Half-Life 2 Length Time?


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
I heard somewhere the game was beaten in like 19 hours? Am i correct? If so that is awesome, because it took me 13 hours to beat Doom3 and that was a long ass game. So an extra 6 hours, actually prolly even more than that because of the replayability of the game will make it even better. Good thing to know this game is going to be really long with a really awesome storyline.
Doom 3, according to reviews was 24 hours long. Half-Life 2, according to reviews is 20 hours long.
Yeah that is what one of the reviewers reported that he finished it in 19 hours however he doesnt say if he messed around in the game at all or just tryed to hurry thru it.
Agent.M said:
Yeah that is what one of the reviewers reported that he finished it in 19 hours however he doesnt say if he messed around in the game at all or just tryed to hurry thru it.

How long do you guys think Far Cry was? Probably around the 20 hr mark, and that seemed like a pretty long game to me.
Ownzed said:

Maybe each chapter varies from 1hr30min - 2hr30min. Depending on how you play.
gesto21 said:
How long do you guys think Far Cry was? Probably around the 20 hr mark, and that seemed like a pretty long game to me.
Yeah, Far Cry had it about right in terms of length I think... so it sounds like Half-Life 2 should be too. :)
tokin said:
Maybe each chapter varies from 1hr30min - 2hr30min. Depending on how you play.

Well then i'm going to mess around alot. I already planned it. I like sp games to last long. :)
Ownzed said:

Yep - Gabe has said a lot of things :p

In all honesty, I don't see this game being much more than 25 hours on normal difficulty and 30 hours on hard. That's plenty of time for a FPS. Any longer and you start to get repetition.
She said:
HL2 = 19-23 hours...
thats lower than i expected
but still, 20 hours for an fps is great
not to mention the fact that the replay value thanks to the physics engine will be great
ill be sure to mess around and take my time, becoming completely enveloped by the environment
only way to play.....
Doom 3 was expected to be 20-25 hours long. I played it on the hardest setting and the game actually took almost thirty hours, which was nice except by that time I wanted to get it over with because though there were some great scares, the gameplay was literally putting me to sleep.

Now, in Doom, there's only one way to do things. Down this hall, through that door, shoot this guy, ride that elevator. It was extremely linear and you definitely knew it.

In HL2, conversely, the environments are much more expansive, and though it'll be linear like HL1, there will be many places where the battles will turn out differently depending on your style.

I plan to play the more exciting sections more than once, my first time through, which will tack on 2-4 hours total. I also plan to play it on Hard, and we know the reviewers played on Normal and even stated that they were sure it'd be a longer game on Hard. That's another 5-6 hours. Finally, I'm not gonna be quicksaving after every baddie I run into. I'll try and limit myself to a save every few minutes, rather than seconds. This should add a good five hours to the game's length, I'm thinking.

With these 'limitations', I'll actually be having a lot more fun and end up being able to spend around 35 hours in the HL2 story, my first time through.

This time, I'm assuming, does not take into account the dying/replaying factor, which is sure to tack on hours.

Of course I'm sure its technically possible to beat the game in far less then 19 hours... but lets leave that to the speed demo freaks.

I'm gonna take the time to smell the roses,. and see what all the friendlys have to say.
Yeah, it was supposed to be 30, and most people agree that the reviewers probably had to play through it a bit faster than they would have liked (ending up at 19-20 hours). I'd expect someone who runs and guns to get about 20 hours out of the game, and someone who likes to explore the levels and find every last secret to have a good 30 hours.

playing half way through HL has gotten me SO MUCH MORE pumped about HL2 ... now i know what you guys are talking about when you say IT HAS GOOD GAMEPLAY ... i cant even imagine what HL2 is gonna be like ...
It has great replay value and it will take longer for me because im going to try to beat in on easy,normal,and hard. And you can fool around with the physics and explore the world
Gabe "estimated" that it would be 36 to 48 hours. I honestly don't know what he was smoking at the time that he came up with those figures. The original game was probably about 25 to 30 hours at the most?

That sort of game time is typically reserved for RPGs not FPSs. And he probably made his statement before they started to trim the "fat" (no pun intended from the game). They probably found levels that just didn't work too well or that were just plain boring and nixed 'em.
I think Deus Ex was the perfect game. It was really long and replayability was insane.
I'm sure HL2 will last long enough.

Assuming it's as great as we're all hoping, HL2 should be an experience worth revisiting time and time again. (Replayability - the sign of a great game :))

Sod 20-30 hours playtime. If I don't get at least 100 out of HL2 then it isn't the game i'm hoping for.
Raziel-Jcd said:
I think Deus Ex was the perfect game. It was really long and replayability was insane.

My favorite game. A really long game, but not one you hoped would end. The story was gripping, sound and music were incredible. It was a shooter, but as Raziel said, was very replayable because of some minor RPG elements. The... perfect... game.

If anyone hasn't played this all the way through, and doesn't want to think about HL2 being so far off, play this in the meantime and you won't be disappointed.

Ownzed said:
don't YOU remember that gabe and co frequently lie for the sake of lying? last year pc gamer said singleplayer was 50-60 hours in the hl2 preview
UnmarkedOne said:
My favorite game. A really long game, but not one you hoped would end. The story was gripping, sound and music were incredible. It was a shooter, but as Raziel said, was very replayable because of some minor RPG elements. The... perfect... game.

If anyone hasn't played this all the way through, and doesn't want to think about HL2 being so far off, play this in the meantime and you won't be disappointed.


Agreed completely.
You guys are talking about the first Deux Ex, right?
Raziel-Jcd said:
I think Deus Ex was the perfect game. It was really long and replayability was insane.

I never played it. My friend said it was a great game and mentioned something about taking drugs and smoking cigs or something? lol. anyways yes HL2 is going to rule. I'm going to beat it on normal and hard. I just beat HL for like my 3rd or 4th time a few months ago, i really don't wanna play it again though. I really wish they gave us HL:S this week instead of CS:S and then in November or later this month the rest come. And i really pray they include a TF2 trailer on the HL2 disc... :|
i heard the 2nd deus ex was a disappointment. is that only because expectations were too high or was the game just bad? in other words, would it be worth getting for someone who doesn't knwo anything about deus ex?
DrunkPanda said:
i heard the 2nd deus ex was a disappointment. is that only because expectations were too high or was the game just bad? in other words, would it be worth getting for someone who doesn't knwo anything about deus ex?

I only played a demo of DX2, but if they followed standard procedure and included some of the best features from the full version, I made a good call in not buying it. I HATED the demo of the 2nd game, almost everything about it (an incredible letdown for me, because of how much I enjoyed the first game).

Please, if you haven't played the first, disregard reviews of the second and play the first anyway. It's as if they were made by completely different developers.

Thing is, my expectations for the second weren't high, I only expected more of the same great action/story. As stated, the second is just a piece of crap. If anyone misses out on the first Deus because they disliked the second or its demo, it's a shame. Like I said, go out and buy/play the first one if you haven't yet -- you'll have a blast.

DrunkPanda said:
i heard the 2nd deus ex was a disappointment. is that only because expectations were too high or was the game just bad? in other words, would it be worth getting for someone who doesn't knwo anything about deus ex?
I'd say the former, as I never played the original but rather enjoyed Invisable War.
My friend said it was a great game and mentioned something about taking drugs and smoking cigs or something?

You could pick up cigs off of dead guards and smoke them, drink beer that you found lying around, etc. It pretty much let you interact with everything, which was nice. The game was great because of the little details. It was like HL1, in a way, because the story was fairly continuous, and most of the time one level lead right into another, just like how HL's maps attached.

You found implants over time that made your life a little easier, like being able to run faster, jump higher, and see further. There were even some really cool implants like being able to blend into your environment termporarily or cause explosives to detonate as soon as your enemies fired them.

You had an inventory but it was super-easy to manage, and you got to keep your weapons through the whole game, deciding which you liked best over time and hanging onto only your favorite guns. You could also find upgrades for your guns like extended clips, accuracy mods, laser sights, etc (which also stayed with you the whole game).

I think some people were turned off by the fact that it's got some RPG elements, but it's not as bad as you think. DX is your standard shooter, and the gunfights are great, but over time you earn experience and can 'spend' it in order to excel with weapons. After upgrading, you can shoot more accurately, making kills easier. You also had some other things to spend your points on, like hacking (if you upgraded far enough, you could hack enemy turrets and force them to shoot their own guys, hack ATMs and steal the cash, etc), swimming, or medic skills.

