Half-Life 2 may be Done


Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
Acording to the aussie mag pc powerplay.. this could have already been posted.. since i got the mag 5 days after it was ment to come out.. not my fault.. was a delay of the mag..

anyway this is what they say the next issue will have..

they have a big picture of the hl2 symbol & under it, it says its done.. now the mag comes out on the 22nd of september.. seems pretty soon.. so im thinking the game could be coming out in australia at the end of september? & they want to get the mag out befor its at the store's? i dunno. but there is for sure something coming in the next pc powerplay mag.. could be a review, could be a preview.. time will tell...
thats awesome considering hl2 has a worldwide release planned, scan the mag so we can see
Alright awesome, so we can probably expect it on sept 30th., only 30 more days!
Hmmmm interesting. I used t buy PCPowerplay a fair bit, I can't say if I trust them or not on something so vague as them putting the Hl2 logo and saying "it's done". Could mean anything.
can anyone host the pic? give me an email & i will email you a pic right now..
No scans allowed, and I dont see anything vague about a hl2 sign and it saying "done"...... :dozey:
I used to buy PCPP but i stoped when it got boring. I still goto the forums a bit.
Id wait for valve to say its gold befor beliving anything.
Nothing excites me anymore...... no wait, that came out all wrong, I meant release dates and news about HL2....
yeah sure its done. I dont belive any garbage anymore. Until the game is finally released all of valves release dates and all the other release dates and stuff floating around are bullshit.
so when does the new issue of pc gamer come out? yknow, the one that's supposed to have the the hl2 review?
Glad I saw this before it get's censored :D
wait, does this count as a scan?
good picture. Let's hope it doesn't make as many questions as pcgamers : "HL2 Multiplayer Info INSIDE!!!"
edit: who knows, maybe its done means RC is sent off. We might still need to wait for cs:s to finish testing for hl2 to go gold, to make sure netcode is all right.
thanks for that... not sure how good photobucket is...

take it for what it is.. could mean a review could mean a preview of the finished game.. i dunno..
epmode said:
so when does the new issue of pc gamer come out? yknow, the one that's supposed to have the the hl2 review?

I get it in the mail around the 15-20th of every month.

I live in California...
my ass its done ... i bet theyre messin with it right now ... psh ...
part of the reason i spent $600 on my videocard was because of this game, and it being included free. Fact is, i have not received my game yet, so the claims on the box "FREE INSIDE!" are false advertizing. I'm a patient man, and now 'a days my kids take more and more of my time each day, and that leaves less for games. But I MADE time for Doom3 and Half-Life2.... I even spent some good cash on upgrades so they would all be in the best visual splendor...and with HL2 ...

I have never played it. I am really beginning to think i never will.

I am beginning to believe that i have benn scammed out of some of my hard-earned cash. Wonder if i could start a lawsuit, and get my money back, that they conned me into spending?
remember games domain said they would have a review soon?

i think alot of the press is playing the game now & making reviews.. bloody hope so... alot of things are pointing to the game appearing very very soon..
I believe PC Powerplay. They were right about Doom 3 when they said the same thing.
This is starting to look hopeful. The fact that several Game Magazines are going to have something about Half-Life 2 around the 20th almost makes it seem like it is in fact done, and soon to be released.
cadaveca said:
part of the reason i spent $600 on my videocard was because of this game, and it being included free. Fact is, i have not received my game yet, so the claims on the box "FREE INSIDE!" are false advertizing. I'm a patient man, and now 'a days my kids take more and more of my time each day, and that leaves less for games. But I MADE time for Doom3 and Half-Life2.... I even spent some good cash on upgrades so they would all be in the best visual splendor...and with HL2 ...

I have never played it. I am really beginning to think i never will.

I am beginning to believe that i have benn scammed out of some of my hard-earned cash. Wonder if i could start a lawsuit, and get my money back, that they conned me into spending?

You can do that, and delay the game for everyone, or you could kill yourself....just a thought. :|
lol... it's going to get released the 13th of september. Do you know how I know this? Because that is the day I go on holiday to the US for 3 months...so I won't get to play the game I have waited years for...

Do they have computers in Washington state? ;)
true about doom 3. they had one of the first reviews.. this could very well be another one of the first reviews.. like i said time will tell... but the game must for sure be very close now.. all things point to this..
this owns ... i bet it comes out sept 30 ... what do u guys think?
tic said:
remember games domain said they would have a review soon?

i think alot of the press is playing the game now & making reviews.. bloody hope so... alot of things are pointing to the game appearing very very soon..

I dont dare get my hopes up yet, but now that I think of it there are and have been quite a few press related things poping up lately that sure would point to the game being done this is just another one to add to the list......HMMMMMM :| .
what about this idea? cant valve send hl2 to the publisher, get it approved, then have that sit and collect dust while they still mess with CS:S and as soon as they are happy with that, botta bing botta boom! eh? maybe? PLEASE?!
I'm thinking....what if the game still DOES go gold today?
Crusader said:
lol... it's going to get released the 13th of september. Do you know how I know this? Because that is the day I go on holiday to the US for 3 months...so I won't get to play the game I have waited years for...

Do they have computers in Washington state? ;)

Where are you going in Washington? I live near by so you can always play on my comp.:)
When VALVe releases an official statement I'll believe it :\ With that fools gold post I really lost trust in 3rd party comments.... I want a press release dammit.
Could cs:s be holding hl2 back? Maybe hl2 is done but cs:s isn't and they want to ship both of them together?