Half-Life 2 - Pre-Load Date


I am happy cuz finally HL2 will come
maybe will last like a mont to come here to my country but anyway is coming!!!1
WiffleLess said:
come on do you all seriously think those release dates, ESPECIALLY the HL2 one will hold up?

As bad as Valve's PR is...and as many things have not gone right (with making dates)....eventually the game will be done. So eventually some date they give HAS to be correct.

It's been a year delay...they are already in, or done with, bug squashing. They are going to soon be testing CS:S (and the Source engine). Gabe said pre-loading of HL2 (parts that don't change anyway) will be not long from now.

I think it's clear the game is very close to completion. Will they make the EXACT dates? Who knows...they might miss it by a day or two or three, and I know some people will call them "liars" for every second they are late, but does it really matter at this point?

We've waited a year....another few weeks is pretty minor.
Wow thats the closest thing to a release date we have so far. Awesome news!
ukfluke said:
yeah dont buy d3 i just finished it about 30 minutes ago...boring as hell! glad i downloaded and didnt buy it :)

:LOL: doom 3 is boring as hell. nice one, my friend. ;) i'm not through it, but so far, i only can say doom 3 definitely kicks ass. it's such an intensive gaming experience, it's already worth the money. :)

and half life 2 is following. :bounce: can't wait. if valve will make their september release?! :|
Don't care about CS:S, just give me HL-2!!!!!!!!!

HL2fallout's been getting all the juicy news. Doesn't Gabe wub us anymore?
Penis........... First thing I thought of when I heard the announcment. :O
somethings going to go horribly wrong,not with hl2 being released, but with what happens after... I'm scared. after all this waiting, could it actually be real? what of the biozeminades?
CyberSh33p said:
somethings going to go horribly wrong,not with hl2 being released, but with what happens after... I'm scared. after all this waiting, could it actually be real? what of the biozeminades?
they are all mulched and packaged into energy drinks

Biozeminade... is it in you?

I hear the biozelemonade is great

Now we have to wait for the real release.

The game might already BE done. most likely is

I imagine that a game as massive as HL2 will take a while to print and ship
I hope they are just checking to see if everything is fine and dandy and fixing the odd bugs
Well it must be assumed to be done as they're beta testing the engine (in the form of CS:S). Its obviously not completely done as the beta test will bring up bugs, which will have to be fixed.

i would expect hl2 actual release date (If they make the 8/17 deadline.... WHICH I DOUBT!!!) should be released for steam preloaders about a week to week and 1/2 after 8/17...

So thats between 24th-30th

P.S. Remember, VALVe didnt state wheather these dates were 2004, they could be between 2005-2020. So don't be surprized.
ApocalypseNow said:
P.S. Remember, VALVe didnt state wheather these dates were 2004, they could be between 2005-2020. So don't be surprized.

STFU, they delayed it once and only once... bitch
Since I'm purchasing my copy of the game from a retailer, I won't be hunched over the computer on the 17th waiting patiently for the content.

But this is great news. Only one week to go for the preload, and then the release candidate.
im willing to put money on it that HL2 DOESNT pre load on that date. Seriously, anyone wanna bet?
Isn't Half-Life 2 Fallout the website created by the co-founder of this site? Anyway, it doesn't really matter so long as Valve continues to speak with the community.
Wow, you're serious. But I'll have to neglect your offer until I sleep on it. :sleep:

In the morning we'll see, unless someone else takes the bet.
Obraxis said:
Prediction (ironic):

HL2 Steam Release date: September 30th, 2004.

Retail Release Date: Within 1st 2 weeks of October.

They will have around 100,000 (or more) players testing CS:S BETA & the Source engine, finding many minor/major bugs. It will take Valve approx 3 to 4 weeks to squash these. MUCH quicker method than paying people to test their game, and much more productive.

Tho, I feel sorry for Valve's programmers...they must be working some major overtime! :borg:

Retail and steam will be released at the same time. arnt they?

The bugs they gonna find is in CS:Source and in the Source engine, not in HL2.
And i would be really suprised if they would find a major bug in Source cause there are some studios using the engine already, and they have tested there games aswell.

All Valve probebly wanna do, is see how good it works on lots of diffrent HW setups/driver setup and so on, so they know what they have to fix or include in HL2.

If I would have guess I would guess that we have HL2 in late aug or latest in early sept
A True Canadian said:
Isn't Half-Life 2 Fallout the website created by the co-founder of this site? Anyway, it doesn't really matter so long as Valve continues to speak with the community.
Nah, but the guy did used to work here. He made the original site design and some of the graphics you'll see around the place.
Sounds to me as though they've finished on the assets, and just want to be absolutely sure about the general engine status. Rock on VALVe!
I cant wait to get my hands on the GAME! if it never ships.

(my first message)
Wow! AWESOME news! 6 days and we get to start to dl hl2!
Happy to know that on the computer in front of you will be a large percentage of Half Life 2 that you simply can not get at for figuratively ages? Sounds boarderline frustrating to me, but at least it's some (k)news on an upcoming release date.

I'm curious though, seeing as how I only recently got a broadband connection and am new to steam, is there a way to tell when the download starts? Like, "Danger, Will Robinson, your hard drive is being depleted!" or, "I'm sorry Dave, I can't let you play that."
Paappa said:
I cant wait to get my hands on the GAME! if it never ships.

(my first message)

No kyllä se tulee :p

And yeah, welcome to the forums :cheers:
samo said:
No kyllä se tulee :p

And yeah, welcome to the forums :cheers:

Niin, Joskus. :D


Has anybody played that Cs:s yet?

(I apolagise my bad English)
I bet you guys are talking about how you hate America and how you want to kill everyone.... ARGGGG ;)

And no I havnt. :(
Adrien C said:
This Is F* up , I thougt we were the Best fan site.
halflife2.net got an exclusive on some brand-spankin' new screenshots a week ago. Somebody else got the scoop on the Half-Life 2 preload. Seems to me Valve is doing an admirable job spreading the wealth.
*Passes out from Shock/Happiness!*

TH@NX G@be u R0X0R!!!

HL2 Goodness sooon.......sweetttt!
Some_God said:
I bet you guys are talking about how you hate America and how you want to kill everyone.... ARGGGG ;)

And no I havnt. :(

How Did you know that?

KILL HIM hi knows too much :LOL: :p