Every character had lines and lines of dialogue that was actually voice acted and sounded great, totalling thousands of lines, hours of voice through the whole game.

The story was filled with plot twists and conspiracy theories, and it really felt like you were discovering new parts of the story with each level you completed. As I said, I could talk about Deus all day, but believe me when I say you won't be disappointed by giving Deus a shot.

UnmarkedOne said:
You could pick up cigs off of dead guards and smoke them, drink beer that you found lying around, etc. It pretty much let you interact with everything, which was nice. The game was great because of the little details. It was like HL1, in a way, because the story was fairly continuous, and most of the time one level lead right into another, just like how HL's maps attached.

You found implants over time that made your life a little easier, like being able to run faster, jump higher, and see further. There were even some really cool implants like being able to blend into your environment termporarily or cause explosives to detonate as soon as your enemies fired them.

You had an inventory but it was super-easy to manage, and you got to keep your weapons through the whole game, deciding which you liked best over time and hanging onto only your favorite guns. You could also find upgrades for your guns like extended clips, accuracy mods, laser sights, etc (which also stayed with you the whole game).

I think some people were turned off by the fact that it's got some RPG elements, but it's not as bad as you think. DX is your standard shooter, and the gunfights are great, but over time you earn experience and can 'spend' it in order to excel with weapons. After upgrading, you can shoot more accurately, making kills easier. You also had some other things to spend your points on, like hacking (if you upgraded far enough, you could hack enemy turrets and force them to shoot their own guys, hack ATMs and steal the cash, etc), swimming, or medic skills.

Every character had lines and lines of dialogue that was actually voice acted and sounded great, totalling thousands of lines, hours of voice through the whole game.

The story was filled with plot twists and conspiracy theories, and it really felt like you were discovering new parts of the story with each level you completed. As I said, I could talk about Deus all day, but believe me when I say you won't be disappointed by giving Deus a shot.


cool man ... how old is it??? website???
Deus Ex came in in 2000 and used the original Unreal engine.

I'm not sure if any website exists but if you want it, look on eBay.
UnmarkedOne said:
I only played a demo of DX2, but if they followed standard procedure and included some of the best features from the full version, I made a good call in not buying it. I HATED the demo of the 2nd game, almost everything about it (an incredible letdown for me, because of how much I enjoyed the first game).

Please, if you haven't played the first, disregard reviews of the second and play the first anyway. It's as if they were made by completely different developers.

Thing is, my expectations for the second weren't high, I only expected more of the same great action/story. As stated, the second is just a piece of crap. If anyone misses out on the first Deus because they disliked the second or its demo, it's a shame. Like I said, go out and buy/play the first one if you haven't yet -- you'll have a blast.


2nd was no where neat as good as 1st but it wasnt as bad as people say. It was sitll deus ex.

That link has a little info on the game, as well as a demo you can play through. You don't get much of the story in that demo though, so I'd recommend playing the rest of it, if possible. I was at the store the other day and they had it for 9.99, and you might be able to order it for five bucks or so at some online store.

It came out in 2000, and was done on a heavily modified Unreal engine. When it came out, even the best computer couldn't run it flawlessly, and now a middle-of-the-road PC can. The graphics are still pretty decent (I play HL1 now and then, and DX's graphics are much better).

Raziel-Jcd said:
2nd was no where neat as good as 1st but it wasnt as bad as people say. It was sitll deus ex.

I'm probably biased because of that terrible demo, because I get this argument a lot. Did you play the demo? Was the full version that much better? I hated how I couldn't get a solid framerate (on a 3.2ghz Athlon, gig of ram, 9800 pro), how all the guns shared the same ammo (who in the hell came up with that one?), and the inventory wasn't at all intuitive.

Maybe if you can explain why the 2nd was worth playing, I'll give it a try. Ideas?

I hated Deus Ex 2... but the first one was really great.
You know, i feel that i dont mind the length of the game as much as the quality of the game. (Looks at pokemon game with 94 hours on it. and wishs to have those days back)