Half-Life 2 Pre-Load - TONIGHT

So if 10:15 am in Australia what time will it be steamed, or in how many hours from the time of this post?
10 more minutes. . .

(for all the people in different time zones)
/me figures if I have to re-open steam for the pre-load banner to show, or if it will just appear outta nowhere!
Farfege said:
We will have to restart steam right?
Yeah you'll have to restart. Rather than doing that just keep an eye on the news page and I'll post the news as soon as it's updating.
If this dosent happen i don't even want to see the response on the forum :P
So how much longer left to go?

And on another topic: Do you all think that a release candidate has been submitted already?
I think the gold announcement is mere days away!
spamdog said:
And on another topic: Do you all think that a release candidate has been submitted already?
I think the gold announcement is mere days away!
you poor, poor soul :(
^Ben said:
If this dosent happen i don't even want to see the response on the forum :P

hehe I'll be avoiding here for a few days if it doesn't show ;) Might get ugly!

Here's to hoping though. I mean eventually the game will be released so they will have to upload it at some point, why not now? Good a time as any I think.
that fat mother ****er lied again, seriously,

no one respects fat people, and this mother ****er is going around lieing one date after another for about the 12th time already, that faggit still didnt give an explanation for last monday's **** up.

**** that shit, im stealing myself a ****ing copy of the key when it comes out in stores.
Whenever Valve, or more precisely Gabe, set a date for the release of HL2 material we all jump up for joy and wait for the date to come along....then nothing happens and we all bitch about how they can't be trusted with dates etc. But then when they come up with another date for the release of HL2 material we all jump up for joy again.

We've got very short-term memory spans. I, for one, have taken it for granted that any dates that they set are not going to be met. I consider myself fortunate to come home from work to find that they've actually met a deadline that they've set themselves.

Gabe said the preload will start 6:00PST and it's past that now and no preload. If those cretins can't meet a deadline for releasing HL2 preload material then how can we expect them to get the final version of HL2 out anytime soon.
OHNO! 8[

pls valve, stfu.
let us know when it's done. but until then stfu, thxnpcu :/
good find qhartb. interesting name, is it foriegn?
Qhartb said:

Erik Johnson of Valve says it'll be more like 7pm.

"We'd like to get one more hour of testing in, so we're going to do this closer to 7:00pm PST."

Erik Johnson

So Gabe says 6:00PST and this Erik Johnson fella says 7:00PST...they're part of the same firm, yet Vavle's marketing people obviously have never ever been on the same wavelength as their co-workers in Valve's other departments.

I wouldn't be surprised if, after HL2's release (whatever year that is), they bring in a consultancy firm to do some house-cleaning.
gegam said:
that fat mother ****er lied again, seriously,

no one respects fat people, and this mother ****er is going around lieing one date after another for about the 12th time already, that faggit still didnt give an explanation for last monday's **** up.

**** that shit, im stealing myself a ****ing copy of the key when it comes out in stores.
...and you know you need to get out and see the sunlight when your talking like this. Over a pre-load.
Lanton you obviously didnt think that through and Im impelled to do it for you, they planned to have it ready at 6 PM... OH NOES something went wrong/they doubted steam, so they want one more hour of testing. So, 6 PM + 1hr = what? thats right 7 PM.
no kidding.

The game hasn't been released. I am however, impatient for the preload too.
Dulrough said:
Lanton you obviously didnt think that through and Im impelled to do it for you, they planned to have it ready at 6 PM... OH NOES something went wrong/they doubted steam, so they want one more hour of testing. So, 6 PM + 1hr = what? thats right 7 PM.

So let me get this straight, Valve have been dealing with Steam for quite a while now, yet when it comes to something trivial like getting the HL2 preload out there they fluff it. They didn't adequately go about testing the preload process before setting a deadline for themselves?!
Lanton said:
So let me get this straight, Valve have been dealing with Steam for quite a while now, yet when it comes to something trivial like getting the HL2 preload out there they fluff it. They didn't adequately go about testing the preload process before setting a deadline for themselves?!
I wouldn't call it trivial.
ShadowFox said:
I wouldn't call it trivial.

There are tonnes of games producers than come out with demo's and other files for their games all year round...yet Valve cannot do something as straightforward as this without having to delay and delay it.
Preload should begin within the hour. But I'm not preloading, so whatever. :laugh:

[edit] May as well mention that it's 6:50 PST. Just so people have a reference.
Listen up people...you all attacked me yesterday for my harsh words for Gabe, but tonite just goes to prove my previous statements...Gabe was proud to state his non-truth, but sends out his water boy to patch it up.

I am quite skeptical that we will see anything tonight. I would love to be proven wrong.
B.Calhoun said:
...and you know you need to get out and see the sunlight when your talking like this. Over a pre-load.

ya your right, i spend to much time on the comp, going to vegas today BABY!, flight at 8:45.

but my argument still stands.
gegam said:
that fat mother ****er lied again, seriously,

no one respects fat people, and this mother ****er is going around lieing one date after another for about the 12th time already, that faggit still didnt give an explanation for last monday's **** up.

**** that shit, im stealing myself a ****ing copy of the key when it comes out in stores.
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