Half life 2.net song by hlradio

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Six Three said:
getting back to the topic, what was the hl2.net song? I never heard it, (and to whoever from source is spying on this, I LIKE radio) what were the lyrics?

Imagine a group of 20-year olds giggling like schoolgirls singing "i was banned from hl2.net, hl2.net sucks" over and over again.
CrazyHarij said:
Imagine a group of 20-year olds giggling like schoolgirls singing "i was banned from hl2.net, hl2.net sucks" over and over again.
Andy Hodges is 30+
There were no real lyrics, basically we just shouted at them different styles and he started making up the song as he went. It was pretty impressive how many styles they were actually able to do (of course, we've prohibited Josh from ever rapping again ;) lmao)
Pendragon said:
They had 'SexyJosh' adlibbing music in various styles, at the request of IRC and Ventrilo users as two others (Hodges and Ranger?) laughed in the background. For the most part, the lyrics were things like 'HL2.net sucks balls.'

heheh funny. Atleast we know that we are better/more mature.
half life 2 song aired on hl radio
cd is comming out summer 2004
RblDiver said:
There were no real lyrics, basically we just shouted at them different styles and he started making up the song as he go. It was pretty impressive how many styles they were actually able to do (of course, we've prohibited Josh from ever rapping again ;) lmao)

Yes, very nice singing and music.. I'd recommend you to stop singing hatesongs towards HL2.NET and start singing about Half-Life 2 in general, the mysteriousness of G-Man, the sexiness of Alyx, the coolness of Barney.

I tried to tell you this in the thread I made at HLR, unfortunately I was banned and my thread got deleted in less than 30 seconds.. And you talk about banning people for no reason?
RblDiver said:
There were no real lyrics, basically we just shouted at them different styles and he started making up the song as he go. It was pretty impressive how many styles they were actually able to do (of course, we've prohibited Josh from ever rapping again ;) lmao)
Really, rb|diver welll i heard this....
* (10:00:45 PM): U got banned, from hl2.net and thats ok! Cuz the'll DELETE AND BANN ANYONE THEY THINK IS GHEY!! just like them, i say come again!! im afraid of what would happen, the forums are ****(edit by Pauly, ryhmes with stick) and i know u cant stick around for
*** (10:00:49 PM): sounds, balallallaalallala
*(10:00:56 PM): Its not hl2.net
* (10:01:07 PM): Thats not hl2.(pause)net
*(10:01:14 PM): HL2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*(10:01:16 PM): SUX
*(10:01:21 PM): hl2.net!!!! SUX
* (10:01:24 PM): ********
* (10:01:29 PM): (laughgter)
I like both, hlradio and hl2.net, they both are awesome. Im neurtrel and not taking sides
Pauly said:
I like both, hlradio and hl2.net, they both are awesome. Im neurtrel and not taking sides

I agree, I love hl2.net, like radio but all these put downs from source I dont really like...
i was even made fun of, and im not even important here, or there. imagin that. :upstare:
they do have very nice music

slipknot - duality
is playing now :D
ValVed RaY said:
they do have very nice music

slipknot - duality
is playing now :D

why do
you keep insisting
on hitting
enter so
damn often?
Pendragon said:
On the contrary, everyone at these forums is important--everyone here increases the chances that more people will come, and everyone here contributes to the community.

yeah all the pc stuff ;)
i was refering to as im not even a mod, or admin type thing.
i push my fingers in my eyes
it's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
jesus it never ends
it works its way inside
if the pain goes
im not gonna make it
RblDiver said:

Um, they did take our property, in the form of avatars. That's fact.
If expressing legitimate concerns in a non-abrasive manner is wrong, I don't want to be right.

It's certainly not an attack against anyone's site to express anger over such a thing. It was practically theft. The least they could have done is acknowledge our work when they displayed and distributed it.

Anyways, history is written by the victors, not the aggressors. I recommend a cease-fire.

Having that stuff back wouldn't hurt though.
hahaha, my ping is bigger than yours man!
Mechagodzilla said:
Having that stuff back wouldn't hurt though.

actually, rbldiver said that andy hodges removed my gif, i checked, and it was gone. so yay for that. however some of the members there were a bit rude to me in the thread i made. but whatever, all is good :)
I don't see why anyone would want to steal that thing... I have to scroll just to get away from the damn thing in an attempt to avoid having a seizure! :flame:
RblDiver said:
Perhaps Chris. But you must admit, it was done with the intent of creating trouble (instead of going through the proper channels), plus it did degenerate into site wars.

and wait one moment. it most definitely was NOT done with the intent of creating trouble. i saw it, felt upset that my art was stolen(not appropriated, there IS a difference here) by a member there, so i made a thread here because i didn't know what to do. you came on and said i should try to ask it be removed, i did so, and i was perfectly polite. had my intention been to create trouble/insite wars between the two websites, i certainly would not have let it rest. but i did, because i honestly don't want to start problems. i do admit however, that my thread definitely did degenerate quite badly, so i apolotys for that if it was my fault.

Letters said:
I don't see why anyone would want to steal that thing... I have to scroll just to get away from the damn thing in an attempt to avoid having a seizure!

hehe you should see some of the things i've done in other animations for director mx projects ;)
Wow, they really dont like us.

Meh, I really dont like them at present so I guess its only fair. :thumbs:
Jackal, I wasn't talking about your post, it was a good one. I was talking about the other guy, whatever his name was (I have a short memory :p).
Pauly said:
Andy Hodges is 30+

and he's a pedophile.

