Half-Life 2 praised by Microsoft


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Microsoft hails Half-Life 2 as a new benchmark for the types of games that can be delivered on the Windows platform.

Microsoft has today been heaping praise upon Half-Life 2, using Valve's upcoming first-person shooter as an example of the type of game that's now possible on the PC--thanks in no small way, of course, to the arrival of DirectX 9.0. The latest version of Microsoft's DirectX API offers developers easy access to a number of specialized hardware features that allow for improved graphics through effects such as bump-mapping, soft shadows, and different lighting techniques. -- Gamespot
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:borg: :borg: :borg:

sounds good, i dont know what it means, but sounds good.
well gabe has worked for microsoft, so no wonder ;)
I think the fact that Gabe used to play poker with Bill G makes this inevitable.
Shouldn't MS be singing it's praises for the PC version of Halo?
Very wierd.
Originally posted by BloodyL
Shouldn't MS be singing it's praises for the PC version of Halo?
Very wierd.

Halo is nothing special compared to HL2.
I don't like microsoft, they try to make me pay for there software :dozey:
Considering they paid Bungie a nice heap of cash to port it to the XBox I think they have already given Halo a good amount of praise.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
Halo is nothing special compared to HL2.

Agreed, however, MS should be trying to pimp out Halo rather than sending it's potential customers over to Valve, not that I mind that they have done this.
Guys, this could easily be the DirectX folks at Microsoft praising HL2. They could do that because it's the first game to show off some of the cool features of DX9. This wouldn't have to go through the marketing side of MS who would actually care that it might push more sales to HL2 than Halo PC.

I'm seeing this as a press release praising DX9 and how cool MS is because of it as much as it praises HL2.

PS - Acronyms are fun!
Wonder how long before MS buys Valve.... :eek:
Originally posted by Koldfire
here come the brainless bandwagon microsoft haters.
It's the very fact that we're not brainless that causes us to hate Microsoft. :bounce:
If Microsoft buy Valve I'll start my own pie gates campaign :bounce:
You people should read how Valve got started.

As for MS praising HL2, who wouldn't?! Here's one of the coolest games ever and they want their name tagged on to it.

Look - we made direct X 9. We're partly responsible for this cool thing. (Forget about us screwing you all over with the Halo debacle.) Give us money.
What is it we hate about MS?
The nice and easy OS , some decent game Age of Empires.
Just because it´s cool to like Lunix etc etc etc , dont folow the hip herd
With-out MS we'd also get tremendous amounts of incompatabilities because there'd be no standard. e.g. Windows, Linux, Mac.....

Also they do give a lot of free stuff away/support. Yeah i know they conversly charge hidious amounts for other stuff though.
Originally posted by trantjd
I'm seeing this as a press release praising DX9 and how cool MS is

Microsoft probably also appreciates the fact that HL2 is a MS-Windows-only-game.
Originally posted by SLH
With-out MS we'd also get tremendous amounts of incompatabilities...
Yeah, instead of incomptatible standards on different platforms, we have incompatible standards on a single platform. Now that's progress!

But the fact is, robust open-source platform independent standards do exist. It's just that Microsoft chooses to ignore them preferring instead to try and lock in their customer base by designing proprietary standards of limited value then breaking those standards every chance they get just to keep the competition off balance and to compel their customers to upgrade.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
It's the very fact that we're not brainless that causes us to hate Microsoft. :bounce:

Let me guess, you're using Windows? Until you switch fully to Linux or MacOS you should just stfu, hypocrit. Don't like the product, don't use it.

OT: its not suprising, MS certainly has a bond with Valve, they also delivered the API for speech in HL2. Not to mention Gabe used to work with them.
Originally posted by Mountain Man

You understand what I mean, if you hate MS products, then you shouldn't use it.

(if you're not using ms products, this isn't aimed at you)
stupid stupid stupid.... yeah microsoft is great. Well if you don't like fair competition and better products that come from it. Also you don't want to try and move in on their monopoly they seem to react badly or be in a market they want to dominate. they will crush you by any means nessesary regardless if its better for tyhe ignorant user who defends them or not. that and the many more reasons to love microsoft....

Yay for microsoft!!!!

:borg: :borg: :borg:

edit: when you use microsoft you are using stolen ideas.
microsoft is very greedy.
Reason = needs activation, no source code (equates to very buggy OS)

Although I hate windows so much, I still have to use it due to the fact that almost all games only come out on windows/mac.

oh and btw, mac sucks more than MS.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
You understand what I mean, if you hate MS products, then you shouldn't use it.
So you can't use a product and be critical of it at the same time?
Originally posted by harhar
microsoft is very greedy.
Reason = needs activation, no source code (equates to very buggy OS)

Although I hate windows so much, I still have to use it due to the fact that almost all games only come out on windows/mac.

oh and btw, mac sucks more than MS.

lol. hl-2 will require an activation code and will not contain the source code.

how does no source code = buggy program? image how ****ed up it would be if you let let a bunch of half-assed programmers start releasing crappier versions (linux, freebsd)
Whatever Mac and windows are both ok Operating systems...it just happens that one is crash prone and the other has almost 0 support from the gaming community (not to mention that it controls hardware production wich equals insane price inflation). But OS-X is definitley the most polished of the OS's.

Linux, meh, its alright but it caters too much to the DOS loving command line buffs. If you are going to make a GUI, do it all the way, don't just half-ass it ad expect people to use the terminal like second nature.
Originally posted by manny_c44
Whatever Mac and windows are both ok Operating systems...it just happens that one is crash prone and the other has almost 0 support from the gaming community (not to mention that it controls hardware production wich equals insane price inflation). But OS-X is definitley the most polished of the OS's.

Linux, meh, its alright but it caters too much to the DOS loving command line buffs. If you are going to make a GUI, do it all the way, don't just half-ass it ad expect people to use the terminal like second nature.

I bought Windows XP back in October when it came out. I can honestly say I have yet to see a BSOD, or any crash that wasnt directly my fault.

About the guy who said something about requiring activation, Its simply to ensure that you dont give your copy to your friend and so on and so on. I can't beleive people still harp on that subject. I remember when people thought M$ would come to their house and arrest them if they install illegal programs lmao.
Here we go again, stop this nonsense before it gets out of hand.
macs are for graphic designers,
windows is for programmers and gamers,
linux is for... uh... people who want another option besides mac and windows.

each have their strong points.
actually PC's are better for graphic design. When you are working with that you usially have a few different programs open and donvert between formats. Hyperthreading. plus windows has better memory manegment for faster results. :bounce: