain about steam being slow!
man I have so many games on floppy (and stiffy)

(Sid Mier's) Civilizations
The Lost vikings
Grand Prix
Leasure Suit Larry (like 1-4)
Biplane (anyone remember that one?)
Cat (another hella old school one)
King's Quest (1-4 or so)
The Black Couldron (1 and 2)
Prince of Persia
Aces of the Pacific
Need for speed
Crusader: no Remorse (and no regret) -I love crusader's music :D -
Red Baron (1 and 2)
Battlechess (1 and 2-chinese battle chess)

geez and tons more.... I just got tired of typing em out lol... I seriously own a lot of floppies and stiffies.

dont even get me started on my 300+ commodore 64 games :D
I used to have a ton of floppies too, till one day when I got my first CD-RW and had a Nazi-style floppy-burning. I hated those stupid things, constantly getting errors. I can't even begin to count how many floppies I'd have to send in for replacements.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Okay, you win. I've no idea where that comes from.:p

Lady Byron was the daughter of Lord Byron (the famous poet), and is credited for writing the first "computer program". It was a program that calculated Berunoulli numbers for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, the worlds first steam powered computer.
Here's an april fools joke for next year before HL2 is released, nobody gets hurt but you get to have a laugh out of intense april bordem that strikes everyone.

Design and print out the box for it so it looks official and then put something in it like its got a CD in, wrap it up in that plastic wrap, go into town and while mingling with the crowd of kids and checking out whats on the shelves, casually place it where it can be seen, stand back and have a chuckle as some kids fight for it then find its not real once they get to the check out

hey its a monday, what did you expect, Seinfeld?
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Here's an april fools joke for next year before HL2 is released, nobody gets hurt but you get to have a laugh out of intense april bordem that strikes everyone.

Design and print out the box for it so it looks official and then put something in it like its got a CD in, wrap it up in that plastic wrap, go into town and while mingling with the crowd of kids and checking out whats on the shelves, casually place it where it can be seen, stand back and have a chuckle as some kids fight for it then find its not real once they get to the check out

hey its a monday, what did you expect, Seinfeld?

and no one gets hurt!?!?!!?
what a wicked
man you are....

much <3
Haha, that first post is comedy gold.

I think the only PC game I've played that came on more than one floppy was X-Wing. I was such a n00b back then...

Kinda off topic, but anyone remember Scorched Earth?


Man, my dad and I used to spend hours on that old 386 playing it. It truly is The Mother of All Games.

Back on topic, I hate floppies as much as anyone, but a lot of hardware manufacturers still use them as driver disks. I'd like to do away with my floppy drive, but then I'd be shooting myself in the foot.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Can I get it on 5 1/2"?

How about 8 1/2"?


u mean 5 1/4" drive :p

don't have that drive anymore.. but i think i have a few of the floppies lying around somewhere.. hehe

Heh. The floppies make good bases for those clock kits you can buy. My computer-techy uncle made one out of a green disk. Looks awesome.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
lol, that would take so damn long to install.

I wonder if its possible to overclock your floppy drive...

Lol. Probably with the right software and hardware ;).
Back in the day there were several attempts to make a faster floppy drive, and actually today's floppy drives are quite a bit faster than older ones. They've hit a wall though, and it has to do with the storage medium in the floppy. When it spins too fast, the material in the floppy begins to warp. Stupid floppies.
the first game I programmed 24 years ago was a kind of wallbreaker on an Apple II. there were neither hard disk nor diskette reader on it. So I had to program it each time I wanted to play with it...
the second one was a kind of space fight, and I recorded it on a tape recorder...
Originally posted by Shuzer
Floppies are always good for boot disks, and stuff, other than that, pretty useless

lol, anyone ever played Jetpack? Best DOS diskette game EVER

Actually, talking real floppies.. I think the game I used to play the most on my 486 was The California Raisins.. oh, those were the days
jetpack oh god BEST game. that game ruled so much
I think Wingcommander...dont remember which one, was like 20 floppys.
Maybe it was XwingVsTiefighter.
I was on like disk 17 and 45 minutes into the install and you get an error....hahaha i HATED floppies
Nice one, they should print on the box:

Special Edition: Experience STEAM offline...

We had version 3.11 of Windows for Workgroups on floppies. Was something like 20. Novell Word Perfect (before it was taken over by Corel) was about 10.
you guys forgot about lemmings

lemmings is #2 to half life 2

woooo lots of to 2's