I'm sorry but you either have to rise above it or go for a full out balls to the walls war. Right now we'r somewhere inbetween.
To be perfectly fair, none of this was deserved.

But whatever, some people need to remember this is just a Half Life 2 FANSITE. Not a country or something, and despite what Chris_D said, I must say this:

Why the song? Why?
just forget about them... you dont need to waste your times on 30 year olds with 12 year old mouths :burp: even 12 year olds have more brains then them :cheers:
Wow, I thought that it would end with the hate threads, but my god, they made a freeking "song"? How childish can you get?
HLradio and Halflifesource are run by the same people. I'm not entirely sure why the bother having 2 sites TBH, but then again logic and rationality aren't their strongest suits in the poker game of life.

A few weeks back some friction occured between us and Halflifesource and no doubt inspired some of these recent antics (naturally the planning of such a clever attempt to bismirch HL2.net took weeks to devise.....apparently :dozey:).

The long short and tall of it was that they falsified their membership statistics in order to set themselves up as (adopts Cartman voice) 'The largest Half-Life 2 game community site in the world' but when you looked into it, the figures Vs site activity didn't match up. When questioned about this, a whole host of bannings and Post deletions occured at their end. If your bothered you can read about it here.

They're lame, and they like it, good for them I say.
Kadayi Polokov said:
HLradio and Halflifesource are run by the same people. I'm not entirely sure why the bother having 2 sites TBH, but then again logic and rationality aren't their strongest suits in the poker game of life.

A few weeks back some friction occured between us and Halflifesource and no doubt inspired some of these recent antics (naturally the planning of such a clever attempt to bismirch HL2.net took weeks to devise.....apparently :dozey:).

The long short and tall of it was that they falsified their membership statistics in order to set themselves up as (adopts Cartman voice) 'The largest Half-Life 2 game community site in the world' but when you looked into it, the figures Vs site activity didn't match up. When questioned about this, a whole host of bannings and Post deletions occured at their end. If your bothered you can read about it here.

They're lame, and they like it, good for them I say.

I am not trying to argue with you here but I am a frequent member to halflifesource.com and HLR.Com and they admitted that the members number was false. They weren't trying to make themselves look no better than anyone else just a simple computer error.

How did this start? Could anyone post everything that's happened and all the links?
I spoke to Andy Hodges today, the main cause of the problem was a thread about a mod by Timmay + another thread about Jedi: Timelines(or something).

(the logs for the this convo seemed to have disappeared with a random restart, so i'm paraphrasing, if any of this is inaccurate Andy please correct me)

He thinks the level of criticism was unnessecary (sp lol) and it's showing HL2.net commenters in a bad light (i.e. always criticise, never praise)

Then he said these threads brought up other feelings people have about HL2.net, so they decided to post a couple of threads for 'fun' about HLRadio on HL2.net. Then some other people started to spam the forums with stupid posts, at which time HLRadio crew started to sing the songs about banning and the like to try and get them to stop spamming...dunno how that works but in Andy's eyes it seems to have stopped the spam (although i think bans and the lockdown may have helped a bit more)

The avatars that were 'stolen' have been deleted, and the member count is due to Andy mucking about with VB forum code to get a collabarated member count for all the forums ran by him.
The member count mystery has been solved!
Finally! and he couldn't post about it himself either :p
Murray_H said:
I spoke to Andy Hodges today, the main cause of the problem was a thread about a mod by Timmay + another thread about Jedi: Timelines(or something).

(the logs for the this convo seemed to have disappeared with a random restart, so i'm paraphrasing, if any of this is inaccurate Andy please correct me)

He thinks the level of criticism was unnessecary (sp lol) and it's showing HL2.net commenters in a bad light (i.e. always criticise, never praise)

Then he said these threads brought up other feelings people have about HL2.net, so they decided to post a couple of threads for 'fun' about HLRadio on HL2.net. Then some other people started to spam the forums with stupid posts, at which time HLRadio crew started to sing the songs about banning and the like to try and get them to stop spamming...dunno how that works but in Andy's eyes it seems to have stopped the spam (although i think bans and the lockdown may have helped a bit more)

The avatars that were 'stolen' have been deleted, and the member count is due to Andy mucking about with VB forum code to get a collabarated member count for all the forums ran by him.

About the member count, couldn't he have just come out and said that like 2 weeks ago rather than just ignorning it and deleting all mention of it on the forum?
Neutrino said:
About the member count, couldn't he have just come out and said that like 2 weeks ago rather than just ignorning it and deleting all mention of it on the forum?

To tell you the truth I don't think he quite cares but thanks for solving the mystery.
Shadowlands5325 said:
To tell you the truth I don't think he quite cares but thanks for solving the mystery.

Ya that's fine, just seemed odd that the whole thread was deleted. Oh well, it's all in the past now, we can just forget about it.
Thos idiots at hl2.net said they were going to call my isp!!! heh.. I am going to report them to google for ad fraud. they are encouraging people to click on their google adsense so they can raise money. they have done this repeatedly on irc (I have logs if anyone wants to see) and now threads are encourging it. plus they seem to be flooding people's ip addresses. anyway, you'll be seeing their google ads go down soon.
Is ad fraud even real? I worry for the members of that site, really I do.
Oh dear god I'm scared, I really am, I could lose the $30 dollars a month I get off them :E
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